Steveowatt wrote: »Awesome might have to give one a go still a little torn between stam and mag den will have a play around me thinks
Steveowatt wrote: »Awesome might have to give one a go still a little torn between stam and mag den will have a play around me thinks
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Warden PvE DPS are somewhat lackluster in endgame PvE. From what I've heard from others and seen for myself, it's usage in endgame pve is lacking on both specs. More so for stamina warden. It doesn't offer anything the group doesn't have already from other classes or the warden healers and tanks. Healer and Tank wardens are just better at providing warden's group benefit. Additionally, a sizeable portion of it's damage comes from Deep Fissure which can miss a lot in fights with a lot of stuns, immobilises or mechanics that require moving etc. I think in actual dungeons it's still one of the lowest damaging DPS classes. despite the decent spot Magden is in when it comes to parsing.
But if you're just looking to play something because you think it's cool (for whatever reason) any DPS class in the game works for that purpose.
Don't worry about that.
Every stam class can reach 80k and it's enough to clear everything in the game.
If we speak about max potential, it's a bit lower than Stam ;Templar, Necro, Sorc.
So just play what you like and try to be good at it, that all, like said before, most of DDs player in eso are very low anyways, so it doesn't matter what you play.ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Warden PvE DPS are somewhat lackluster in endgame PvE. From what I've heard from others and seen for myself, it's usage in endgame pve is lacking on both specs. More so for stamina warden. It doesn't offer anything the group doesn't have already from other classes or the warden healers and tanks. Healer and Tank wardens are just better at providing warden's group benefit. Additionally, a sizeable portion of it's damage comes from Deep Fissure which can miss a lot in fights with a lot of stuns, immobilises or mechanics that require moving etc. I think in actual dungeons it's still one of the lowest damaging DPS classes. despite the decent spot Magden is in when it comes to parsing.
But if you're just looking to play something because you think it's cool (for whatever reason) any DPS class in the game works for that purpose.
What you speak about is : Scoring.
No one care to have every buff and class if you don't do scoring, it's not even necessary to clear vHM trial, speed run or no death.
Scoring is not end-game, it's just a little part of it.
That said, I agree, if the OP purpose is to join scoring raid run, then yeah, not the best choice.
TBH any class is good enough if you master it.
For the scoreruns it is not the best option as stamplar and necro are overperforming other stam classes atm, but like said if you habe the right gear and master your rotation you can hit 85+ with warden.
I like to play with Warden because netch gives nice sustain. The bear on the other hand can be quite annoying but like said it depends what you want todo.
TBH any class is good enough if you master it.
For the scoreruns it is not the best option as stamplar and necro are overperforming other stam classes atm, but like said if you habe the right gear and master your rotation you can hit 85+ with warden.
I like to play with Warden because netch gives nice sustain. The bear on the other hand can be quite annoying but like said it depends what you want todo.
i use the bear, but i don't have it summoned all the time. in most cases my wardens do well without the bear. just when i think it could be a bit hairy, I summon it to get a little support or that he distracts a couple of foes until I'll have time to deal with them. Otherwise, while exploring, I don't have the bear out - especially not in towns - it would be annoying for other people.
Cirantille wrote: »What they mean is that other classes can pull 1582 dps whereas warden does 1581.5
Warden and necros are capable of everything!
tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »Magicka Wardens have been buffed over the past few patches, and are in a really good spot now