you need riding stamina as well now - if the bar for horse stamina is down your mount will fall back to normal speed now. This has changed to before, where you could ride at full speed endlessly as long as you held the sprint button down.
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »Rapids. Easy to get as you literally need to earn only 1 Alliance Point to unlock the skill.
From there, learn to balance your sprint, normal riding and Rapids use.
If anything I love the change. We need more skill, in riding, not less.
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »Rapids. Easy to get as you literally need to earn only 1 Alliance Point to unlock the skill.
From there, learn to balance your sprint, normal riding and Rapids use.
If anything I love the change. We need more skill, in riding, not less.
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »Rapids. Easy to get as you literally need to earn only 1 Alliance Point to unlock the skill.
From there, learn to balance your sprint, normal riding and Rapids use.
If anything I love the change. We need more skill, in riding, not less.
My OP stated with Rapids. (Direct quote was “with the pvp skill on”). I’ve been playing since launch.
It’s not a matter of skill and in fact, I think slowing down mount speed is yet another exercise in dumbing down of skill. When mount speed was faster, you needed to balance when to use sprint and Rapids and basically play Tokyo Drift with your mount or you’d go flying off a cliff - it was fun! Now I feel like I’ve had my Corvette taken away and replaced with an old Corolla.
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »Rapids. Easy to get as you literally need to earn only 1 Alliance Point to unlock the skill.
From there, learn to balance your sprint, normal riding and Rapids use.
If anything I love the change. We need more skill, in riding, not less.
Yeah, I like it too by immersion reasons - i would prefer mounts to be a lot slower anyway - even I somewhat like the super-car feeling when riding my senche-leopard - the roar at the start is like going from cruise in 5th gear down to 3rd gear in race mode in a ferrari. That isn't immersive but fun sometimes - overall all mounts are far too fast.