class is dead as far as pvp goes and in pve there are harder hitting classes. its good as healer tho.
the only magblades u see successfull in pvp are the ones that played the class for years in pvp who could probably do way better on a sorc.
i advice u to go stamblade for now.
Thanks for the replies, will be looking forward to getting back to playing it, shame it's in such a bad place at the moment but eager to see what I can piece together with gear that I have or can pick up and what builds I can come up with to have fun in cyrodiil with, might take a look at my stamblade later down the line if I decide to stay on the game, I'd ask what changes have happened in there but that's for a different page lol, thanks again for the replies.
This strikes me as true.Metemsycosis wrote: »Other than that maybe try a gank build, a bomb build, and a stat dense build. You'll find the first is "viable" the second to be very strong in group play and the third utterly lacking relative to other mag classes in the same gear.
Well my view is that the nightblade is a ganking class, and, while I do love playing an overpowered glass cannon for the giggles of blowing up fools in a few presses i also like playing them underpowered which allows for playing it properly, getting in to finish someone off amidst a crowd and causing havoc while ranged are popping them off and concentration is on the front wall of attackers, it's a sneaky class and should be played as such in my eyes but each to their own.
I've noticed a few sets I like the look of to mix n match so will see how they pair with some of the older sets I used to mix up.
I know I've definitely got my work cut out while trying to get up-to-date on all the changes I've missed not just on magblade but every other class and game mechanics, as if it wasn't bad enough sorting through my bank and all inventories lol. Thanks for the extra advice all 👍
Well my view is that the nightblade is a ganking class, and, while I do love playing an overpowered glass cannon for the giggles of blowing up fools in a few presses i also like playing them underpowered which allows for playing it properly, getting in to finish someone off amidst a crowd and causing havoc while ranged are popping them off and concentration is on the front wall of attackers, it's a sneaky class and should be played as such in my eyes but each to their own.
I've noticed a few sets I like the look of to mix n match so will see how they pair with some of the older sets I used to mix up.
I know I've definitely got my work cut out while trying to get up-to-date on all the changes I've missed not just on magblade but every other class and game mechanics, as if it wasn't bad enough sorting through my bank and all inventories lol. Thanks for the extra advice all 👍
in that case consider switching to stam, because snipe is back.
unless I somehow missed a patch note in the fast few major updates explaining this change, this has always been the case. The key here is that you can teleport mid air (I havent used this skill since elsweyr) so long as you actively jump off with the actual jump command as opposed to running off an edge or ledge, which has historically never worked since the game is recognizing you as being in a falling state whereas with manually jumping off, you are in a jump state which as everyone knows, the game fully allows you to cast abilities mid jump, test it out in game and let me know if this has changed as I'm not able to atm nor have i bothered to log into the game in the last few weeks.This strikes me as true.Metemsycosis wrote: »Other than that maybe try a gank build, a bomb build, and a stat dense build. You'll find the first is "viable" the second to be very strong in group play and the third utterly lacking relative to other mag classes in the same gear.
Since the OP specifically asked about new sets and has been away for a couple of years: Caluurion. Not new, but tailor-made for gankblades. You may or may not want Zaan together with it, both sets from the same patch. It's not the only way to gank, but using procs has the advantage that you can spec into things like speed and stam regen, without losing that much burst, thus becoming somewhat of a brawler.
On the other hand the advantage of a stat-based build, specifically a mag-stacking one, is that shields become viable, but that's the kind of build where a magsorc or magden are IMO just flat out better. Shields will also allow you to brawl a little bit, but using them, and perhaps the shade, is a more delberate playstyle than the faster-paced, more stamina-like playstyle you get from investing into speed and stam sustain.
By the way, depending on how long you've been gone, you may remember the shade required a target. It no longer does, so that's a big boon, since you can set it up behind walls. On the other hand, you can't port back to it anymore while you're falling, e.g. jumping off a bridge, however you can do a similar effect with the Psijic Undo ultimae and that still works.
Thank you very much! I'd say you're right.exeeter702 wrote: »unless I somehow missed a patch note in the fast few major updates explaining this change, this has always been the case. The key here is that you can teleport mid air (I havent used this skill since elsweyr) so long as you actively jump off with the actual jump command as opposed to running off an edge or ledge, which has historically never worked since the game is recognizing you as being in a falling state whereas with manually jumping off, you are in a jump state which as everyone knows, the game fully allows you to cast abilities mid jump, test it out in game and let me know if this has changed as I'm not able to atm nor have i bothered to log into the game in the last few weeks.This strikes me as true.Metemsycosis wrote: »Other than that maybe try a gank build, a bomb build, and a stat dense build. You'll find the first is "viable" the second to be very strong in group play and the third utterly lacking relative to other mag classes in the same gear.
Since the OP specifically asked about new sets and has been away for a couple of years: Caluurion. Not new, but tailor-made for gankblades. You may or may not want Zaan together with it, both sets from the same patch. It's not the only way to gank, but using procs has the advantage that you can spec into things like speed and stam regen, without losing that much burst, thus becoming somewhat of a brawler.
On the other hand the advantage of a stat-based build, specifically a mag-stacking one, is that shields become viable, but that's the kind of build where a magsorc or magden are IMO just flat out better. Shields will also allow you to brawl a little bit, but using them, and perhaps the shade, is a more delberate playstyle than the faster-paced, more stamina-like playstyle you get from investing into speed and stam sustain.
By the way, depending on how long you've been gone, you may remember the shade required a target. It no longer does, so that's a big boon, since you can set it up behind walls. On the other hand, you can't port back to it anymore while you're falling, e.g. jumping off a bridge, however you can do a similar effect with the Psijic Undo ultimae and that still works.
A Cyro hardware downgrade after the last Midyear Mayhem early this year would explain a lot, but do you have concrete knowledge of that? Some people think it really went down the drain with the current patch. Some think it started earlier and on the consoles as well, which were only patched 2 weeks after PC.- Declining community interest in pvp (clearly observable in the number of pvp forums posts and number of active pvp players) resulting in hardware downgrades and neglect by designers, perpetuating itself in a vicious cycle.
A Cyro hardware downgrade after the last Midyear Mayhem early this year would explain a lot, but do you have concrete knowledge of that? Some people think it really went down the drain with the current patch. Some think it started earlier and on the consoles as well, which were only patched 2 weeks after PC.- Declining community interest in pvp (clearly observable in the number of pvp forums posts and number of active pvp players) resulting in hardware downgrades and neglect by designers, perpetuating itself in a vicious cycle.
Deathlord92 wrote: »Magblade and stamblade in a bad spot I play both but believe me when I say if you are good on the class you can still be very lethal. As some of the players here have said though what ever nb can do sadly the other classes just do better.
To many cry babies unfortunately cloak is very easily countered when you have detect pots and certain skills.Deathlord92 wrote: »Magblade and stamblade in a bad spot I play both but believe me when I say if you are good on the class you can still be very lethal. As some of the players here have said though what ever nb can do sadly the other classes just do better.
Yea it's expected for the stealthy class to get nerfed into the ground, I sat through it on wow with rogue, darkrunner in archeage, the list goes on, it's a recurring pattern lol
I actually tried running my NB yesterday as I feel most other classes feel like brawlers and very similar. I've been making rounds playing all classes up until they pissed me off with poor game performance but wanted to give it a shot. This may or may not be what others see. Just what I feel is a difference for me from other classes where I have similar sets or stats.
Spammables have been nerfed in general. Only ones that seem good are jabs/sweeps and dizzy outside of having a weapon set to buff others. Some spammables are ranged so it makes sense. What doesnt make sense is where NBs melee spammable is not up there. I think it might be close as far as scaling, but NB seems to have its damage boosts in passives using crit rather than raw damage. That's obviously hit or miss, reduced by crit resist, and even if you can somehow cloak to force crits, you're losing more in the GCD you used to crit. So not only is veiled strike weaker, dizzy tooltips do not match what I get on other character. My magblades force pulse, a ranged spammable is close to veiled strike and its ranged. Yes, you get damage bonuses from veiled strikes morphs from varrying degree, as well as teleport strike to go melee, but defense...more on defensives later.
Ultimates have cast times. Seem so very small but liability lag we have makes that unbearable for a class meant to hit quickly and disappear quickly.
Last issue that stands out to me is a weird marriage of defense and offense. Major resolve/ward is activated when using a shadow ability. That's not horrible as it means no slot used for an armor buff, but it's short to where you need an ability activated pretty often to keep it up. Add to this that there us no minor protection built in to the class but rather 2% per stack of merciless. goes up to 10% total but there's a ramp up time. I dont know about you, but in this crappy performance, it often takes me longer than 4 seconds to get it to register. By the time it's up, you need to be about done with your target. And then; when you spend the proc for the delayed burst you lose it. So you are left with cloak and shadow image to GTFO and good luck if someone has a counter. Makes the melee damage a lot riskier than other classes for little reward.
Another thing is that delayed burst is active. Other classes like my templar or Warden, I set up the burst ahead of time so while time doing an ulti -execute combo, they just go off and supplement. NB you have to manually trigger it.
Just a few things. I'd like to run NB more because it plays different but it feels handicapped with the assumption that the escape tools will work, and they do on bad players, but who needs help with bad players?
I actually tried running my NB yesterday as I feel most other classes feel like brawlers and very similar. I've been making rounds playing all classes up until they pissed me off with poor game performance but wanted to give it a shot. This may or may not be what others see. Just what I feel is a difference for me from other classes where I have similar sets or stats.
Spammables have been nerfed in general. Only ones that seem good are jabs/sweeps and dizzy outside of having a weapon set to buff others. Some spammables are ranged so it makes sense. What doesnt make sense is where NBs melee spammable is not up there. I think it might be close as far as scaling, but NB seems to have its damage boosts in passives using crit rather than raw damage. That's obviously hit or miss, reduced by crit resist, and even if you can somehow cloak to force crits, you're losing more in the GCD you used to crit. So not only is veiled strike weaker, dizzy tooltips do not match what I get on other character. My magblades force pulse, a ranged spammable is close to veiled strike and its ranged. Yes, you get damage bonuses from veiled strikes morphs from varrying degree, as well as teleport strike to go melee, but defense...more on defensives later.
Ultimates have cast times. Seem so very small but liability lag we have makes that unbearable for a class meant to hit quickly and disappear quickly.
Last issue that stands out to me is a weird marriage of defense and offense. Major resolve/ward is activated when using a shadow ability. That's not horrible as it means no slot used for an armor buff, but it's short to where you need an ability activated pretty often to keep it up. Add to this that there us no minor protection built in to the class but rather 2% per stack of merciless. goes up to 10% total but there's a ramp up time. I dont know about you, but in this crappy performance, it often takes me longer than 4 seconds to get it to register. By the time it's up, you need to be about done with your target. And then; when you spend the proc for the delayed burst you lose it. So you are left with cloak and shadow image to GTFO and good luck if someone has a counter. Makes the melee damage a lot riskier than other classes for little reward.
Another thing is that delayed burst is active. Other classes like my templar or Warden, I set up the burst ahead of time so while time doing an ulti -execute combo, they just go off and supplement. NB you have to manually trigger it.
Just a few things. I'd like to run NB more because it plays different but it feels handicapped with the assumption that the escape tools will work, and they do on bad players, but who needs help with bad players?
Yup, sounds about right. NB does have access to minor protection with dark cloak, but you have to give up shadowy disguise which isn’t worth it.
Rapid regen going on random people is a mag issue in general too. Melee is more difficult as mag because of it, I really hope they change rapid regen to a self heal.
In BGs right now all it takes is one new player who never heals themselves to kill you. You’re half health so you heal? Nope - goes on the 25% health noob who just wants to press damage buttons. It’s a big reason why it’s always stamina who go 15+ kills per game with two deaths, but mag will always die more no matter the class.
So mag being stuck with unreliable self healing + weak melee abilities means forget melee on most mag classes in general.
I actually tried running my NB yesterday as I feel most other classes feel like brawlers and very similar. I've been making rounds playing all classes up until they pissed me off with poor game performance but wanted to give it a shot. This may or may not be what others see. Just what I feel is a difference for me from other classes where I have similar sets or stats.
Spammables have been nerfed in general. Only ones that seem good are jabs/sweeps and dizzy outside of having a weapon set to buff others. Some spammables are ranged so it makes sense. What doesnt make sense is where NBs melee spammable is not up there. I think it might be close as far as scaling, but NB seems to have its damage boosts in passives using crit rather than raw damage. That's obviously hit or miss, reduced by crit resist, and even if you can somehow cloak to force crits, you're losing more in the GCD you used to crit. So not only is veiled strike weaker, dizzy tooltips do not match what I get on other character. My magblades force pulse, a ranged spammable is close to veiled strike and its ranged. Yes, you get damage bonuses from veiled strikes morphs from varrying degree, as well as teleport strike to go melee, but defense...more on defensives later.
Ultimates have cast times. Seem so very small but liability lag we have makes that unbearable for a class meant to hit quickly and disappear quickly.
Last issue that stands out to me is a weird marriage of defense and offense. Major resolve/ward is activated when using a shadow ability. That's not horrible as it means no slot used for an armor buff, but it's short to where you need an ability activated pretty often to keep it up. Add to this that there us no minor protection built in to the class but rather 2% per stack of merciless. goes up to 10% total but there's a ramp up time. I dont know about you, but in this crappy performance, it often takes me longer than 4 seconds to get it to register. By the time it's up, you need to be about done with your target. And then; when you spend the proc for the delayed burst you lose it. So you are left with cloak and shadow image to GTFO and good luck if someone has a counter. Makes the melee damage a lot riskier than other classes for little reward.
Another thing is that delayed burst is active. Other classes like my templar or Warden, I set up the burst ahead of time so while time doing an ulti -execute combo, they just go off and supplement. NB you have to manually trigger it.
Just a few things. I'd like to run NB more because it plays different but it feels handicapped with the assumption that the escape tools will work, and they do on bad players, but who needs help with bad players?
Yup, sounds about right. NB does have access to minor protection with dark cloak, but you have to give up shadowy disguise which isn’t worth it.
Rapid regen going on random people is a mag issue in general too. Melee is more difficult as mag because of it, I really hope they change rapid regen to a self heal.
In BGs right now all it takes is one new player who never heals themselves to kill you. You’re half health so you heal? Nope - goes on the 25% health noob who just wants to press damage buttons. It’s a big reason why it’s always stamina who go 15+ kills per game with two deaths, but mag will always die more no matter the class.
So mag being stuck with unreliable self healing + weak melee abilities means forget melee on most mag classes in general.
Yeah thats weird that minor protection is a choice. Others its just a given.
brandonv516 wrote: »I actually tried running my NB yesterday as I feel most other classes feel like brawlers and very similar. I've been making rounds playing all classes up until they pissed me off with poor game performance but wanted to give it a shot. This may or may not be what others see. Just what I feel is a difference for me from other classes where I have similar sets or stats.
Spammables have been nerfed in general. Only ones that seem good are jabs/sweeps and dizzy outside of having a weapon set to buff others. Some spammables are ranged so it makes sense. What doesnt make sense is where NBs melee spammable is not up there. I think it might be close as far as scaling, but NB seems to have its damage boosts in passives using crit rather than raw damage. That's obviously hit or miss, reduced by crit resist, and even if you can somehow cloak to force crits, you're losing more in the GCD you used to crit. So not only is veiled strike weaker, dizzy tooltips do not match what I get on other character. My magblades force pulse, a ranged spammable is close to veiled strike and its ranged. Yes, you get damage bonuses from veiled strikes morphs from varrying degree, as well as teleport strike to go melee, but defense...more on defensives later.
Ultimates have cast times. Seem so very small but liability lag we have makes that unbearable for a class meant to hit quickly and disappear quickly.
Last issue that stands out to me is a weird marriage of defense and offense. Major resolve/ward is activated when using a shadow ability. That's not horrible as it means no slot used for an armor buff, but it's short to where you need an ability activated pretty often to keep it up. Add to this that there us no minor protection built in to the class but rather 2% per stack of merciless. goes up to 10% total but there's a ramp up time. I dont know about you, but in this crappy performance, it often takes me longer than 4 seconds to get it to register. By the time it's up, you need to be about done with your target. And then; when you spend the proc for the delayed burst you lose it. So you are left with cloak and shadow image to GTFO and good luck if someone has a counter. Makes the melee damage a lot riskier than other classes for little reward.
Another thing is that delayed burst is active. Other classes like my templar or Warden, I set up the burst ahead of time so while time doing an ulti -execute combo, they just go off and supplement. NB you have to manually trigger it.
Just a few things. I'd like to run NB more because it plays different but it feels handicapped with the assumption that the escape tools will work, and they do on bad players, but who needs help with bad players?
Yup, sounds about right. NB does have access to minor protection with dark cloak, but you have to give up shadowy disguise which isn’t worth it.
Rapid regen going on random people is a mag issue in general too. Melee is more difficult as mag because of it, I really hope they change rapid regen to a self heal.
In BGs right now all it takes is one new player who never heals themselves to kill you. You’re half health so you heal? Nope - goes on the 25% health noob who just wants to press damage buttons. It’s a big reason why it’s always stamina who go 15+ kills per game with two deaths, but mag will always die more no matter the class.
So mag being stuck with unreliable self healing + weak melee abilities means forget melee on most mag classes in general.
Yeah thats weird that minor protection is a choice. Others its just a given.
Used to be a pretty good trade-off before they changed Dark Cloak to a heal rather than a second morph of Invisibility.
brandonv516 wrote: »I actually tried running my NB yesterday as I feel most other classes feel like brawlers and very similar. I've been making rounds playing all classes up until they pissed me off with poor game performance but wanted to give it a shot. This may or may not be what others see. Just what I feel is a difference for me from other classes where I have similar sets or stats.
Spammables have been nerfed in general. Only ones that seem good are jabs/sweeps and dizzy outside of having a weapon set to buff others. Some spammables are ranged so it makes sense. What doesnt make sense is where NBs melee spammable is not up there. I think it might be close as far as scaling, but NB seems to have its damage boosts in passives using crit rather than raw damage. That's obviously hit or miss, reduced by crit resist, and even if you can somehow cloak to force crits, you're losing more in the GCD you used to crit. So not only is veiled strike weaker, dizzy tooltips do not match what I get on other character. My magblades force pulse, a ranged spammable is close to veiled strike and its ranged. Yes, you get damage bonuses from veiled strikes morphs from varrying degree, as well as teleport strike to go melee, but defense...more on defensives later.
Ultimates have cast times. Seem so very small but liability lag we have makes that unbearable for a class meant to hit quickly and disappear quickly.
Last issue that stands out to me is a weird marriage of defense and offense. Major resolve/ward is activated when using a shadow ability. That's not horrible as it means no slot used for an armor buff, but it's short to where you need an ability activated pretty often to keep it up. Add to this that there us no minor protection built in to the class but rather 2% per stack of merciless. goes up to 10% total but there's a ramp up time. I dont know about you, but in this crappy performance, it often takes me longer than 4 seconds to get it to register. By the time it's up, you need to be about done with your target. And then; when you spend the proc for the delayed burst you lose it. So you are left with cloak and shadow image to GTFO and good luck if someone has a counter. Makes the melee damage a lot riskier than other classes for little reward.
Another thing is that delayed burst is active. Other classes like my templar or Warden, I set up the burst ahead of time so while time doing an ulti -execute combo, they just go off and supplement. NB you have to manually trigger it.
Just a few things. I'd like to run NB more because it plays different but it feels handicapped with the assumption that the escape tools will work, and they do on bad players, but who needs help with bad players?
Yup, sounds about right. NB does have access to minor protection with dark cloak, but you have to give up shadowy disguise which isn’t worth it.
Rapid regen going on random people is a mag issue in general too. Melee is more difficult as mag because of it, I really hope they change rapid regen to a self heal.
In BGs right now all it takes is one new player who never heals themselves to kill you. You’re half health so you heal? Nope - goes on the 25% health noob who just wants to press damage buttons. It’s a big reason why it’s always stamina who go 15+ kills per game with two deaths, but mag will always die more no matter the class.
So mag being stuck with unreliable self healing + weak melee abilities means forget melee on most mag classes in general.
Yeah thats weird that minor protection is a choice. Others its just a given.
Used to be a pretty good trade-off before they changed Dark Cloak to a heal rather than a second morph of Invisibility.
Really? I didn't know that. What did Dark Cloak used to do?
brandonv516 wrote: »brandonv516 wrote: »I actually tried running my NB yesterday as I feel most other classes feel like brawlers and very similar. I've been making rounds playing all classes up until they pissed me off with poor game performance but wanted to give it a shot. This may or may not be what others see. Just what I feel is a difference for me from other classes where I have similar sets or stats.
Spammables have been nerfed in general. Only ones that seem good are jabs/sweeps and dizzy outside of having a weapon set to buff others. Some spammables are ranged so it makes sense. What doesnt make sense is where NBs melee spammable is not up there. I think it might be close as far as scaling, but NB seems to have its damage boosts in passives using crit rather than raw damage. That's obviously hit or miss, reduced by crit resist, and even if you can somehow cloak to force crits, you're losing more in the GCD you used to crit. So not only is veiled strike weaker, dizzy tooltips do not match what I get on other character. My magblades force pulse, a ranged spammable is close to veiled strike and its ranged. Yes, you get damage bonuses from veiled strikes morphs from varrying degree, as well as teleport strike to go melee, but defense...more on defensives later.
Ultimates have cast times. Seem so very small but liability lag we have makes that unbearable for a class meant to hit quickly and disappear quickly.
Last issue that stands out to me is a weird marriage of defense and offense. Major resolve/ward is activated when using a shadow ability. That's not horrible as it means no slot used for an armor buff, but it's short to where you need an ability activated pretty often to keep it up. Add to this that there us no minor protection built in to the class but rather 2% per stack of merciless. goes up to 10% total but there's a ramp up time. I dont know about you, but in this crappy performance, it often takes me longer than 4 seconds to get it to register. By the time it's up, you need to be about done with your target. And then; when you spend the proc for the delayed burst you lose it. So you are left with cloak and shadow image to GTFO and good luck if someone has a counter. Makes the melee damage a lot riskier than other classes for little reward.
Another thing is that delayed burst is active. Other classes like my templar or Warden, I set up the burst ahead of time so while time doing an ulti -execute combo, they just go off and supplement. NB you have to manually trigger it.
Just a few things. I'd like to run NB more because it plays different but it feels handicapped with the assumption that the escape tools will work, and they do on bad players, but who needs help with bad players?
Yup, sounds about right. NB does have access to minor protection with dark cloak, but you have to give up shadowy disguise which isn’t worth it.
Rapid regen going on random people is a mag issue in general too. Melee is more difficult as mag because of it, I really hope they change rapid regen to a self heal.
In BGs right now all it takes is one new player who never heals themselves to kill you. You’re half health so you heal? Nope - goes on the 25% health noob who just wants to press damage buttons. It’s a big reason why it’s always stamina who go 15+ kills per game with two deaths, but mag will always die more no matter the class.
So mag being stuck with unreliable self healing + weak melee abilities means forget melee on most mag classes in general.
Yeah thats weird that minor protection is a choice. Others its just a given.
Used to be a pretty good trade-off before they changed Dark Cloak to a heal rather than a second morph of Invisibility.
Really? I didn't know that. What did Dark Cloak used to do?
First iteration was Invisibility with a purge-type effect.
Second iteration was invisibility with Minor Protection attached.
Third obviously we now have a heal.
A lot of people often say that magblade is terrible, don't get me wrong it's definitely close to bottom tier for open world for sure. But if you play the class enough and learn how to heal up, kite, when to burst etc it becomes super fun. Here is my build from Dragonhold which is also what I'm running this patch...
I also have multiple 1vX videos to back it up. Magblade honestly just takes A LOT of patience. You're gonna miss your combo roughly 80% of the time and have to reset lol.