Is people coming up to the forums and saying that the newest set of skills out right now is a huge issue plaguing this game. Seriously, the headline doesnt even change.
(Insert skill or combo here) is a huge issue plaguing this game!
Every patch with this. Always someone new using the same line.
Genuine advice: take advantage of it. If such a huge amount of people are using the strategy, learn how to counter it (get a friend to help in a controlled scenario) and you will be untouchable in pvp.
Way back when, reflective scales "was a huge issue plaguing this game" Im a magblade, i put the effort to learn how to counter it, and it stopped being an issue. But because people couldnt do that as well, dks lost their trademark ability (we've never been friends dks, but you have my support on this one)
Quit complaining about what others have, and instead start fighting for what YOU dont have. Far more productive.