PS4 - Blockcancel canceled?

Since yesterday im not able to block cancel any of my class skills. I know something got changed with the block mechanics. But im not sure if this was intendet that way or i missed this feature being mentioned.

Either way it sucks.
  • Freakin_Hytte
    It was intended, but I really hope they didn't intend for it to be so clunky and inconsistent and hopefully it will get fixed very fast. It's horrible
  • juhislihis19
    Tried it with Vigor and Cauterize yesterday real quick. Feels really, really clunky.. Not as fast as before and sometimes block cancel didn't work at all..
  • GusTheWizard
    You’re actually blocking through the animation you just can’t see the block, I tested it with the psijic shield passive and it seems I’m blocking through the skill animations.
    Edited by GusTheWizard on March 12, 2020 1:04PM
  • Zer0_CooL
    You’re actually blocking through the animation you just can’t see the block, I tested it with the psijic shield passive and it seems I’m blocking through the skill animations.

    Yes thats true but it is not canceling the animation.

    Before the update you could play: skill=> block cancel=> light atack=> skill

    And now it seems like: skill=> wait => light atack=> skill = wait

    It works with bar swap though, but thats not much of a use.

    Im not a huge expert in LA waving and animation canceling, but i noticed that while i was alone on an IC destrict boss i hardly hit any light attacks and skipped skills because i the game seemed ust too slow. Once i almost got killed when i couldnt emergency heal because i was in an animation. It also took much longer to kill the boss.

    Overall just a realy slow and clunky gameplay.
    Edited by Zer0_CooL on March 12, 2020 1:40PM
  • ZarkingFrued
    Literally makes this game feel soooooo slow and clunky. It's just not fun with this update. This went from a fairly fast and responsive game to feeling like a slowfest that you can't combo on. Daily player now hardly logging in.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Even early this morning, not a high population time EST, solo I had skill lag fighting guards at resources. It was taking 2-3 presses to get a skill to fire off in some cases. Then, things would subside and weaving/rotations would work fine. It's hard to tell whats lag induced or part of the change.

    Now I need to LA air to get off my horse in dramatic fashion, as blocking no longer dismounts you. Annoying, but not a real issue lol. I guess it's one less calculation because blocking changes your stats?
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • Zer0_CooL
    Literally makes this game feel soooooo slow and clunky. It's just not fun with this update. This went from a fairly fast and responsive game to feeling like a slowfest that you can't combo on. Daily player now hardly logging in.

    Well the good thing is the game has goten smaler, so i gan install an other game on my ps again :D
  • TheRealCherokeee3
    Xbox too. Basically anywhere a thread even barely references this I will hop in! lol. It's horrible. Regardless of Gilliam speak or programming talk, the change greatly affected performance both offensive and defensive. I'd say yes, it is canceled if your regarding meaningful reactive gameplay. It isnt canceled if you talk programmer language and are concerned about being technically accurate about a definition over experience.
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