I personally think that the amount of AOE we face in PVP is way out of hand and is a part of what makes this game extremely frustrating to play and drives a lot of players away from places like IC or Battlegrounds, especially smallscale or solo. Yes, Medium has shuffle, and there are a lot of class abilities which make dealing with AOE slightly easier or simply allow you to get away. That however leads to 2 situations:
A.) you either have to just run and never engage and purposely stay away from certain groups, if you're not tanky enough or get vastly outnumbered
B.) Attempt to focus on hit-and-run only, playstyle.
C.) you build around it, resulting in ridiculously long, disengaging fights
Look at the meta or high skill PVP gameplay. Everyone is a tank, first and foremost, because of the unbearable amounts of AOE, the ST burst alone can mostly be avoided, dodged, blocked. Most of AOE is straight up unavoidable, especially combined with stacking slow/snare/root/CC effects. A potential for actually skilled, timed, set-up kills diminishes the more we add AOEs and the more we build tanky. It makes PvP rather unsatisfying, other than getting your daily dose of dopamine from finishing a frustrating, anger-inducing fight. At least to me.
In most MMOs AoEs in PVP are usually very weak and near ineffective or useless for the damage purposes in 1v1 or up to 5v5 and even 10v10 or more, and only serve as utility of some sort - unless they are a form of class burst mechanic (like for example: Shalks - which is totally fine by me.). These AoEs are usually balanced and tuned so well so that regular, most often occuring, small scale PvP doesn't lose its skilled gameplay model, while actually becoming quite powerful in large group setting. Large groups are where the high numbers of stacked up AOEs infact do become useful. In ESO however, we're hitting this threshold already in groups of 3 and more players, and that's way out of hand.
My opinion anyways. Call me bad or call me a noob, maybe i don't understand anything. It's just how I've felt for the past + - year and a half, as AoEs have been slowly increasing in presence and strength. Also, imho, it's not really a problem of how many AoEs we can stack, rather than how most AoEs are hitting for nearly the same amount of damage as most single target abilities. They are only slightly weaker.
Edited by Nyladreas on March 9, 2020 10:58PM
Do you feel like the insane amounts of AOE are ruining skilled PVP gameplay? 142 votes
Yes, AOE should be toned down and server more as a utility.
Yes, most of AOE should be removed from PVP.
No, AOE is fine as it is.
No, AOE should be stronger in PVP