Idea for PvP faction lock: free switch but only once every 24 hours.

With Ravenwatch (NoCP) being unlocked, yet again we see players abaondon the campaign, guilds either not running or not running open groups, less zone talk, and almost no pugs. Trolls sit in one faction then switch to counter specific attacks, even before keeps flag. The PvP core community prefer faction lock, but more casual players want to play with their friends of any faction. How to solve this?

Time gating.

You aren't locked to a faction for campaign duration, but cannot switch more than once every 24 hours.

Trolls can't switch multiple times per day, especially if they're harassing a single player or guild.
You can still play on any alliance, just have to pick one for *one* day/evening.
Hopefully guilds will feel more comfortable running open groups, as their movements are less likely to be reported to enemies.

Will this stop trolling completely? No.

I'm sure this has been discussed already, but given that ZOS seems to want unlocked PvP, lets look at a compromise.
Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on March 9, 2020 5:41PM
  • Tasty
    Faction lock is dumb. It should be removed.
    Ta'sty, Tastee, Tastie, Vicodiana, Majesticals, Quakadilly Blip, and a few others.
    TY for the donation!
  • Siohwenoeht
    I was in favor of something similar when they talked about bringing the locks back.

    I think the only answer now is to have an equal number of locked an unlocked campaigns. That's the only way to put the issue to rest. Those that really dislike locks would have a choice which no-cp players currently do not.

    What I'd really prefer are to have significant account level rewards for campaign loyalty instead of locks, but locks are what zos has decided to go with.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    24hours is still too easy

    Make a token that is 5500 crowns or like 5 million gold.

    The timer should be like 1 week cool down.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    24hours is still too easy

    Make a token that is 5500 crowns or like 5 million gold.

    The timer should be like 1 week cool down.

    LOL You realize that even under faction lock you could switch once every 24 hours for 150k AP? I make twice that in a good evening.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Tasty wrote: »
    Faction lock is dumb. It should be removed.

    Found a troll.
  • AlnilamE
    OP, that's a reasonable idea.
    Tasty wrote: »
    Faction lock is dumb. It should be removed.

    You have unlocked campaigns. Go enjoy them!
    Edited by AlnilamE on March 9, 2020 6:38PM
    The Moot Councillor
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    I was in favor of something similar when they talked about bringing the locks back.

    I think the only answer now is to have an equal number of locked an unlocked campaigns. That's the only way to put the issue to rest. Those that really dislike locks would have a choice which no-cp players currently do not.

    What I'd really prefer are to have significant account level rewards for campaign loyalty instead of locks, but locks are what zos has decided to go with.

    In an ideal world an even number of locked unlocked would solve it, however there are several issues in ESO.

    1. NoCP PvP is much more difficult than CP. If you don't believe the saying "carried by your CP" just walk your CP build into NoCP one evening. NoCP is always much less populated, and if we were to split between lock and unlocked, there wouldn't be enough players online for anything to happen.

    2. Unlocked CP was always less populated than locked. I don't mind there being an unlocked campaign, but having one playstyle (CP or NoCP) only available as locked or unlocked is the issue.

    3. ZOS is also trying to roll Under 50 into NoCP. There's a lot of confusion among new players as to why they're still killed so quickly if no one has CP. Answer: your armor isn't CP160. That matters a LOT in NoCP.
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on March 9, 2020 6:48PM
  • Siohwenoeht
    I was in favor of something similar when they talked about bringing the locks back.

    I think the only answer now is to have an equal number of locked an unlocked campaigns. That's the only way to put the issue to rest. Those that really dislike locks would have a choice which no-cp players currently do not.

    What I'd really prefer are to have significant account level rewards for campaign loyalty instead of locks, but locks are what zos has decided to go with.

    In an ideal world an even number of locked unlocked would solve it, you run into 2 issues in ESO.

    1. NoCP PvP is much more difficult than CP. If you don't believe the saying "carried by your CP" just walk your CP build into NoCP one evening. NoCP is always much less populated, and if we were to split between lock and unlocked, there wouldn't be enough players online for anything to happen.

    2. Unlocked CP was always less populated than locked. I don't mind there being an unlocked campaign, but having one playstyle (CP or NoCP) only available as locked or unlocked is the issue.

    3. ZOS is also trying to roll Under 50 into NoCP. There's a lot of confusion among new players as to why they're still killed so quickly if no one has CP. Answer: your armor isn't CP160. That matters a LOT in NoCP.

    I haven't noticed that big of a difference from CP to no CP. In fact I take the same toon to both without changing anything. The only difference I have to adjust for is Regen in no cp. I do believe CP isn't as big a crutch as people make it out to be. You can build a strong character at low CP but it needs to be deep theory crafting and not some copied internet build.

    No matter the population, there needs to be a choice if locks stay in place, full stop. Zos needs to fix performance for those that have issues to bring the population back up.

    I was not aware that they were wanting to merge under 50 into regular no CP. To me that is an incredibly wrong headed idea and I hope it doesn't happen. Under 50 already has trouble with twinking re-rollers, putting it all together would just give new players another reason not to PVP at all.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • idk
    Tasty wrote: »
    Faction lock is dumb. It should be removed.

    I agree with this. Zos' reason for bringing back faction locks was players asked for it. If Zos felt there were true exploitations with a no lock campaign they would have all campaigns locked.
  • Rikumaru
    I was in favor of something similar when they talked about bringing the locks back.

    I think the only answer now is to have an equal number of locked an unlocked campaigns. That's the only way to put the issue to rest. Those that really dislike locks would have a choice which no-cp players currently do not.

    What I'd really prefer are to have significant account level rewards for campaign loyalty instead of locks, but locks are what zos has decided to go with.

    In an ideal world an even number of locked unlocked would solve it, however there are several issues in ESO.

    1. NoCP PvP is much more difficult than CP. If you don't believe the saying "carried by your CP" just walk your CP build into NoCP one evening. NoCP is always much less populated, and if we were to split between lock and unlocked, there wouldn't be enough players online for anything to happen.

    2. Unlocked CP was always less populated than locked. I don't mind there being an unlocked campaign, but having one playstyle (CP or NoCP) only available as locked or unlocked is the issue.

    3. ZOS is also trying to roll Under 50 into NoCP. There's a lot of confusion among new players as to why they're still killed so quickly if no one has CP. Answer: your armor isn't CP160. That matters a LOT in NoCP.

    Unlocked CP is only less populated because of the fact it's listed last. No-CP currently in EU is super full constantly and it's a locked campaign.

    With your suggestion though, I wouldn't mind much about being able to play 1 faction a day, as long as I'm able to reasonably play with friends from all factions and all my characters.

    Though I question how that's going to work exactly, would it be that you would have to stop playing for 24 hours? If so that could be problematic. If it's just a daily warning as you enter a campaign past a set time per day which would lock your character when you join that alliance, that sounds perfectly fine.
    Overload rework. Power Overload now does physical damage and grants you the power of a tornado: You throw a brick at the target with a light attack, and you hammer your head into that brick with every heavy attack. We have decreased its Ultimate cost, but increased the chance that you get stuck in the animation.
  • Gilvoth
    no thank you.
    faction lock servers and unlocked servers are doing whats needed.
    game fine as it is.
  • JAwtunes
    Tasty wrote: »
    Faction lock is dumb. It should be removed.

    What he said.
  • TheFM
    With Ravenwatch (NoCP) being unlocked, yet again we see players abaondon the campaign, guilds either not running or not running open groups, less zone talk, and almost no pugs. Trolls sit in one faction then switch to counter specific attacks, even before keeps flag. The PvP core community prefer faction lock, but more casual players want to play with their friends of any faction. How to solve this?

    Time gating.

    You aren't locked to a faction for campaign duration, but cannot switch more than once every 24 hours.

    Trolls can't switch multiple times per day, especially if they're harassing a single player or guild.
    You can still play on any alliance, just have to pick one for *one* day/evening.
    Hopefully guilds will feel more comfortable running open groups, as their movements are less likely to be reported to enemies.

    Will this stop trolling completely? No.

    I'm sure this has been discussed already, but given that ZOS seems to want unlocked PvP, lets look at a compromise.

    Agree 💯, it's a compromise that benefits both sides
  • Beardimus
    Offer a choice, after 6 months remove the least popular.

    I.e. if they did that now unlocked CP would be gone.

    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Katahdin
    Suggestion has been brought up before.

    I also disagree with a 24 hour ability to switch. It would undermine the purpose of the faction lock in the first place. Even if it was 7 or 14 days, people would just switch to the winning faction for the "better" rewards.

    You should be able to switch for free at the end of the campaign only not during it at all, period.

    Pick a side and stick with it for the entire campaign.

    Edited by Katahdin on March 9, 2020 9:23PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • ShawnLaRock
    Is there an achievement for being Emp in all 3 factions at the same time? If so... I’m in.

  • Royaji
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Suggestion has been brought up before.

    I also disagree with a 24 hour ability to switch. It would undermine the purpose of the faction lock in the first place. Even if it was 7 or 14 days, people would just switch to the winning faction for the "better" rewards.

    You should be able to switch for free at the end of the campaign only not during it at all, period.

    Pick a side and stick with it for the entire campaign.

    You do understand its essentially the same with 30-day lock too? After the first campaign you can switch to the faction that won last time and be on the winning alliance for a long time.

    The only thing that will end your streak is resident insomniac group switching to nightcap for another alliance. And in this case you just switch one campaign later to follow them once again.
    Edited by Royaji on March 10, 2020 1:04AM
  • Mr_Walker
    Tasty wrote: »
    Faction lock is dumb. It should be removed.

    Found a troll.

    Everyone who disagrees with me is a troll....
  • Katahdin
    Royaji wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Suggestion has been brought up before.

    I also disagree with a 24 hour ability to switch. It would undermine the purpose of the faction lock in the first place. Even if it was 7 or 14 days, people would just switch to the winning faction for the "better" rewards.

    You should be able to switch for free at the end of the campaign only not during it at all, period.

    Pick a side and stick with it for the entire campaign.

    You do understand its essentially the same with 30-day lock too? After the first campaign you can switch to the faction that won last time and be on the winning alliance for a long time.

    The only thing that will end your streak is resident insomniac group switching to nightcap for another alliance. And in this case you just switch one campaign later to follow them once again.

    Yes I realize that. Its already happened on PCNA.

    However, I have no problem with people switching at the END of a campaign and start a new one in another faction.

    Switching in the middle of the campaign is like playing for the Yankees then in the middle of the 6th inning switching to the Red Socks. Play the whole game on your chosen team. Start a new game you can choose a new team.

    Faction locks didnt change who won most of the time. Before faction locks the same faction won most of the time anyway because people bandwagoned there even without the locks. The hoppers just made the scores seem more even but it was just "fake news".
    Edited by Katahdin on March 10, 2020 4:09AM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Qbiken
    Who even cares about the scores anyway? The rewards are garbage (can unironically farm more purple jewellery to deconstruct by doing PvE) and the outcome of the campaign is decided who can PvDoor during the off hours.......

    And how sensitive and fragile do you have to be to get triggered by some random clown trolling in zone chat (not talking about harassment because that's something completely different than trolling)?

    I hate faction locks because it severely limits how I can play (nocp preference), and since the score board is a joke and Cyrodil never being anything close to competitive PvP, I couldn't care less about faction pride.

    However, IF zos made changes that actually properly rewarded faction loyalty (and not some garbage box with purple jewellery), stopped rewarding PvDoor and capping the map during off hours (aka stop rewarding people for taking empty keeps and reward them for actually PvP-ing) I might be able to get behind the faction lock idea.
  • thatESOdude
    Meanwhile, halfway thru primetime Locked CP campaign is not even full while noCP unlocked is pop locked throughout...

    So yeah im sure "people leaving the campaign here and there" XD

  • Van_Winkle
    Is this a joke? You guys already have unlocked campaign. Many of you says, that unlocked campaigns is much more popular than locked ones, but yet you say that people do not play in them. Please, stop telling to entire community how it must play this game.
  • Mayrael
    Meanwhile, halfway thru primetime Locked CP campaign is not even full while noCP unlocked is pop locked throughout...

    So yeah im sure "people leaving the campaign here and there" XD

    And noCP was also most populated when it was locked. Hmm maybe its the noCP part most important because there is no other option? Hmmm...? Lies won't help you.
    Edited by Mayrael on March 10, 2020 8:11AM
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • thatESOdude
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Meanwhile, halfway thru primetime Locked CP campaign is not even full while noCP unlocked is pop locked throughout...

    So yeah im sure "people leaving the campaign here and there" XD

    And noCP was also most populated when it was locked. Hmm maybe its the noCP part most important because there is no other option? Hmmm...? Lies won't help you.

    LOL suuuuure. I dont know if you are in NA, but PC EU the CP one was always the one to get the first 2-3 bars and pop lock first and also the last one to die down into single bars...

    So unless you are in other servers/platforms, i think you are making things up :D
  • Mayrael
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Meanwhile, halfway thru primetime Locked CP campaign is not even full while noCP unlocked is pop locked throughout...

    So yeah im sure "people leaving the campaign here and there" XD

    And noCP was also most populated when it was locked. Hmm maybe its the noCP part most important because there is no other option? Hmmm...? Lies won't help you.

    LOL suuuuure. I dont know if you are in NA, but PC EU the CP one was always the one to get the first 2-3 bars and pop lock first and also the last one to die down into single bars...

    So unless you are in other servers/platforms, i think you are making things up :D

    That's what I said, I think you have no idea what we are talking about. PC EU noCP was most populated both WITH faction lock and WITHOUT faction lock, thus it's not the faction lock who determines its popularity.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • mague
    In an ideal world an even number of locked unlocked would solve it, however there are several issues in ESO.

    In an ideal world certain players would not have one account each faction. There would be no payed carries to skin or emp. Everyone would be a regular player paying his sub. There would be no emp with 15 million AP while those who work the faction stuff maybe get 3 million.

    All would be game and fairness and not a bad copy of a goblin tribe.
  • Miswar
    You have option to play unlocked campaigns. Thus no need for this or normal troll whining.

    If there is not enough people at unlocked campaigns than maybe its indication that your opinion is minority.

    As for the campaign lcoked campaigns. Those should remain as it is. Make pvp much more less toxic.
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