Hi there!
After all the time I spent in ESO i decided to join Alliance war because I was curious how hard it is to get the Emperor. I am not any good pvp player. I just watched and respected better than myself while in the warzone and after 10 days of fighting I managed to learn from them and did it. I did not have full build. I died many times and I killed many. It was really exhausting because I did not join the campaign from the start and I had players ahead of me. I had to drop all PVE to achieve this. So if you don't have like group of people to back you up and you join later than first day it will be hard to catch up. 90% time I was in 2 people group. Also sometimes had to defend castle from 5+ players alone. This was really cool. So I would just like to point out my general thoughts about Cyrodill from my eyes in 2020. I became top 1 from all 3 alliances (on scoreboard as I said already i'm not top1 pvp player though I know a bit about fighting). I attach 2 images of the scoreboard and from some screenshots I taken while playing. Augustus, imperial, templar the Emperor. I was dethroned after almost 14 hours by a group of around 20 players.

-many sets, builds to choose from
-ability to become the Emperor and wield his powers! You get former Emperor title forever even after you lose emperor. Emperor regalia outfit forever.
-ability to achieve Emperor slayer achievement and many others
-possibility to play with many people and lead them to battle if they want to join you
-great battles with many players in the fields of Cyrodill in prime time
- a lot of space to fight. Most of the time it is not used but in prime time fields of Cyrodill have a lot of players and a lot of it's area is being used for group fights.
- I like the idea of 1 super huge pvp field rather than batlegrounds with catching ball etc. but everyone likes what he likes so I won't say bg's are bad
- CASTLE SIEGE! Balistas, trebuchets, catapults. That is totally what I was looking for. I like also siege weapons mechanics. They work well.
- CASTLE DEFENSE! Flaming oils and as above. Ability to repair castle after won battle. If you do it smart you can defend from many and you don't even have to have the best gear in the game!
- a lot of things in the area you can use to your advantage if you fight hard enemy like magicka sorcerers with melee character (trees, walls etc.)
- I like the idea of Forts and 3 factions. If you want to keep emperor for longer than an hour you have to use the field wisely or you lose all quick. It becomes more like strategic game which I also like.
- General design of Cyrodill is fine apart from few bugs. The worst was game crash every 20 min but you already fixed that.
-Rage, jeleaous, haters, big mouthed people. They come to campaign and they never do anything for their faction but when it is time to say something insulting on the chat they always use zone chat. They only talk but in the end you won't find them at any fort siege or defense. They simply sit there to destroy your mood. I think you could use few days chatblock for those guys for this behaviour so they would just leave that zone as they are not helping in any way at all and their existence there would lose purpose with inability to spread hate on zone chat.
-People that pm you with swears after dying at duel. I think some people don't understand it is a warzone. When normal person dies he get's up and keep fighting. Those guys don't. There is nothing wrong in pming your enemy if you say to him his better and ask for hist gear. If you pm with namecalling and swears with rage because you lost it is totally wrong.
-People that think Cyrodill is a quest or RP zone. I have nothing against RP or questing but don't send butthurt pm's everytime someone kills you in the BIGEST PVP ZONE in ESO game. Maybe some kind of informing campaign what Cyrodill is for those guys?
-General lack of respect in community. That is something you get from your home I believe. Respect to other people and respect and learn from better than yourself. For example yesterday I saw some guy logged DC just to swear in zone chat at Fengrush. This guy and Alcast helped hundreds of people for free with builds and videos. How stupid you have to be to namecall them just to get attention. Again you will never see those guys at any objective, helping your faction in defense or siege nor scoreboard. You will always see them on chat with their big mouths. Then they log off. Their point is being toxic and destroy the fun for others. P.S. I'm not Fengrush fan.
-Hacks. I have big respect while losing to better player than myself. I get really annoyed when I die to sorcs spamming magic crystal every 0,1 second. (I know how their skills work. I play sorc too. I know other skills can make magic crystal shoot instant. They don't use any other skill just spam crystal with autoskil hack without animation) They login only while prime time to hide in huge pvp groups so you can not really make good video of them. Only death report but it is not really showing you much. I also met lag hack. Had group of 4 members from different country and 1 player lagged us so we could not make any actions against him. It happens only when you are close to that guy. You move away from him and lag is gone.
-Mouse macro. People that have mouse which you can program to use skills for you with very high efficient rotation of skills so you can just run,jump and roll dodge. I would just like to know if it is legal. Why I need to stress out to constantly buff myself out and choose attacking rotation when I could jest get a mouse which do that for me? That is not a real negative because you can still win sometimes. I would just like to know if it is legal?
-People abusing scoreboard. I saw a group of people focus on Drakelowe keep one day. They just stood there and kept recaping without a fight between 2 factions for points while I had to take part in almost every fight or resource/fort siege/defense on the map to get same or even less points than them. It was like 10-15 players total. I saw that only once though.
-Most of people don't know how to use siege weapons, where to buy them, what they are for and don't know about their existence. That is not really your fault though. Those who wanted to know this just learned.
-Crazy tank builds in CP. I have nothing against a good tank but I dont like hitting a guy with lots of health, physical and magical resistances regen and huge weapon damage that can 2 shot you. Also tons of resources.That should not be possible.
-People very rarely joining castles defense. Most of the time just run in for free ap tick after you do most of the job and keep is already defended. If you are losing most of the time they won't bother. Maybe they simply don't know they get bigger tick if they fight in that defense?
-Addons that show you what skills enemy will use against you ~0,5 sec before you do. Now it is hard to see who's really skilled with high reflex and who's just a potato using an addon to roll dodge. In my own personal opinion this addon is not good. I also heard you can use addon to see where enemy is in the castle without scouting. For example if his on flags or at the gate.
I think that kills most of the fight because they don't have to check just run blindly inside the keep and try to kill you.
So in general I am very satisfied with Cyrodill war. It gives a lot of fun and possibilities. Please don't come to idea with changing the zone to PVE sometime. It is one of the things that make this game better than other MMOS. Huge pvp field where you have many possibilities.
P.S. 2 Generally I think it is very good everyone can do whatever they want on this map. It is not good to open your big mouth on zone chat when you did nothing for the campaign and you only talk talk talk. I just learned not to respond to those people after yesterday. There is something wrong in their head.
This is the first time I used this forums in 2 years playtime.
Big respect to Baba Yaga from AD. I killed him only 1 time and I needed emperor powers for it. That guy is a stone!
Probably forgot a few things.