Have you ever tried to pug VMOL ?
Most organized groups can't get past the twins on normal the first time
Have you ever tried to pug VMOL ?
Most organized groups can't get past the twins on normal the first time
i haven't but the reason I suggested that in order to que for it you would already need to have the vet vmol achiement. I realize people do pay for the achievement but it would still give an overall solid basis for a group (and obviously nobody has to use it).
Agenericname wrote: »
Donny_Vito wrote: »Have you ever tried to pug VMOL ?
Most organized groups can't get past the twins on normal the first time
i haven't but the reason I suggested that in order to que for it you would already need to have the vet vmol achiement. I realize people do pay for the achievement but it would still give an overall solid basis for a group (and obviously nobody has to use it).
So you're saying that you'd only be able to queue for X vet Trial/Arena once you have the achievement given for beating that Trial/Arena on vet?
Maybe its me, maybe its the guilds I chose, maybe its the times I play, maybe its the time commitment (or lack of) I can commit, but I have a life and i'm sure like many people, can't schedule my life around playing a game. I like this game very much and while some of the guilds i'm in schedule regular events and such, i'm not about to adjust my life in order to make those things. Dungeons are nice because I can log on and que up for them if I want to do them. Is it unreasonable to have the ability to do that for arenas and trials? Can't they just set higher limitations on them? Ie. set CP requirement for them and for Vet versions maybe have the need to have the achievement in order to que up for them? Obviouisly it still wouldn't be perfect but overall would give a fair basis (and you still have the ability to boot people if they weren't effective/paid for their achivement). Anyways, I know the ability to que for these has been suggested before, but I don't think I have seen an acievement requirement be suggested to que for vet trials/arenas.
Donny_Vito wrote: »Have you ever tried to pug VMOL ?
Most organized groups can't get past the twins on normal the first time
i haven't but the reason I suggested that in order to que for it you would already need to have the vet vmol achiement. I realize people do pay for the achievement but it would still give an overall solid basis for a group (and obviously nobody has to use it).
So you're saying that you'd only be able to queue for X vet Trial/Arena once you have the achievement given for beating that Trial/Arena on vet?
yes, that is what i was suggesting
Donny_Vito wrote: »Have you ever tried to pug VMOL ?
Most organized groups can't get past the twins on normal the first time
i haven't but the reason I suggested that in order to que for it you would already need to have the vet vmol achiement. I realize people do pay for the achievement but it would still give an overall solid basis for a group (and obviously nobody has to use it).
So you're saying that you'd only be able to queue for X vet Trial/Arena once you have the achievement given for beating that Trial/Arena on vet?
yes, that is what i was suggesting
And how does a person go about getting the achievement in vet if they can't queue for vet?
Agenericname wrote: »
again in order to que for vBRP you would need have the vet BRP achievement. Yes, obviously people can get carried on that too, but with only a 4 man group it would be easy enough to see and boot the person.
DarkShadowFax wrote: »You can be max CP and still drop dead the moment a mob looks at you funny. You can also be max CP and hit like a wet noodle. At the same time, I've seen low-CP people hilariously outdps and outsurvive max CP players. Having a CP requirement as one of the only checkpoints for a trial finder is neither fair to qualified low-CP players nor to actual qualified players who then have to deal with a clueless monkey in their group.
In a time where skin and achievement carries are being advertised in just about every zone, just merely having the achievement will not suffice either. I have recently healed a trial with someone who had a fancy DLC trial skin which they very evidently got carried through. I might as well have solo healed that trial.
Typically, the more advanced a trial becomes, the more pre-trial planning happens between group members. Who is assigned xyz roles, who wears what sets, who does callouts. In a dungeon finder you already have issues convincing people to join some sort of voice comms for vDLC HMs, let alone trying to convince 11 other people to get on voice for a trial.
I'm sorry, but outside of vet Crags doing any other vet trials with a trial finder is just asking for a shitshow.
thomasadinkerke wrote: »
Max CP is generally a sign of skill and long playtime but there are still people who are high cp who only farm skyreach and do vet trials or there are low cp people who do tons of trials but almost no activities next to that so they'll be doing tons of trials and stay lower end cp.
Have you ever tried to pug VMOL ?
Most organized groups can't get past the twins on normal the first time
i haven't but the reason I suggested that in order to que for it you would already need to have the vet vmol achiement. I realize people do pay for the achievement but it would still give an overall solid basis for a group (and obviously nobody has to use it).
Have you ever tried to pug VMOL ?
Most organized groups can't get past the twins on normal the first time
Maybe its me, maybe its the guilds I chose, maybe its the times I play, maybe its the time commitment (or lack of) I can commit, but I have a life and i'm sure like many people, can't schedule my life around playing a game. I like this game very much and while some of the guilds i'm in schedule regular events and such, i'm not about to adjust my life in order to make those things. Dungeons are nice because I can log on and que up for them if I want to do them. Is it unreasonable to have the ability to do that for arenas and trials? Can't they just set higher limitations on them? Ie. set CP requirement for them and for Vet versions maybe have the need to have the achievement in order to que up for them? Obviouisly it still wouldn't be perfect but overall would give a fair basis (and you still have the ability to boot people if they weren't effective/paid for their achivement). Anyways, I know the ability to que for these has been suggested before, but I don't think I have seen an acievement requirement be suggested to que for vet trials/arenas.
Donny_Vito wrote: »Have you ever tried to pug VMOL ?
Most organized groups can't get past the twins on normal the first time
i haven't but the reason I suggested that in order to que for it you would already need to have the vet vmol achiement. I realize people do pay for the achievement but it would still give an overall solid basis for a group (and obviously nobody has to use it).
So you're saying that you'd only be able to queue for X vet Trial/Arena once you have the achievement given for beating that Trial/Arena on vet?
yes, that is what i was suggesting
And how does a person go about getting the achievement in vet if they can't queue for vet?