Groupfinder still bugging out with infinite 0 second ready check

When the notification comes up it is already at 0 second and the game gets stuck on that, nothing helps but relogin.

@ZOS_GinaBruno Like the know issues on uptade 25, can we have a known issues on groupfinder please, I'm pretty sure there are more other as well

  • Fingolfinn01
    iam getting this bug when i queue with another person. A queue of two.
  • Sky-Piercer
    I am getting the same issue as well when I queue together with my gf. (Xbox NA)
    Been getting same issue for weeks. Queuing alone or in a full group is fine, but doesn't work when group of 2.
  • arun_rajputb16_ESO
    Yup, I'm experiencing this issue too.

    When group finder was first released, it didn't work so they removed it for a while. They brought it back and it's never worked properly and reliably. Isn't it time to scrap the code, look how other games do it and start again?
  • james_738pub18_ESO
    I've been having the same issue. Very annoying. I can enter maybe 1/4 of ques that pop up. Have to logout to get myself out of the bug. Can't imagine queing as a DPS with this bug.
  • MagicPie
    I solo queue and i am getting this all the time.....please fix this :(
  • Solace1981
    Sorry man, I reposted everything I could find a few days ago. Think it was 5 separate posts, bumped them 2 days in row, no acknowledgment. They don't care.
  • rustle911
    Yup, I'm experiencing this issue too.

    When group finder was first released, it didn't work so they removed it for a while. They brought it back and it's never worked properly and reliably. Isn't it time to scrap the code, look how other games do it and start again?

    They already did scrap it and start over. That’s how we got the group finder we have now that was re-launched with update 24 and dragonhold. Supposedly rebuilt from the ground up because of all the issues with the old group finder.
  • luizpaulom17
    OMFG!!! LIke really??? I mean, they had a whole patch inteded to fix that lol! They rewrote the whole thing from the ground and now you guys are reporting the same issues I had when Elsweyr was launched lol

    Aint no surprises for how bad performance can get in this game lol!
  • furiouslog
    Had this issue queuing yesterday with groups of 4 and 3.
  • LegendaryArcher
    Same. Happens most often when you queue with 2 players. It also usually happens to one of the two players. One is still queued, while the other one gets stuck in an infinite, 0-seconds ready check.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates
  • virtus753
    This has happened to me four times in as many days — three times with a group of two and once with a group of three. In the case of the group of two, the other player in group with me never saw a notification anywhere and was still “queued” rather than in the “ready check” phase while I was trying to figure out how to accept or decline from my notifications menu. (Neither worked.) In the group of three at least two of us got the 00 seconds notification/bugged ready check.

    When it happens the notification reads: “Your is ready.” (There is nothing like “normal dungeon” or “veteran dungeon” written between “Your” and “is,” just two spaces.)

    It seems to require at least disbanding but sometimes even relogging.
  • drfirepants
    Seems like a working group finder should be the most basic functionality they could implement but yet it's basically useless without any acknowledgement about any incoming fixes.
  • Kingpindragon
    Happened to me twice today. Rough waiting on a queue to break, then having to wait again.
  • rynezuzi
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BillE @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_AntonioP

    How about a response on this bug? Would be great to know what ZOS is doing about this.
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