This is a really nice skill but i feel it lacks having major fortitude on it. Major fortitude for the most part is a nice buff but it's something i feel a lot of us in pvp get from potions anyway and the small health per 2s unless you're building into health regen isn't really worth it.
I propose this second stat is changed from major fortitude to a small heal over time. something we can use while on the defensive. Issue i find with the mag dk is sure we have embers and its a powerful heal but as a solo / small scale player it's hard to keep the uptime while being smacked around and on the defensive. I feel having this small HoT on coagulating would alleviate some pressure and allow back some offensive uptime instead of being forced to LoS and turtle. Coag costs a lot for what it does and this is my opinion on proposed change to the skill for PvP use.
Tyrion septim. Stam DK
Agneyastra. Mag DK
Evil Buu. Mag Sorc
Super Evil Buu. Stam Sorc
Carmala Jabspammer. Magplar
Get some help. Stamplar
Plebby Longstockings. Stamblade
Nightbot. Magblade
Unslaad Krosis. Magden
Dirty lich. Magcro