lets be honest here. you constantly promise us again and again that yoou'll fix the game, yet you never deliver on your promises, things if anything only seem to get worse. so here's some advise for all of you. instead of wasting your time on these live streams of yours, and patting your selves on the back cos you're such good community managers, actually put that time into fixing the problems we're plagued by. since update 25, I've noticed a lot of people say that their crash times have grown a lot worse, and tha's certainly not what you promiseed us, I'm on ps4, and after trying to reach cyrodill for the 4th time, yet again the entire game crashes, stop putting time into these live streams, and put that time into dealing with these problems. this post has probablly been censored, because they dont like what they see, but lets be honest, I'm sure a lot of grow sick of this same old 'we'll fix it with thenext update' yet they never dam blood do,