So my block list has grown quite a bit because of these people. There the ones that go city to city, posting a wall of text that they are buying all sorts of crafting items on the spot and offering an insultingly low about of gold for them. Had one tonight offering to buy chromium platings for 20k each among everything else he was buying for stupid low prices. Does anybody ever actually send these people things? And why is this allowed via the eso rules. Why can they post the same wall of text for hours on end just by jumping from city to city. I'm sitting there having a guild conversation or group conversation in the chat and three of these idiots come in at the same time and each post a wall of text, interrupting the conversation I'm having for this garbage. So again, does anybody ever actually send these people anything? And if not can we start requesting the admin do something about this. It's already well past old and annoying.