Spamming scammers

So my block list has grown quite a bit because of these people. There the ones that go city to city, posting a wall of text that they are buying all sorts of crafting items on the spot and offering an insultingly low about of gold for them. Had one tonight offering to buy chromium platings for 20k each among everything else he was buying for stupid low prices. Does anybody ever actually send these people things? And why is this allowed via the eso rules. Why can they post the same wall of text for hours on end just by jumping from city to city. I'm sitting there having a guild conversation or group conversation in the chat and three of these idiots come in at the same time and each post a wall of text, interrupting the conversation I'm having for this garbage. So again, does anybody ever actually send these people anything? And if not can we start requesting the admin do something about this. It's already well past old and annoying.
  • Chaos2088
    Just ignore it and move on.....if someone wants to give these people gold, then harsh lesson learnt.
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • Synaki
    Daranigan wrote: »
    . So again, does anybody ever actually send these people anything?
    Sure. I used to send them things before I joined trade guilds and I am sure other players not in trade guilds send them stuff too.
    Edited by Synaki on February 29, 2020 10:41AM
  • bmnoble
    I usually call them out whenever they ask for stupidly low prices, providing TTC and MM info in chat right after their wall of text, usually results in them either changing their prices or leaving the zone to go somewhere else.

    Only takes a few people falling for their prices for them to make a large profit on the guild traders, all you can do is ignore them or call them out up to you which.

    Provided its one wall of text per zone I don't tend to worry too much about it more often than not they will be asking for things at the TTC rate but when someone keeps spamming the same wall of text over and over in the same zone so it keeps appearing in chat, that is when I will report for spamming if I can be bothered, really depends if I am in the zone long enough to see it happening.
  • Tandor
    Best decision ever when I installed the game in 2014 and disabled zone chat and yells.
  • Protossyder
    how about you use the tab creation tool provided by the game and put guild/group/zone/etc. chats into different channels? And if it still annoys you, you can simply tell them to "stfu" in the zonechat...
    Characters worth mentioning:
    Daedrós - Magicka DK - Altmer - PvE & PvP - Emperor - IR - GH - TTT
    Dragybor - Stamblade - Redguard - PvE (first char)
    Yondaime Raikage - Stamsorc - Redguard - PvP
    Zerg Overmind - Magblade - Altmer - PvE - GH
    Yenari - Magsorc - Altmer - PvE - Flawless Conqueror
    Devoured-his-siblings - DK Tank - Argonian - PvE - Unchained
    Valkyrja Valhalla - StamDK - Redguard - PvE
    Hyperion der Obere - Magplar - Altmer - PvE
    Affa al'Dschinni - Stamplar - Orc - PvP
    Enjoys-the-slaughter - Templar Healer - Argonian - PvE
    Hades Adamastos - Stamcro - Orc - PvE
    Khaba the Cruel - Magsorc- Altmer - PvP
    Hekate Ourania - Magcro - Atlmer - PvE - TTT
    Arenas: vDSA (~46k) - vMA (~586k)
    Trials: vAA hm - vHRC hm - vSO hm - vMoL hm (~161k) - vHoF hm (~218k) - vAS+2 (~114k) - vCR+3 - vSS hm - vKA hm

    PC - EU
  • thissocalledflower
    Truly, you can create a tab just for guild chat that excludes zone chat and problem solved.
    After careful consideration (and oh! so much deliberation) we have concluded that you circumstance sounds too much like a l2p issue for it to be just a mere coincidence.
  • preevious
    Well, that's a though one.

    It boils down on the prices asked, in the end.

    I used to offer to buy at lower price than market price, in zone chat (reasonably lower, mind you)

    My reasonning was this :

    I was happy to make a little profit (like, 5-6k on an expensive motif, 10-12k on an ethereal dust). The seller was happy to be able to sell quickly and easily without having the hassle of joining a guild or posting in chat. I was providing some kind of service.

    However, I was upfront about market price and told them I'd make a profit in guild store. The vast majority found that only natural.

    But yeah .. 20k for a chromium plating is just evil.
  • Daranigan
    preevious wrote: »
    Well, that's a though one.

    It boils down on the prices asked, in the end.

    I used to offer to buy at lower price than market price, in zone chat (reasonably lower, mind you)

    My reasonning was this :

    I was happy to make a little profit (like, 5-6k on an expensive motif, 10-12k on an ethereal dust). The seller was happy to be able to sell quickly and easily without having the hassle of joining a guild or posting in chat. I was providing some kind of service.

    However, I was upfront about market price and told them I'd make a profit in guild store. The vast majority found that only natural.

    But yeah .. 20k for a chromium plating is just evil.

    See this I understand. I can even get behind this as long as there is a level of honesty to it. But this concept is scarce. Most of the people doing this are buying for scam level prices and the wall of text they use for it is nothing more than a annoying spam post. I see it every time I'm in a public zone.
  • Squidgaurd
    bro im so pissed rn i would totally be down fro trolling some scammers just to take it out on some people.
  • idk
    I rarely find anything people say in Zone chat worth my time. With the trolls and pointless comments filling up that chat there is very little that is worth keeping Zone turn on full time. With 5 guilds and a friend list, I just turn Zone off.
  • xXMeowMeowXx
    send them a potato :)
  • JamieAubrey
    I always have the same guy advertising his guild when I log in, ALWAYS when I log in, I dunno who he is but somehow knows when I log in lol
  • Nord_Raseri
    Truly, you can create a tab just for guild chat that excludes zone chat and problem solved.
    On ps4 it's either all chat on or all chat off
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • Daranigan
    Truly, you can create a tab just for guild chat that excludes zone chat and problem solved.

    Please explain how I do this on PS4.
  • Daranigan
    how about you use the tab creation tool provided by the game and put guild/group/zone/etc. chats into different channels? And if it still annoys you, you can simply tell them to "stfu" in the zonechat...

    Explain how I find this tool and perform this action on PS4. Not everyone is a PC player.
  • Twenty0zTsunami
    I always have the same guy advertising his guild when I log in, ALWAYS when I log in, I dunno who he is but somehow knows when I log in lol

    idk about ESO but WOW had addons that would automatically send PMs to players in your zone that didn't have a guild tag.
  • ApostateHobo
    On ps4 it's either all chat on or all chat off

    Was going to say this, not everyone is on PC y'all. These guys get super annoying. If it's not the ones buying stuff for absurd prices, it's people linking 30 items in a row that they're trying to sell.
  • idk
    On ps4 it's either all chat on or all chat off

    This is something that you need to request. I rarely have Zone chat turned on. When I used to have it on I felt I lost brain cells when I noticed some of the things said in Zone.
  • Kittytravel
    bmnoble wrote: »
    I usually call them out whenever they ask for stupidly low prices, providing TTC and MM info in chat right after their wall of text, usually results in them either changing their prices or leaving the zone to go somewhere else.

    THIS. If you can do this do it I can't tell you how many newer players have whispered me asking "How did you get that info?" and I direct them to TTC so they can stop getting scammed. It's completely worth it to just shut these people out by exposing them for what they are rather than just blocking them, and half the time outing them causes them to vanish from chat for a bit. ATT, MM, TTC whatever you want to use to let people know that they are getting cheated out.
  • Kadoin
    "Scammers" lol...
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