Enemoriana wrote: »And again some people with sick head spam interrupting mementos. Repeatedly, only on me. Now two of them. Is it contagious?
Has there been an ayleid home yet? I don't remember.
During the first year of luxury vendor, three Ayleid Constellation Steles were added.
People were not impressed, since they were just different variants of three such steles already available as achievement furnishings. But, well, at least they were different. And with their addition, you had 6 of them to fiddle aroung with.
On the second year, three more were added. Thus you could have 9 of them. I bought the 6 luxury steles during last years rotation, and also bought the three that are available as achievement furnishings in Rivenspire. I set them up in one of my homes and used place holders for the missign three, thinking that next year I'd get the full set and have my calendar done and finished.
Now... now that the third year has rolled by, you add ONE new Ayleid Constellation Stele.
The Serpent.
The one that does not have its own month.
WHAT THE *** ZOS!?!?!
Why the hell did you decide to go with the Serpent instead of the three missing "normal" ones?
Another full year of waiting just to to finish a furnishing project?
You could've easily just released all 4 this week. The three that were expected, and then tossed out the Serpent one as a cool bonus. You could've made your player base actually happy for once. But no. Once again you decided to be stingy and artificially drag things out. And now we have to wait yet another frigging YEAR to get the missing ones for a calendar?
And two whole years for this weeks slot to have something new, instead of just more steles? Holy ***! Just no!! That is the biggest rub here. It's gonna be 2022 before we see something actually new in this weeks slot. I mean, spreading these steles out over three years was bonkers enough, you should've just released the whole set on year one. But no.... That would've been sensible. And now it's gonna take 4 years? That is just way too slow pace for this sort of stuff. Whole new games are developed in that sort of time frame!
And on that note, you better add the three missing ones as a lot next year, and not stretch this nonsense out any further. If you are thinking about adding the last three on a 1 per year basis, just stop that thought immediately, resing, go home, and never work in the gaming industry again.
Yeah... Just no. There's just no *** way I am gonna be hanging around waiting for a whole new year for those steles. I got better things to do than log on to face the daily stream of dissapointment and frustration that is ESO.
This game has so much potential, but it is buried under heaps of mismanagement and bad design choices. You literally are killing it.
I really need a break from this BS.
If you own Earthtear Cavern, they fit perfectly into the blank squares in the floors.
Has there been an ayleid home yet? I don't remember.
I would love to have a home version of The Nexus in Murkmire! Ayleid stonework suspended in space, with instant portals to the different levels. I would buy that in a heartbeat!
Also, did anyone else notice that the cracks in the steles are all identical? You'd think they could at least turn some of them 90, 180, or 270 degrees to give the illusion that they weren't all cut and pasted from one rendering. I get that art is hard work and all, but why not attempt to hide your shortcuts a bit?
Haven't really found anywhere to use these, yet, but they are nice.
The Serpent is a great addition.
Has there been an ayleid home yet? I don't remember.
Yeah, they tend to do that a lot...
Also, would be nice to have a left/right option, so (in this case) you could have a pair of the same tiles, one facing one way and one facing the other.
Haven't really found anywhere to use these, yet, but they are nice.
The Serpent is a great addition.
Haven't really found anywhere to use these, yet, but they are nice.
The Serpent is a great addition.
BenevolentBowd wrote: »
I copied something I heard in a housing stream. They used the tiles to label the mundus stones in their guild hall. They are easier to see and are more familiar than just the constellation markings on the mundus.