"No Stamina recovery [FIX IN 2.3.5]
This is a bug and should be fixed in next week’s incremental patch. It’s worth noting this is a UI issue, and isn’t actually affecting your stamina recovery."
This is not just a UI issue. My UI doesn't stop me from being able to get stamina back when it's depleted. In other words I cannot use abilities that cost Stamina. Moreover I cannot dodge roll or Sneak, or Sprint.
Bar Swapping is not fixing the issue. This is forcing me to log out of game, that is when I am not crashing (Cyrodiil). This bug is happening in Battlegrounds, in Cyrodiil and in carebear land. If your "fix" is based around UI and tool-tips, you might want to reexamine the whole thing because this is game-breaking for me.
"No Stamina recovery [FIX IN 2.3.5]
This is a bug and should be fixed in next week’s incremental patch. It’s worth noting this is a UI issue, and isn’t actually affecting your stamina recovery."
This is not just a UI issue. My UI doesn't stop me from being able to get stamina back when it's depleted. In other words I cannot use abilities that cost Stamina. Moreover I cannot dodge roll or Sneak, or Sprint.
Bar Swapping is not fixing the issue. This is forcing me to log out of game, that is when I am not crashing (Cyrodiil). This bug is happening in Battlegrounds, in Cyrodiil and in carebear land. If your "fix" is based around UI and tool-tips, you might want to reexamine the whole thing because this is game-breaking for me.
this ^
"No Stamina recovery [FIX IN 2.3.5]
This is a bug and should be fixed in next week’s incremental patch. It’s worth noting this is a UI issue, and isn’t actually affecting your stamina recovery."
This is not just a UI issue. My UI doesn't stop me from being able to get stamina back when it's depleted. In other words I cannot use abilities that cost Stamina. Moreover I cannot dodge roll or Sneak, or Sprint.
Bar Swapping is not fixing the issue. This is forcing me to log out of game, that is when I am not crashing (Cyrodiil). This bug is happening in Battlegrounds, in Cyrodiil and in carebear land. If your "fix" is based around UI and tool-tips, you might want to reexamine the whole thing because this is game-breaking for me.
this ^
Not just in stamina. Had it happen on my magblade earlier too, fighting in front of alessia, had to run away cuz i had 0 magicka.
drkfrontiers wrote: »My weapons are not hitting at all like they supposed to either. Something is seriously not working as intended. I have Perfected gold weapons and it took me literally 3 mins to wear down a resource guard...
Fur_like_snow wrote: »They messed around with block to much this patch not surprised at all to see a resource bug. Smh
pma_pacifier wrote: »based on the behavior, dev's thought that its UI bug lol.
On 0 stam recovery with 0 stamina, you gain back all your stamina when you switch bars. This means that the servers are keeping track on your current stamina or something the moment you bar swap. However, if you aren't bar swapping, the client still tracks 0 recovery and you will not be able to cast anything.
Bar swapping is NOT a fix. It merely prompts the server or whatever it is to update to your correct stamina. Hence you have to swap back and forth.
I'm now a useless stamdk.
pma_pacifier wrote: »based on the behavior, dev's thought that its UI bug lol.
On 0 stam recovery with 0 stamina, you gain back all your stamina when you switch bars. This means that the servers are keeping track on your current stamina or something the moment you bar swap. However, if you aren't bar swapping, the client still tracks 0 recovery and you will not be able to cast anything.
Bar swapping is NOT a fix. It merely prompts the server or whatever it is to update to your correct stamina. Hence you have to swap back and forth.
I'm now a useless stamdk.