I made some significant changes to how ESO runs and either that or Update 25 has resulted in a significant reduction in FPS.
The major change I made was that I moved the ESO install from my HDD to a SSD. The SSD is the same drive that contains Windows 10 and has about 110 GB free after ESO was installed. I assumed this would be either an improvement to game performance or, at worst, neutral. But while the change has happily reduced my load screen times (was at 2-3 min to load into Rimmen, now 20 seconds...love it) I've also seen reduction in FPS.
In general, I used to see 80-100 fps in towns and when solo. I would see it go as low as 60 FPS in big PVE fights or really crowded areas in towns. Now, I'm seeing FPS hovering at 60 most of the time and as low as 25 in towns. The most notable drop was Craglorn. Just farming resources, I've typically been at 80 FPS but last night I was never above 50 and spent a lot of time below 25.
I know U25 promised an increase in FPS so I can only assume that moving ESO to my SSD had something to do with this major performance hit. Or U25 did the exact opposite of what it was advertised to do -- which wouldn't surprise me a bit given ZOS' track record.
Is the SSD the problem? Is there anything I can do to get back those lost FPS? They were there two days ago!