What I'm actually looking for :
- Going for a DPS and will play mostly solo similar DPS, Necro has more AOE
- I don't mind using pets Sorc up to two permanent pets; Necro summons 1 for a 2 seconds but more of an attack than a pet, 1 for 15ish?, and solo may use another 15ish?
- I'm not really into having to bring 34 AOE attack before every fight don't quite understand, but Sorc's AOE ground DoT isn't really useful; maybe that a benefit if interpreting correctly
- I would prefer to be quite mobile and be able to move my character while playing like going backward while mobs are coming toward me dodging or something Sorc has major expedition on resist skill for solo play; can use streak as a non-meta soloer; Necro has zero mobility in class
- Visual and audio feedback are very important to me, I wan't to see some big colorfull stuff happening with some WOSHHHHH sound everywhere so I can feel big and strong Sorc's Crystal Frag proc fits the audio cue best; Necro sound effects are quieter but more colors with greens/blues
- Again, not looking for the most poweful class, but don't want to be trash tier either, but fun is better than a boring but powerfull class. ST equal for the most part; Necro stronger in AOE and group utility[/i]
- BONUS : is Necro blastbone finally fixed or what ? login and find out; it's supposed to be more reliable though everyone feels differently on this; you can try the skill in 5minutes on a new character
Other notes:
Rotation: many find sorc quite easy; Necro isn't super hard, but it depends if you like the Necro/Warden style rotation which is casting a blastbone every two or three skills.
Necro has the corpse mini-game. Some find it wonky; some enjoy it; some don't care and just play it.
Hello all, returning player here, haven't played since a while so I would like to start a new character to get a fresh start.
I don't really want to spend time trying a bunch of different classe, since I already have an idea of what kind of playstyle I like I through I would just ask to the experts. Please forgive my english, it's not my native language.
I'll mostly play PVE, I'll do some PVP from time to time, but mostly for fun, i'm NOT looking to be the best player and spend hours and hours doing new build and trying to get the best DPS I can, just looking for the class that would suit me the most, still, I don't want to play with a very bad character and feel like I'm not doing anything while playing with a group.
I'm torn between a Magsorc and a Magcro, but I heard that Magcro are like... very bad, Stamcro on the otherhand seems to be one of the top class for now, but I'm not into Stamina, I find the melee combat with DW/2H boring as hell and would prefer to use a staff, so I'd prefer a magicka class to stay at range.
Because i'm not en expert, I'm open to other suggestions of course !
What I'm actually looking for :
- Going for a DPS and will play mostly solo
- As I said, something quite ranged with a staff would be what suit me most, as I found melee weapon fighting in this game really boring and lacking feedback, just my opinion through
- I don't mind using pets
- I'm not really into having to bring 34 AOE attack before every fight
- I would prefer to be quite mobile and be able to move my character while playing like going backward while mobs are coming toward me dodging or something
- Visual and audio feedback are very important to me, I wan't to see some big colorfull stuff happening with some WOSHHHHH sound everywhere so I can feel big and strong
- I'll mostly play solo or with one or two friends, not going competitive at all, and 9/10 of my playtime will be PVE / Donjon and a little bit of Trials
- Again, not looking for the most poweful class, but don't want to be trash tier either, but fun is better than a boring but powerfull class.
- BONUS : is Necro blastbone finally fixed or what ?
Thansk in advance for any reply !
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »They dont use whip any longer for PVE DPS, so you can keep your distance far better than you used to. You still need to be able to land burning embers and talons, but especially with Elf Bane (meta DK set) they have very long duration.
Arjuna1696 wrote: »I'm loving my Mag Warden! Valkyn Skoria monster helm will definitely get you the "whoosh" sound from a meteor hitting the ground, which happens roughly every 6-7 seconds. The Winter's Revenge AOE looks and sounds great, shalks exploding feel impactful, and Bird of Prey gives you mobility + an awesome wings animation. I know that's neither class you mentioned, but I bet it'd check most of your boxes!
Arjuna1696 wrote: »I'm loving my Mag Warden! Valkyn Skoria monster helm will definitely get you the "whoosh" sound from a meteor hitting the ground, which happens roughly every 6-7 seconds. The Winter's Revenge AOE looks and sounds great, shalks exploding feel impactful, and Bird of Prey gives you mobility + an awesome wings animation. I know that's neither class you mentioned, but I bet it'd check most of your boxes!
Magden maybe fun to play but its trash.
Go with sorc or necro, you'll get more deeps.
I play both.
Magcro has more options, in my opinion. You can tank, heal, reasonably dos, or go stamina. It is no nearly as easy to play as Sorc. A LOT slower, worse sustain, worse damage, worse CC. But it has better mitigation and the ultimates are more fun.
Magsorc still has great burst, great healing, good CC, OK ultimates, and fantastic mobility and good defense. My main problem with sorc is that the "meta" builds use old, boring sets. It is essentially the same build as 4 years ago. On the plus side, super easy to gear a sorc.
Magtemplar beats both, IMO.