Well, it would have been good to know that one needs a bit more than 60GB free extra space during the first download.
The Uninvited wrote: »Well, it would have been good to know that one needs a bit more than 60GB free extra space during the first download.
Please note that you will require two times the amount of space to complete the install. If you experience any space issues, you may want to delete your current install or free up additional space on your hard drive.
Right there in the FAQ: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/49628/~/update-25-patching-overhaul-faq---elder-scrolls-online
The Uninvited wrote: »Well, it would have been good to know that one needs a bit more than 60GB free extra space during the first download.
Please note that you will require two times the amount of space to complete the install. If you experience any space issues, you may want to delete your current install or free up additional space on your hard drive.
Right there in the FAQ: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/49628/~/update-25-patching-overhaul-faq---elder-scrolls-online
So, if you're short of space, DO uninstall then reinstall? Despite everyone saying not to do that in this thread?
Anyone wonder why there's so much confusion?