dcam86b14_ESO wrote: »Curious where all then pvp players from Kaal are going for new update .
I suspect pop will start in no locked and will migrate toward locked as the pugs fall for "anti spy" ideology. 1vxers will follow shortly after.
Soul_Demon wrote: »
Well, to be honest everyone will follow. There is no such thing as 'anti spy ideology' there is only swappers who tend to be toxic and will be so rather quickly or those who constantly troll others of their own factions for fun. We can never really be rid of them- but locked mitigates them quite a bit.
All play-styles other than playing the map relies on "others" to generate the fights they want to selectively engage in. Its really simple really....those who play the game as intended move around the map from objective to objective- all others sit and wait to either jump stragglers or they try to take something and 'induce' players to try and take that thing back (usually a resource) and both of those only work if someone in on the campaign who cares about winning the camp. Farmers, gankers and 1vx'ers all need those playing the map- because if it were to be just those three on a map there would not be fights generated at all....none. Consequently those players will seek out those playing the map on the locked no matter what you do.
I don’t mind any of those 3 groups: farmers, gankers or 1vXers. Some people just want to be able to play all their characters in one campaign, and will go to unlocked to try and make it work.
It might work right for a bit until some troll runs a scroll on an alt to their friend’s faction. Then there’ll be a mass exodus.
Soul_Demon wrote: »
Totally agree with you....Personally I think they add a bit of 'flavor' the play for sure. I think they will all be on best behaviors for a bit....but about two weeks into the camp I expect the toxicity will start to creep out and there will be a shift either due to that or just because they finally realize the play-style they chose relies on others actually playing the map as it was intended for it to work and they find themselves struggling to find gameplay.
I don't have a horse in this race and didn't support the introduction of locked factions, but this is just a salty narrative. It's an inconceivable narrative that says more about those who express it than those they are dismissive of. Most players may go with the flow, and that's determined by the collective core of AvA players.Alienoutlaw wrote: »Gray host, but i suspect it will be the 1st thing on the list as a lot of players seem to struggle scrolling any further