My groups can never get past the the part in vBRP with the netches. The last group thought that AOEs caused the netches to attack you. Is that true? What's the best way to clear this part?
Also don't forget there are two types of netches. The damage from getting hit by the poison aoe ones needs to be avoided at all cost or purged.
The lightning ones attack back if you damage them, so your DDs need to fiddle around with their setup to find a sweet spot with how much AOE they can get away with. Also place the AOEs efficiently. Look at their movement patterns and find a spot you're comfortable standing in -- the more you get used to that same spot, the easier it'll be to get used to the netch pattern there and avoid them when they come.
They also stop and attack if you step in their AOE, but that's just a matter of moving out of the way.
Indeed they essentially counter attack. Things to control for Netches:
PETS I unslot any pets on stage 2 and usually 4 unless healing on a Sorc; they need to be constantly actively control them. Keep them off the netches or you will likely die.
Larger radius AOE's: must be careful with ground DoTs. Careful using Mystic Orb. Only ran once on stamsorc; not sure if Hurricain protects or harms... Tanks choice of positioning comes into play; as your group gains experience you will position better to use AOE's and have a better sense of when not to use them. In the beginning I'd be more conservative with AOE DoTs.