I've noticed a lot of different stamina DPS sets out there that are very useful in PvE content that have a nice big juicy Weapon Crit bonus as their 5-piece set. While all of these sets do synergise well with raid buffs, it's starting to lose some creativity in my opinion. Out of these sets you've got Advancing Yokeda at the very top (total crit bonus-wise) with a stacking bonus of 2k crit bonus as the 5-piece. Following that you have the latest and greatest Dragonguard Elite set which is very useful, but only in VERY SPECIFIC situations. Following that you have the flat crit bonus set, which is great to use if you don't have a vMA bow or Master bow on your backbar, which is your Leviathan set from Crypt of Hearts. At the bottom of this list is Tzogvin's Warband, with a measly 1290 crit bonus as the five piece, but with a boost of minor force (doesn't stack with things like the barbed trap skill and channeled acceleration skill though) to make up for that low number. What i'm seeing here when I look at all these crit options is a lack of creativity for the group PvE side of things for sets.
It would be awesome to have a stacking weapon damage bonus set that's useful on the front bar for PvE DPS. Now obviously there's Warrior's Fury, but that is more of a PvP set / solo tank set since it relies off of taking damage to get those stacks, rather than dealing damage. I also am aware of New Moon Acolyte being a potential set to use here, but this set is less useful compared to what I am proposing because that nice big juicy weapon damage bonus falls off as soon as you swap to your back bar. What I would like to see is something along the lines of this:
2-piece: 1096 max stamina
3-piece: 833 weapon critical
4-piece: 833 weapon critical
5-piece: When you deal direct damage, gain a stack of (some buff name) for 6 seconds, increasing your weapon damage by 100. This can stack up to 5 times.
It's essentially an Advancing Yokeda but for weapon damage. It would be cool if there was a perfected version of this set you could get as well, maybe with a weapon damage bonus as the extra stat line.
Now I know what you're thinking: BUT WHAT ABOUT PVP BALANCE?? That's why I chose a total weapon damage bonus of 500, since it's pretty much in line with the meta weapon/spell damage bonuses you'll see out of commonly used pvp sets (NMA being 498, Fury being 600). If it ends up being too strong in a PvP environment, you could potentially increase the time it takes to build up to 500 weapon damage (say for example having 10 stacks of 50 weapon damage instead of 5 stacks of 100 weapon damage) to encourage PvPers to go for more immediate weapon damage set combos, like for example running NMA on your front bar, so that when you're ready to burst down your target you quickly swap to your front bar and dunk them with your combo, as opposed to swapping to your front bar to build up weapon damage THEN dunking.
I do however think that the 6 second buff uptime is imperative, and should not be touched, as lots of DPS rotations sit right in that sweet spot of having the uptime for 6 seconds when they're on their backbar.