I find it highly aggravating when you're trying to farm for a specific gear set and you try to tell those in your group what you're looking for, and at the end of the dungeon one person acknowledges you if they found any pieces while the rest just leave group without even saying anything. Now you can tell me well why not group with friends? Friends are not always available when you need them, and putting g off your gear farm just for said friends to be available to help out isn't also an option. I wish there was some type of loot table so you can see what everyone got for drops for each boss. And if they decide not to pick it up and it's the piece you need then you can grab it.
I find it highly aggravating when you're trying to farm for a specific gear set and you try to tell those in your group what you're looking for, and at the end of the dungeon one person acknowledges you if they found any pieces while the rest just leave group without even saying anything. Now you can tell me well why not group with friends? Friends are not always available when you need them, and putting g off your gear farm just for said friends to be available to help out isn't also an option. I wish there was some type of loot table so you can see what everyone got for drops for each boss. And if they decide not to pick it up and it's the piece you need then you can grab it.
Hapexamendios wrote: »Try farming trial gear.
I find it highly aggravating when you're trying to farm for a specific gear set and you try to tell those in your group what you're looking for, and at the end of the dungeon one person acknowledges you if they found any pieces while the rest just leave group without even saying anything.
Hapexamendios wrote: »Try farming trial gear.
Donny_Vito wrote: »If you ask at the beginning and NOT the end, then I think that's more on you. I often forget after 20-30 minute dungeon what was said at the very beginning. It's a great idea to remind people RIGHT before the final boss.
xXMeowMeowXx wrote: »Then offer gold if the item is that important to your build.
Peeps are not obligated in anyway to give up their drops or make room just because you want something.
Even if there was a loot table showing you what everyone got, no one has to give a random anything.
Now friends would help with farming
Myself if someone asks nicely and I have the room to pick up the set pieces np’.
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »Here's what I do. I link all my loot.
I then send a message saying exactly what I won't be giving away... For free that is.
Here's the blunt truth. If it isn't in your inventory, it is not yours. You have no automatic right to that item. Ask nicely, and see what the owner (who isn't you) says. If they say no, then offering gold is fine. They may still say no. Again, until the item is in your inventory, you get no say in its fate.
Surprisingly, (though it really shouldn't be surprising), my honesty with players actually works in my favour, in the long run. And everyone else's too.
Being nice gets you far in life.