Magicka tanking really needs to have its own dedicated skill line just like stamina tanking does. Alteration is a defensive school of magic and staves from this school can serve as the "tanking staff" - it's honestly surprising that this wasn't an option at release. This change would allow frost staves to exist as a DPS option for magicka players while still honoring the ice theme:
Tri-Focus: Fully-charged Frost Staff Heavy Attacks decrease an enemy's Spell Resistance by 1320 for 10 seconds.
Ancient Knowledge: Equipping a Frost Staff increases your spell critical by 7%.
Alteration Staff Solution:
The idea behind these changes is that frost damage should make enemies more susceptible to damage, similar to how extended exposure to the cold lowers a person's ability to stay healthy by wearing them down. Leaving Minor Maim on the Chilled status is honestly fine as it also plays on the theme of weakening enemies. The critical buff on the staff reflects the harsher damage a person suffers as they wither away in the cold. Lastly, making heavy attacks lower the resistance by a specified number instead of using something like Minor Breach allows the two debuffs to coexist without hurting either player's DPS. In short, Ice staves provide an upfront chance at higher damage and reward heavy attacks with enhanced damage to subsequent attacks.
Edited by Vercingetorix on February 19, 2020 7:06PM “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”