Ok, patch day so time for another useless but maybe informative post about who knows what. Stamcros, seem to be top dogs still when it come to stam dps in pve but I gotta ask...why? Is it based solely on the Ulti? Is that thing that ridiculously strong that its pushing the class up that much? ANd if so, then what if you took it away, would Stamnecros still be the badass that they seem/claim to be? Ya gotta wonder.
I would love to play one, just cuz its a different playstyle and all but its still clunky as (to me). Has anyone played them on pts with the changes and if so is the game play more fluid? Or is it that pretty much
any Stam class can just equip Wrecking Blow and be big guns in the room? Again just looking at Esologs (someone has to ZOS put a lot of effort into that tool) your top Stam all seem to using wrecking blow spam as the go to, with the exception of Stamplars, jabs is just...damn.

So yea, pull the Ulti and then who is Big Kahuna?