RaddlemanNumber7 wrote: »Meh. The new motifs are all starting to look the same.
To me, this looks like whoever used to design armor (and costumes!!) are currently working on TESVI or Starfield or something else. Its so samey. It literally looks like they build an armor set by taking other armor sets and making an outfit. Now I'm not sure what they can do really. There's only so far you can go in a game like this and maybe that point has been reached. If the word vampire wasn't attached to this I'd have no idea it was named that. How to do that I've no idea. But this is boring and might as well not exist. Its just uninteresting to me and I'm sorry someone has taken the time to make it to get that response from someone. Maybe the problem is vampire armor just has never really existed in these games (that I'm aware) but with armor like Daedric... I was expecting more vampire here.
Hope there will be, at least, good costumes or polymorph, but problem with them that they can not be customized like motifs.Nemesis7884 wrote: »
ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »
Just slap a bat emblem on it. Boom. Problem solved!
Nemesis7884 wrote: »eh...honestly it looks still quite generic and not enough different... i like the skyrim armor better... but i like a lot of the skyrim designs better.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Why would a Vampire have a motif style anyway? or is their an official uniform all Vampires must wear now? it was stupid enough in Skyrim and lorewise makes absolutely zero sense.
Might as well paint a target on your forehead and hold a sign saying I am a Vampire which certainly is not legal.
Thevampirenight wrote: »Also stumbled across what I think might be the Ravenwatch motif or attire. The woman on the right who I suspect might be Gwendis is wearing a unique outfit style.
So I do think we will seeing a Ravenwatch Motif just my theory.
Looks very nice, but I'm not sure it screams "Vampire Lord". Someone above said it looks more Thalmor and I agree with that.
And when will they give us a motif without dirty great big hip armour or inconceivably long dangling parts around your..... well, around your dangling parts!?
Yeah I know....... rhetorical question.
Thevampirenight wrote: »
Actually I think it looks like it does because of the vampire lord. Which has similar gold contrasts to it.
Even the same hip flap has the a similar symbol.
I am breaking in a new pair of glasses but even so, I can't see any resemblance between the picture you posted and the concept art of the new motif style. Maybe I'm missing something !!
Interesting fact, they used exact same armor design in cinematic trailer.
So abilities and overall look of the vampires seems will match trailer too. I think there will be bat swarm gap closer.
As for motif design, again, it don't look vampiric. It looks more like uniform for some kind of group or organization, like thieves guild or thalmor. It will fit, if in Greymoor chapter someone will gather organaized army of vampires, but i want more "regular" motif, something between clothes and armor, like this: Hope there will be, at least, good costumes or polymorph, but problem with them that they can not be customized like motifs.
kaisernick wrote: »
In the trailer he has no lower skirt in what is clearly the light armor.
I really hope there is a jerkin of the light one that is closer to the trailer armor as THAT i love.