Dro'Zakar Does Not Proc On Growing Swarm Bleed Damage

Dro'Zakar is not offering a weapon damage increase from Growing Swarm OR Growing Swarm Morph description is incorrect.

Growing Swarm's base skill description DOES NOT SAY it is a Bleed Damage. However, when MORPHING to Growing Swarm the "New Effect" description clearly states the skill is Bleed Damage.

To reproduced the bug:
  1. Stam Warden in Dro'Zakar set facing a target skeleton.
  2. Hit skeleton with Growing Swarm. Observe the "bug" effect is on the skeleton.
  3. Look at Weapon Damage on Character screen and observe NO CHANGE in Weapon Damage.
  4. Fire 2 Cutting Dive Birds at skeleton and observe the "bird" effect is on the Skeleton. (The 1st Bird induces Off Balance, the 2nd Bird imparts one Bleed.)
  5. Look at Weapon Damage on Character screen and observe Weapon Damage has in fact increased correctly.
  6. Dro'Zagar correctly recognizes the Cutting Dive bleed but fails to recognize the Growing Swarm bleed.

  • BrokenGameMechanics
    Would appreciate some quick response from ZOS on this one way or the other as to whether the bug is in Growing Swarm description (description is incorrect, it is not a bleed), Growing Swarm impl (not implemented as a "bleed"), or with DroZagar (not proc'ing on the Growing Swarm bleed tics).

    Please a simple 1 line response is all I'm looking for, thanks in advance.
    Edited by BrokenGameMechanics on February 26, 2020 2:06AM
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Has there been any indication that this bug has been fixed?

    Dro'Zakar would actually be a useful set if it counted both of the Warden's bleeds for its bonus!
  • YandereGirlfriend
    I anecdotally observe that Growing Swarm does indeed provide the Weapon Damage bonus.

    • Un-equip all items save for Dro'Zakar 5-piece on jewelry and 2 armor pieces
    • Light attack Iron Atronach with fists for 2821 non-Critical damage
    • Cast Growing Swarm and fist attacks now do 2932 non-Critical damage (an increase of 111 damage)
    • Compare to when Cliff Racer bleed is active, which yields fist attacks of 2932 non-Critical damage
    • Results are the same during the Off-Balance period, with both bleeds doing 3116 non-Critical damage

    For posterity's sake, the Weapon Damage bonus is not reflected on your vanilla stat sheet. This is so, I would imagine, because the damage is handled more like a debuff for the target than a direct buff for the player. In this way, it is like Elemental Succession or Spell Strategist (though those at least have visual tells to indicate that it is working, something that Dro'Zakar would greatly benefit from as well).
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