I have been to all of the popular zones and asked in zone chat, and, asked for guild invites and spoken to all the guilds (that i have now left) for someone to help me assemble a team and do Veteran Lair of Maarselok! Nobody, and i mean NOBODY is replying at all, and it's starting to annoy me. All these guilds in guild finder listing their guilds as "social", are not social.
So if anyone reading this from xb eu is willing and able to help me, I would very much like to create a team to do vet lair of maarselok. I need 1 dd, 1 healer and 1 tank. My gamertag is Chrysa1is on XB eu server. Drop me a message or meet me at daggerfall fountain while i make a tea if you want to help me.
Appreciate it guys. Lol
Edited by Chrysa1is on February 12, 2020 8:01PM