I recently purchased the adornment pack from the Crown Store, and I'm afraid it was pretty disappointing: the earrings and circlets are generally race/gender specific, thus rendering most of the pack completely unusable. I can understand that there's most likely clipping issues for interracial jewellery, but why on Nirn should the nicest circlets be for females only? (My apologies, I can only speak from a male character's perspective.)
Caveat emptor, folks!
"So, drinking is a sacrament to Y'ffre... because it's his way of reminding us not to take things too seriously... You know how the other Elves are. Altmer have their crystal towers, and that's how they want to be — cold and perfect. And Dunmer are just like their Red Mountain — smouldering and dark. We just want to have a drink and not worry about it."
- Regring the Spinner