Title says it all... Can we PLEASE get dynamic server population limits to keep the faction population numbers in check.
Reasons this is needed
1) Campaigns are won by how many players a given faction has on in the off peak. On Kaalgrontiid, Ebonheart Pact has the highest overall population in the off peak times. It doesn't take much to figure out why they keep wining the campaigns. The second most population faction is AD and the score reflects just that.
2) It boosts competitiveness and gives each faction a fair chance to win.
3) Player sanity. It's not fun getting zerged in the offpeak by 50 or more players when you only have 10 of your faction on..
How does dynamic population limits work? The server sets the population limit a touch above the lowest populated factions present number. ie. if 20 guys are on for DC, the poplation limit is set a touch above that, say 25 for the other 2 factions. When more DC log in, the bar is raised and when people log off, the bar is lowered again. This prevents a situation like what we have on live where EP can be pop locked while DC and AD are at 1 or 2 bars.