It's not completely dead, but a lot of the old vets have left, it's noticeable. It's not as glorious as it used to be, but you can still have large fights. Combat is atrocious, though, property of streamlining and nerfrage. Tank is meta, especially templar, so brace for loooooong fights.
That sounds perfect for solo players from the TES games. ZOS will be the first company to have a single player MMO on purpose.ShawnLaRock wrote: »If anyone wants that, “desolate & lonely” feeling from Skyrim, this is the place.
I have been getting all Event Tickets on my EU character I made during the Psijic Villa / Summerfall Event, and it’s eery when 2 people show up to fight a dragon, or I’m the only one at Breda’s Tent for instance. Sad.
EU XBOX is definately dead at night but in the day its alright, if i could i'd transfer my character to NA i would
Unfadingsilence wrote: »EU XBOX is definately dead at night but in the day its alright, if i could i'd transfer my character to NA i would
Just make a new one honestly it took me a little over 2 weeks to grind a toon from lvl 3 to max CP on EU with no help no 150 exp pot or anything even had to craft all my training gear and on NA u can definitely find help
I wonder sometimes if I play a different game. Sure some names have gone but others have come. MYM had full pop on Kaal and prime always a few bars.
BGs queue in a few mins max weeknights.
I'll say, personally I do prefer small scale to zerg war anyway. But actions about.
Sure many went to NA and it does have had pop but I wouldnt say EU is as desolate as folks make out.