Sadly i can't edit exiting thread. Tell me if i'm wrong, and how to do it. But it given me an idea of how to make dungeon finder better.
All stuff would be account wide. So if you done on one character, then no need for others.
1. Upon your first time ever you can't queue. Instead you would get into a tutorial area. First question, if you are experienced player. If you say yes, then "show me", and you would be skipped to the final trial. If you succeed, then you are good to go. This one would exist for players, that made new account for some reason, and WOULD NOT be too easy.
Choosing no would lead you through explaining the roles and their goals, telling you which armor types goes with wich weapon types, what heavy, and light attacks for. Then depending on the role you choose it would switch out your gear, and skill bar, and put you to the final trial, that would go through 3 levels.
Once this tutorial is done you are good to go into dungeon finder, but there would be a second barrier. You would get a new stat called "dungeon level". It would work similar to regular level ups, but only leveled by killing bosses in dungeons. Also each boss would have a certain dungeon level so can't grind up from 0 to max. on the same boss. Your dungeon level would give no attributes, or skill points. It's purely to show how many dungeons you have done, and what to be expected.
Also stronger dungeons would have a minimum requirement. So if you go your first random dungeon, then no chance of going into Banished Cells 2.