TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »> The Vampire Lord form Ultimate won't be called Vampire Lord but that is what it is.
And how sure about that are you, do you think Sheogorath is a Human as well just because he looks like one? the Blood-Scion is probably the Vampire equivalent of the Sable Man-Beast that Werewolves have which is slightly different to the Werewolf Lord form.
Thevampirenight wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »> The Vampire Lord form Ultimate won't be called Vampire Lord but that is what it is.
And how sure about that are you, do you think Sheogorath is a Human as well just because he looks like one? the Blood-Scion is probably the Vampire equivalent of the Sable Man-Beast that Werewolves have which is slightly different to the Werewolf Lord form.
100% it came from the devs own mouths. They said its what they are refering to as a blood scion a vampire lord. And it was confirmed it is the Ultimate. So yes its not going to be like stable Manbeast it really is the vampire lord. So Vampire Lords really are coming to Eso.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5cqK8uCNd4
This person has clips from the Zos live stream. It is mentioned 4 minutes 18 to 33 seconds in the vid. They confirm the name, that it is the vampire lord and also its the ultimate.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Thevampirenight wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »> The Vampire Lord form Ultimate won't be called Vampire Lord but that is what it is.
And how sure about that are you, do you think Sheogorath is a Human as well just because he looks like one? the Blood-Scion is probably the Vampire equivalent of the Sable Man-Beast that Werewolves have which is slightly different to the Werewolf Lord form.
100% it came from the devs own mouths. They said its what they are refering to as a blood scion a vampire lord. And it was confirmed it is the Ultimate. So yes its not going to be like stable Manbeast it really is the vampire lord. So Vampire Lords really are coming to Eso.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5cqK8uCNd4
This person has clips from the Zos live stream. It is mentioned 4 minutes 18 to 33 seconds in the vid. They confirm the name, that it is the vampire lord and also its the ultimate.
Let me ask your a question, are you one of those people who believe everything that appears ingame is Canon? like books which have not been written yet like the Lusty Argonian Maid whose author we meet in Morrowind? or the fact Cropsford exists here despite it being founded by the Champion of Cyrodiil and named by the settlers in Oblivion?
Thevampirenight wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Thevampirenight wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »> The Vampire Lord form Ultimate won't be called Vampire Lord but that is what it is.
And how sure about that are you, do you think Sheogorath is a Human as well just because he looks like one? the Blood-Scion is probably the Vampire equivalent of the Sable Man-Beast that Werewolves have which is slightly different to the Werewolf Lord form.
100% it came from the devs own mouths. They said its what they are refering to as a blood scion a vampire lord. And it was confirmed it is the Ultimate. So yes its not going to be like stable Manbeast it really is the vampire lord. So Vampire Lords really are coming to Eso.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5cqK8uCNd4
This person has clips from the Zos live stream. It is mentioned 4 minutes 18 to 33 seconds in the vid. They confirm the name, that it is the vampire lord and also its the ultimate.
Let me ask your a question, are you one of those people who believe everything that appears ingame is Canon? like books which have not been written yet like the Lusty Argonian Maid whose author we meet in Morrowind? or the fact Cropsford exists here despite it being founded by the Champion of Cyrodiil and named by the settlers in Oblivion?
Well there are some things like in eso like the vampire cure and werewolf cure I can't take seriously because of well how easy it is. That would be an exception to me not considering that to be canon. . Bethesda does say Eso is canon so it is canon. So an early reincarnation of Cropsford is canon and things have the tendency to repeat themselves as can be seen. Like the destruction of Orsinium every era.. So Cropsford can be a repeating cycle of built and destroyed so it might be like Orsinium.
They do have an explanation for the books that they might come from a library that pulls books from the future or something. So the idea is well they can explain it.
Well they said feeding makes you strong now and one of the biggest complaints was only ignoring movement speed penalty at stage 4 vampire so fingers crossedTX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »I just hope they do not get rid of Dark Stalker
You know the reason most people are Vampires in the first place.
Darkstorne wrote: »This turned into lore/canon discussion fast lol
Up to each of you how much of ESO you interpret as canon. Certainly the key events are canon, but for sure, there are a lot of gameplay reasons and game design reasons for assuming some things are not so much. Like how easy it is cure to vampirism/lycanthropy as Thevampirenight said, and the repetition of architecture in zones like High Rock and Summerset where every city looks like it was built by the same person at exactly the same point in time, or the world map leaving no space for Blacklight - one of Morrowind's biggest cities (whoopsie). So I wouldn't get too caught up in lore analysis of vampire gameplay mechanics
Personally, I loved the aesthetic of the bat swarm ultimate, and have always hated the aesthetic of Skyrim's vampire lord (always sided with Dawnguard for that reason - vampire lord doesn't appeal to me). So my hopes are that bat swarm is reworked into a standard vampire skill, and I can happily play as a non-vampire lord without feeling like I've lost that visual identity. Plenty of other ults I can slot in its place
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »I just hope they do not get rid of Dark Stalker
You know the reason most people are Vampires in the first place.
Darkstorne wrote: »This turned into lore/canon discussion fast lol
Up to each of you how much of ESO you interpret as canon. Certainly the key events are canon, but for sure, there are a lot of gameplay reasons and game design reasons for assuming some things are not so much. Like how easy it is cure to vampirism/lycanthropy as Thevampirenight said, and the repetition of architecture in zones like High Rock and Summerset where every city looks like it was built by the same person at exactly the same point in time, or the world map leaving no space for Blacklight - one of Morrowind's biggest cities (whoopsie). So I wouldn't get too caught up in lore analysis of vampire gameplay mechanics
Personally, I loved the aesthetic of the bat swarm ultimate, and have always hated the aesthetic of Skyrim's vampire lord (always sided with Dawnguard for that reason - vampire lord doesn't appeal to me). So my hopes are that bat swarm is reworked into a standard vampire skill, and I can happily play as a non-vampire lord without feeling like I've lost that visual identity. Plenty of other ults I can slot in its place
Thevampirenight wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »I just hope they do not get rid of Dark Stalker
You know the reason most people are Vampires in the first place.
They said they are not removing Undeath. Only differance is you will have to feed in order to keep it up though.
for me?
it is like reheating already ate content fom which are left only crumbs and still they are trying to reheat them and give again to full playerbase in ESO because of so loud SKYRIM FANBOYS who wanted ESO singce beggining as SKYRIM online
I didnt like morrowind chapter becasue of sick balance changes, world of it was nice for me
summerset for me was fine...more I didnt wanted it because of my lore reasons...but after all it was fine
and now what we get? SKYRIM 2!!!!! yeah because we didnt play SKYRIM to much and now we are gonna get it AGAIN
nty, looks like most boring content ever in ESO for me, this even disgusted me even more SKYRIM itself as I dont even wanna to look at it, at this title anywhere, from fine game it become for me worst game ever because of this loud stupidness of skyrim fanboys in ESO
Thevampirenight wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »I just hope they do not get rid of Dark Stalker
You know the reason most people are Vampires in the first place.
They said they are not removing Undeath. Only differance is you will have to feed in order to keep it up though.Darkstorne wrote: »This turned into lore/canon discussion fast lol
Up to each of you how much of ESO you interpret as canon. Certainly the key events are canon, but for sure, there are a lot of gameplay reasons and game design reasons for assuming some things are not so much. Like how easy it is cure to vampirism/lycanthropy as Thevampirenight said, and the repetition of architecture in zones like High Rock and Summerset where every city looks like it was built by the same person at exactly the same point in time, or the world map leaving no space for Blacklight - one of Morrowind's biggest cities (whoopsie). So I wouldn't get too caught up in lore analysis of vampire gameplay mechanics
Personally, I loved the aesthetic of the bat swarm ultimate, and have always hated the aesthetic of Skyrim's vampire lord (always sided with Dawnguard for that reason - vampire lord doesn't appeal to me). So my hopes are that bat swarm is reworked into a standard vampire skill, and I can happily play as a non-vampire lord without feeling like I've lost that visual identity. Plenty of other ults I can slot in its place
Yeah they did explain the lore being sound. Lemon Turtle said this. Mother Lamae Kinda the Mother of Vampires is able to manifest her powers in a lot of different ways. Basically saying since you get your vampirism directly from her you are able to take on that form. That is how they are justifying giving us the form. Saying the lore is sound. Don't worry about it we got this.
What they meant was that because she is the Mother of Vampires she is able to grant you not only that form but also she could grant possibly any kind of vampiric ability at her choosing. Which means they are going by her being kinda the mother of vampires as the reason why she is able to grant the vampire lord form.
As for the Bat swarm I do hope they are reworking bat swarm into an ability. It will likely either be an ability or they might rework it into the vampire lord form. So you have to be in vampire lord form to use it. I can see them going both ways with that.
We won't know more till they go into details or release the pts for greymoor. Which I don't think will happen to at least April.
Thevampirenight wrote: »for me?
it is like reheating already ate content fom which are left only crumbs and still they are trying to reheat them and give again to full playerbase in ESO because of so loud SKYRIM FANBOYS who wanted ESO singce beggining as SKYRIM online
I didnt like morrowind chapter becasue of sick balance changes, world of it was nice for me
summerset for me was fine...more I didnt wanted it because of my lore reasons...but after all it was fine
and now what we get? SKYRIM 2!!!!! yeah because we didnt play SKYRIM to much and now we are gonna get it AGAIN
nty, looks like most boring content ever in ESO for me, this even disgusted me even more SKYRIM itself as I dont even wanna to look at it, at this title anywhere, from fine game it become for me worst game ever because of this loud stupidness of skyrim fanboys in ESO
Well they have some of Skyrim in Eso already. They did say they are doing their own thing with it. So it will be different. We are going to see an area of Blackreach that we couldn't see in Skyrim. So that is something to look forward too.
Thevampirenight wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »I just hope they do not get rid of Dark Stalker
You know the reason most people are Vampires in the first place.
They said they are not removing Undeath. Only differance is you will have to feed in order to keep it up though.
One minor thing here though;
Undeath isn't what TX is referring to. They mistakenly said Undeath while referencing Supernatural Recovery as well as the Dark Stalker passive in a rather nonchalant quick over-summary of what they might be keeping. Undeath makes it where you're harder to kill under a certain amount of health. Supernatural Recovery is resource regen. Dark Stalker is the stealth passive.
Thevampirenight wrote: »I see that now I mistook what he said. My brain can be funny sometimes. I don't think they are removing those either. But they are fully reversing the stages so you would still have to feed to have dark stalker instead of being most starving. That is one thing to likely expect. Going by what they have said about it.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Thevampirenight wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »I just hope they do not get rid of Dark Stalker
You know the reason most people are Vampires in the first place.
They said they are not removing Undeath. Only differance is you will have to feed in order to keep it up though.Darkstorne wrote: »This turned into lore/canon discussion fast lol
Up to each of you how much of ESO you interpret as canon. Certainly the key events are canon, but for sure, there are a lot of gameplay reasons and game design reasons for assuming some things are not so much. Like how easy it is cure to vampirism/lycanthropy as Thevampirenight said, and the repetition of architecture in zones like High Rock and Summerset where every city looks like it was built by the same person at exactly the same point in time, or the world map leaving no space for Blacklight - one of Morrowind's biggest cities (whoopsie). So I wouldn't get too caught up in lore analysis of vampire gameplay mechanics
Personally, I loved the aesthetic of the bat swarm ultimate, and have always hated the aesthetic of Skyrim's vampire lord (always sided with Dawnguard for that reason - vampire lord doesn't appeal to me). So my hopes are that bat swarm is reworked into a standard vampire skill, and I can happily play as a non-vampire lord without feeling like I've lost that visual identity. Plenty of other ults I can slot in its place
Yeah they did explain the lore being sound. Lemon Turtle said this. Mother Lamae Kinda the Mother of Vampires is able to manifest her powers in a lot of different ways. Basically saying since you get your vampirism directly from her you are able to take on that form. That is how they are justifying giving us the form. Saying the lore is sound. Don't worry about it we got this.
What they meant was that because she is the Mother of Vampires she is able to grant you not only that form but also she could grant possibly any kind of vampiric ability at her choosing. Which means they are going by her being kinda the mother of vampires as the reason why she is able to grant the vampire lord form.
As for the Bat swarm I do hope they are reworking bat swarm into an ability. It will likely either be an ability or they might rework it into the vampire lord form. So you have to be in vampire lord form to use it. I can see them going both ways with that.
We won't know more till they go into details or release the pts for greymoor. Which I don't think will happen to at least April.
Honestly that sounds to me like someone heard that Lamae Bal was the original Vampire so they assumed all Vampires must come from her and completely forgot Harkon is also an Original Vampire and not descended from her bloodline, as I said in an above post a Werecroc shall not transform into a Werewolf Lord, why should a Beolfag Vampire transform into a Volkihar Vampire Lord? a different species of Vampire not related to each-other in anyway?
It would be better if they just got rid of her and the intro quest entirely, same for the Werewolves, it prevents you from Role-Playing as any Bloodline of Vampire in a game where hundreds of different Bloodlines should exist.
VocalThought wrote: »I would have make Vampires like this:
You only gain levels in the Vampire World Skill through feeding and Vampire Quests.
Stage 1: -75% health recovery, +25% dmg from fire, -21% ability cost, monstrous appearance **Criminal Act**
Stage 2: -50% health recovery, +20% dmg from fire, -14% ability cost, poor appearance.
Stage 3: -25% health recovery, +15% dmg from fire, -7% ability cost, fair appearance.
Stage 4: -0 health recovery, +0 dmg from fire, -0 ability cost, attractive appearance.
The Ultimate Ability "Blood Scion" should allow you to remove all "stage" penalties of being Vampire and increase potency of Vampire abilities for 10 secs.
Ult: Blood Scion **Criminal Act**
Skill 1: Feral Slash
Skill 2: Hypnotic Gaze
Skill 3: Drain Essence **Criminal Act**
Skill 4: Mist Form
Skill 5: Bat Swarm **Criminal Act**
Passive Bonuses
1: Savage Feeding
2: Supernatural Recovery for Stage 2 or Higher
3: Blood Ritual
4: Undeath Stage 3 or Higher
5: Unnatural Resistance for Stages 1-3
6: Dark Stalker while in Stage 1
Not feeding for an extended amount of time or using Vampire Skills would reduce your Vampire Stage. (For example, each stage requires you to eat in 24hrs <in game time> Using a Vampire skill removes an hour. Using the Vampire Ult. removes 24 hours).
Feeding would increase Vampire Stage, therefore you would have to eat 3x to get from stage 1 to stage 4.
Vampire count as undead and are susceptible to Fighter's Guild's "Skilled Tracker".