chess1ukb16_ESO wrote: »I agree with @EC_Rob If this issue was in isolation would be bad enough but considering its part of a larger problem with bidding amounts, botting and pay to win Trade Guilds, throttled add-ons, little to no communication from Community Managers on Trading issues, it is very tiresome.
martinhpb16_ESO wrote: »chess1ukb16_ESO wrote: »I agree with @EC_Rob If this issue was in isolation would be bad enough but considering its part of a larger problem with bidding amounts, botting and pay to win Trade Guilds, throttled add-ons, little to no communication from Community Managers on Trading issues, it is very tiresome.
This is completely spot on!
We need a dedicated and named Trading dev
SantieClaws wrote: »Both the trading guilds this one participates in are affected.
How will this one provide for her many apprentices and their many kittens?
With only 13 thousand pieces of fish in the bank how will we cope?
Snowstorm seems to have recently developed quite a taste for sugar too, it being harder to find in his native northern lands, and this one is not sure that is actually still snow covering him from boots to whiskers …
So in conclusion we really need to trade to raise the coin for food and cat drugs.
Won't you please think of the kittens?
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
SantieClaws wrote: »Both the trading guilds this one participates in are affected.
How will this one provide for her many apprentices and their many kittens?
With only 13 thousand pieces of fish in the bank how will we cope?
Snowstorm seems to have recently developed quite a taste for sugar too, it being harder to find in his native northern lands, and this one is not sure that is actually still snow covering him from boots to whiskers …
So in conclusion we really need to trade to raise the coin for food and cat drugs.
Won't you please think of the kittens?
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
I really do love your forum posts, dear Santie. You are a treasure to the community.
Please dont make the kittens suffer, dear Zos. We're all still playing the game because we have a deep love for it, but we deserve better communication if not more.
SantieClaws wrote: »So in conclusion we really need to trade to raise the coin for food and cat drugs.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Hi all,
We just put up maintenance messaging for tomorrow morning to address this. May we get guild names for a few guilds that were affected by this, including the name of the guild trader you were supposed to have won (preferably a different one than your guild has now)? That will help us with our investigation of this issue and the related fix.
Thank you!
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Hi all,
We just put up maintenance messaging for tomorrow morning to address this. May we get guild names for a few guilds that were affected by this, including the name of the guild trader you were supposed to have won (preferably a different one than your guild has now)? That will help us with our investigation of this issue and the related fix.
Thank you!
I really do love your forum posts, dear Santie. You are a treasure to the community.
Please dont make the kittens suffer, dear Zos. We're all still playing the game because we have a deep love for it, but we deserve better communication if not more. I still play and log in for my people. My guildies. But youre making it damned hard for me to still keep doing this, and I am sure I am not the only one. Call it overreacting, but each time I do the trader bid my heart races and my mind aks me what will go wrong this time?
chess1ukb16_ESO wrote: »Out of curiosity, Did any guild move to a new kiosk that they successfully won tonight? Or was it 100% the process did not work?
Guild: Traders of the Ebonheart
Kiosk won Yggurz Strongbow in Alinor but still on Shinirar in Rawlkha.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »chess1ukb16_ESO wrote: »Out of curiosity, Did any guild move to a new kiosk that they successfully won tonight? Or was it 100% the process did not work?
Guild: Traders of the Ebonheart
Kiosk won Yggurz Strongbow in Alinor but still on Shinirar in Rawlkha.
Thanks! It sounds like the latter.