Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Someone from ZoS please go into Daggerfall near the fountain and in Glenumbra right now... there's something REALLY bad happening...its so hateful, and it's driving your customers down.
  • Rittings
    NA servers...
  • Rittings
    I recorded some of it, but honestly... worst racism, hate speech and attacking of individuals I've EVER experienced in my 46 years... if these guys don't have their IP's tracked and banned, I swear - I'm done... I'm sorry, but I've tolerated lag, glitches, bugs etc... but honestly... I won't play a game where my kids can hear and read this stuff.... and with no way to in-game block a limitless amount of people... i'm done.
  • Freakin_Hytte
    Racist, homophobic, antisemitic and glorifying *** rants? Nothing will happen unfortunately, I have reported several players that have gone on *** rants in zone chat.

    Not a single one of those people got banned, even though they may have been trolling, it should be an instant perma ban. The fact that they haven't taken any measures against these people except for maybe giving out a warning is disgusting to say the least.

    I remember one fellow who ranted on for 2 hours how gays were an abomination and should be executed so they could burn in hell and glorifying *** Germany in killing millions of Jews. He was still there in zone chat one week later trashing a poor guy because he had dropped a scroll and I have seen him a couple of times since then, so he sure as hell didn't get a perma ban.
    Felt really great for a person like me who is gay to see how they accept or were too cowardly to perma ban that person...
    Edited by Freakin_Hytte on January 31, 2020 3:24AM
  • Rittings
    This is what I'm talking about... I'm fortunate enough to have really great guildies who helped calm me down tonight... but if there is one thing I truly have zero tolerance for - it's hate speech. There's no place of it in ANY society, and I have to put up with that stuff in real life, I sure as hell ain't gonna put up for it in a video game that I am trying to enjoy and escape that nonsense in real life.

    I have a super diverse guild that know what the line is, and even if they don't fully agree with everything, they do a damn good job of keeping it to themselves... and they know they'd be back using the guild finder quick sharp if I got a whiff of any of it. No-one should have to put up with this... not only that, I'm pretty surely legally that's a bit of a wormhole for ZoS....
  • Freakin_Hytte
    Rittings wrote: »
    This is what I'm talking about... I'm fortunate enough to have really great guildies who helped calm me down tonight... but if there is one thing I truly have zero tolerance for - it's hate speech. There's no place of it in ANY society, and I have to put up with that stuff in real life, I sure as hell ain't gonna put up for it in a video game that I am trying to enjoy and escape that nonsense in real life.

    I have a super diverse guild that know what the line is, and even if they don't fully agree with everything, they do a damn good job of keeping it to themselves... and they know they'd be back using the guild finder quick sharp if I got a whiff of any of it. No-one should have to put up with this... not only that, I'm pretty surely legally that's a bit of a wormhole for ZoS....

    Just try to stay positive, they are very few and most people I've met in this game are good people. There will always be these kind of hateful people with disgusting beliefs in a game as big as ESO.

    I mostly wish Zenimax would actually do something about these things and ban them, showing that they have some morals and don't accept hate speeches.
  • Anotherone773
    Rittings wrote: »
    I recorded some of it, but honestly... worst racism, hate speech and attacking of individuals I've EVER experienced in my 46 years... if these guys don't have their IP's tracked and banned, I swear - I'm done... I'm sorry, but I've tolerated lag, glitches, bugs etc... but honestly... I won't play a game where my kids can hear and read this stuff.... and with no way to in-game block a limitless amount of people... i'm done.

    You could turn off say/yell/zone chat. I have a back tab for such things Otherwise, you have to whisper me or be in my group or guild.
    I just want to chime in and say for every hateful person in some thee are 100 seriously awesome peeps. Use ignore and then report. Please don’t let a person distort the true playerbase in this awesome game. From PVE to PVP there are epic people.

  • Rittings

    You could turn off say/yell/zone chat. I have a back tab for such things Otherwise, you have to whisper me or be in my group or guild.

    on PS4 you have to turn off your entire chat... that means whispers, guild chat etc included. And since I'm a GM of a max capacity guild, I kind of need it kept on...

    Problem with blocking PS4 too is that you have to block them on PSN to mute them in game, but Sony have a cap on blocked people, and I went over that cap with ESO within a year... so now when you block one person, another is removed from the block list...

    The game needs it's own individual muting system for console...
  • Raisin
    I play on PC EU and NA and for some reason, Glenumbra on NA server is just a cesspool of a zone chat. Every single time. I log into several characters in different locations to level my mount -- most zone chats vary in content. NA Glenumbra? Worst of the worst, without fail. There's something in the air in there. Cursed Zone.
  • ZOS_Adrikoth

    We're sorry to hear about the behavior that you experienced in game. We take reports of harassment, hate speech and inappropriate behavior very seriously. If you could please report these incidents either in game by following these steps or by submitting a ticket at help.elderscrollsonline.com so that we can investigate, we would greatly appreciate it. Our team investigates every incident reported and takes any appropriate action necessary to ensure that Tamriel is a safe and welcoming environment.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Salix_alba
    There is someone that seemed to do nothing but log in and rant the worst things in that zone for as long as I can remember no matter when I went to that zone the same person every time hours on end like some lunatic on the street corner in any city IRL and then one day it calmed down for a while I guess they decided to come back to the game. Because Skyrim probably but yes that zone pc na is well known for some real pieces of work.

    I remember having to maintain my ignore list more than my inventory some days because for some reason I can not comprehend you all put a really small limit on ignores at that time something like 30 names or so and between the 3 starter zones it was nowhere near adequate.

    And other than that its a good zone looks wise very peaceful in places but its really hard to be a nice person and want to help people when you have zone chat turned off because someone is destroying that peace so badly and with such bad taste that I cant read that crap and stay in a good mood.

    Now I don't mean to accuse anyone in the staff of not doing their jobs but it seems to most people I have heard from that they don't have the impression that you can or will do anything about it and that's just not right either. the players should have confidence that something is being done about it and I'm just not getting that impression.
  • Rittings

    We're sorry to hear about the behavior that you experienced in game. We take reports of harassment, hate speech and inappropriate behavior very seriously. If you could please report these incidents either in game by following these steps or by submitting a ticket at help.elderscrollsonline.com so that we can investigate, we would greatly appreciate it. Our team investigates every incident reported and takes any appropriate action necessary to ensure that Tamriel is a safe and welcoming environment.

    Pointless now... they've probably gone to bed... this is another reason we need Gamemasters in Tamriel...
  • Blinkin8r

    We take reports of harassment, hate speech and inappropriate behavior very seriously.

    I appreciate the fact that you're one of the few people in 2020 who can still tell a hilarious joke. Well done.

    I've played this game for almost four years and the are a few names that never really seem to go away. These people shout the most profane, racist, terrible things in chat for hours on end. The whole server will come together and actually report them and.... the next day they're still there shouting their ***. You guys don't care and you don't take us seriously.
    II Blinkin II
    Xbox 1 NA
    "A man without the sauce is lost, but the same man can become lost in the sauce."
  • Anotherone773
    Rittings wrote: »

    on PS4 you have to turn off your entire chat... that means whispers, guild chat etc included. And since I'm a GM of a max capacity guild, I kind of need it kept on...

    Problem with blocking PS4 too is that you have to block them on PSN to mute them in game, but Sony have a cap on blocked people, and I went over that cap with ESO within a year... so now when you block one person, another is removed from the block list...

    The game needs it's own individual muting system for console...
    well that wasnt well thought out. Why wouldnt they carry over such a basic feature?

  • WildRaptorX
    Americans are weird
  • CassandraGemini
    Keylun wrote: »
    Americans are weird

    I've seen some really atrocious behaviour on PS4 EU as well (though not in Glenumbra, but most often in Stormhaven, whenever I go there to visit the Undaunted enclave), and it really seems to be mostly the same few individuals going on racist, homophobic rants, or sometimes just hating on pretty much anyone in general. Clearly one of the biggest downsides of the anonymity of the internet, which makes it so much more likely for certain people to express their narrow-mindedness without even so much as a thought, when I'm pretty damn sure they would lack the courage to say any such things to anyone they had to look in the eyes while doing so.

    These people should absolutely be instantly and permanently banned from the game, and it's a shame that ZOS lets this kind of behaviour go unpunished, despite claiming otherwise. Honestly, though, as much as I would like to believe that they care, the fact that you keep seeing these same people with their hatespeech for weeks and even months is pretty much proof that they don't do a thing. It's a shame, really.

    Edited for typo.
    Edited by CassandraGemini on January 31, 2020 6:02PM
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • Freakin_Hytte
    Keylun wrote: »
    Americans are weird

    Well I only play on ps4 EU so it's as common on the EU as it is on the US server.
  • kalimar44
    There's no such thing as hate speech. It's called freedom of speech and if you don't like what is being said, to bad. That's the problem today everyone yells hate speech or your a racist! Infowars.com
  • Reverb
    kalimar44 wrote: »
    There's no such thing as hate speech. It's called freedom of speech and if you don't like what is being said, to bad. That's the problem today everyone yells hate speech or your a racist! Infowars.com

    Freedom of Speech doesn’t apply here. The eso forums and game are governed by the Terms of Service and the Code of Conduct. Both say you can be banned for hate speech. Even in the US public sphere where your freedom of speech is written into the Constitution, it doesn't protect you from consequences of the things you say. A bit of education would go a long way in your case.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Rittings
    Yeah, not wanted to make this political, but agree that hate speech is NOT covered in freedom of speech anyway. There is always liability legislation that overrides that "freedom". Freedom is merely a word that used and banded around, but true freedom is impossible in a civilized society with laws to protect humanity.

    I did try to upload the video to YouTube but the content was so bad that YouTube almost instantly deleted it...
  • Xarc

    We're sorry to hear about the behavior that you experienced in game. We take reports of harassment, hate speech and inappropriate behavior very seriously. If you could please report these incidents either in game by following these steps or by submitting a ticket at help.elderscrollsonline.com so that we can investigate, we would greatly appreciate it. Our team investigates every incident reported and takes any appropriate action necessary to ensure that Tamriel is a safe and welcoming environment.

    This is a very appreciated comment.
    I am not concerned about any racism/inappropriate speech/etc (maybe about french racism) but I really like that ZOS take reports very seriously. I like how bethesda is trying to give a msg of respect/acceptance through its game
    Edited by Xarc on February 14, 2020 9:44AM
    @xarcs FR-EU-PC -
    Please visit my house ingame !
    "Death is overrated", Xarc
    Xãrc -- breton necro - DC - AvA rank50
    Xarcus -- imperial DK - DC - AvA rank50
    Elnaa - breton NB - DC - AvA rank50
    Xärc -- breton NB - DC - AvA rank49
    Isilenil - Altmer NB - AD - AvA rank41
    Xaljaa - breton NB - now EP - AvA rank39
    Felisja - Bosmer NB - DC - AvA rank39
    Xàrc - breton necro - DC - AvA rank28
    kàli - redguard templar - DC - AvA rank32
    Xalisja - bosmer necro - DC - AvA rank16
    - in game since April 2014
    - on the forum since December 2014
  • Syrusthevirus187
    Keylun wrote: »
    Americans are weird

    They are a sensitive bunch
  • ZOS_Ragnar
    We have closed this thread as it was recently bumped. This thread has become a commentary on hate speech and is not productive. Please take some time to review our Code of Conduct and Terms of Service if you have any questions on what type of behavior violates these agreements.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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This discussion has been closed.