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Edited by ServerusEcru on January 31, 2020 9:32PM
"Train your opponent to make the wrong response." — The Book of Circles, By Loredas Maxims
NA/PC/ Order of the Candle
  • Blinkin8r
    Thou musn't shame and name

    Edit for bait.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on January 30, 2020 1:43AM
    II Blinkin II
    Xbox 1 NA
    "A man without the sauce is lost, but the same man can become lost in the sauce."
  • Royaji

    Also none of what you have described is against any rules.

    Edit for bait.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on January 30, 2020 1:43AM
  • OtarTheMad
    Yeah unfortunately nothing you said is against TOS or other rules. It may be messed up but that's about it.
  • ChunkyCat
    Looks like standard Cyrodill politics. It’s been that way since I was a wee little innocent noob back in 2014-2015.

    Couple it with the lag and you have a handful of reasons to become a bitter wannabe meme lord (troll).
  • LinearParadox
    Bruh, guilds have been selling Emp for years. Players play alts against their "mains" enemy regardless if it's the best choice for the alliance their're on. Ex. A Red "Main" might log in on a blue alt and relentlessly attack yellow and ignore red players/keeps, or try to convince the faction to attack in ways that're more advantageous to Red than Blue despite "playing for Blue" at the moment.
    Plenty have gone even further than that, spying in faction chat, scouting keeps, lurking in/with groups to call out positions to Guild members in another faction. It wasn't even uncommon for someone to steal a scroll and run it back to their own "main" faction on a "spy" character, which of course cannot be friendly fired and they all get to just watch as the troll runs away with no recourse and hand-delivers the scroll back to the enemy faction after 20-30 players just worked their asses off for an hour to get it.

    And now the whiners have succeeded in getting ZoS to all but remove faction locks in the coming update, so the fkery described above will once again be easy.
    Only a stubborn, masochistic few still insist on playing Cyrodiil as the "faction-based gameplay" it was meant to be, or expect others to. Guild v Guild is likely the closest you're going to get to that, honestly.
    Edited by LinearParadox on January 29, 2020 9:56PM
    Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
    High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
    Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
    Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
    Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
    M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
    Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
    Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
    Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
    CP 1100+
  • ServerusEcru
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler I would like to message you personally. I was there supporting your vision with a million others back in 2013 when we learned how Cyrodiil could be a real thing. But I don't think it was you who failed the people. I think Zenimax may have sadly failed you. I know you never envisioned that players would use macros and cheat engines on the battlefield, or make sets that would allow them to take zero damage and be unstoppable against a group of 20 players. This is not the vision you wanted for Cyrodiil, nor is it what the fans wanted. The TES fans are much different from the MMO pros who come here with no love for the Elder Scrolls. The MMO pros jump from MMO to MMO with one ambition; to dominate and screw everyone else over. On the other hand, the TES fans wanted an authentic PvP experience where they can represent their factions and have fun doing it. I believe Cyrodiil was for the fans back in 2014; it was great and around that time, everyone, I can say from my experiences, fought fairly and played fairly and everyone believed in their respective factions. Thus when One Tamriel came it was like the world became more sensitive. People were upset because they could not play with their friends, people foolishly invested in communities because they could not have it their way and through this change, integrity and our original idea for ESO was lost. People no longer stand up for what they believe in because they are afraid to offend people. Well, I really think we should take some time to truly fix Cyrodiil. Get rid of the current Emp system, nerf Sheogorath's hammer and lets make it fun and fair for factions to compete again. Faction lock was not enough because players like I mentioned above find ways to exploit it for their own benefits and the factions suffers because of it. I really ask you to consider my words. I think Paul Sage would be proud at least if you brought in another faction for the Imperials, give us a fourth faction and make Cyrodiil more balanced.
    "Train your opponent to make the wrong response." — The Book of Circles, By Loredas Maxims
    NA/PC/ Order of the Candle
  • Joy_Division
    Complaining about people not breaking the ToS by breaking the ToS is not the way to go.
  • Mr_Walker
    Gotta agree about the emp thing, it's the cause of so much dead weight in campaigns, too many folk would sooner get on the leaderboards than actually play to the map.

    There's a reason why so many of you see "leaderboard" bombers in your death recaps after you get bombed repairing the doors. The way they play is functionally useless to campaign progress, but good for getting them ap. Which they don't need.
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all,

    After some editing, we would like to remind everyone that Naming and Shaming is a violation of the rules. As stated in the rules:
    Naming-and-Shaming: We do not allow posts or threads that are created for the purpose of “naming-and-shaming” other community member(s). “Naming-and-shaming” is the act of creating a post to call out an individual or group by name, and making them the subject of public accusation, ridicule and/or shaming. Generally, naming-and-shaming involves an in-game situation and/or Terms of Service violation, which the ESO Community Team is unable to assist with. A certain amount of rivalry and competitive razzing is healthy for any game community, especially one with PVP elements, but naming-and-shaming goes well beyond that. It typically elevates to a point where the subject feels legitimately harassed. We believe that naming-and-shaming posts and threads can be abused and are very harmful to the community. We also don't feel that publicly calling out or accusing others by name on our forums is in spirit of the game or our community. If you genuinely believe someone has violated our Terms of Service, you should report them in-game via the support interface — do not bring the situation onto the official ESO community forums.
    If there may be any more questions in regards to the rules, please feel free to review them here.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Sanctum74
    Unfortunately there is more incentive to pvdoor than there is to fight other players and get points for your alliance so most guilds and groups no longer help.

    Personally I don’t see the joy in fighting npc’s for ap, but some people use it as an ego boost for making the leaderboards while doing absolutely nothing to help their alliance.

    It’s not an exploit people are just selfish cowards.

  • jad11mumbler
    This post, along with naming and shaming which actually is against the tos, is full of false assumptions.

    Also, its an AP event. So many players are here currently to farm ap or to get event tickets. They don't care about the map.

    Anyone in the alliance can step up and lead a group. Said guild isn't trying to take every player into its groups.
    But said guild does have most of the people who actually want to take lead.

    Said guild also isn't purposely getting one guy AP. That person just steps up a lot to lead fun voice groups which people want to join. Something no other guild seems to be offering to random players on our alliance.
    When in group, players tend to stick on crown.

    That crown may not be playing the map your way, but that doesn't mean its wrong or exploiting the campaign.
    That guild has died defending our scrolls and keeps. Sometimes we're successful in our defence. Sometimes we know we can't hold against the enemy, like when EP have three times our numbers, and the hammer.

    Our alliance can't have our groups doing nothing but defend our keeps either.
    Sometimes we need to push out and take enemy keeps, and sometimes while we're busy doing that, we'll be attacked behind at home while our groups are halfway through taking another keep.
    Our guild also doesn't make up the entire faction.

    We don't willingly let AD/EP take things. Sometimes we just can't stop them for various reasons.
    Mainly being we're vastly out numbered and being double teamed a lot of the time. The performance issues and crashes certainly do not help.

    The guild also isn't a hive mind. Anyone in it can step up and lead a group and do what they want with it. Play how they want.
    Even I've done so during the event and I'm certainly not there to farm AP.

    Even you could lead a group from that guild, or any other group in cyrodill, and lead it the way you want to.

    DC zone chat has had a lot of false assumptions in it thrown at this guild and its members recently, mainly from one person who frankly just seems upset that he is no longer in first place.
    Said person was also a part of the guild until recently when they were voted to be kicked.
    They never communicated with the guild and other groups. They would often be asked questions in guild chat to no response from someone who claims we're the ap farmers while they're "doing it for dc"

    Emp also hasn't meant anything for years, other than "I play in Cyrodill too much"
    And thats being said by someone who's earnt emp years ago.
    Edited by jad11mumbler on January 30, 2020 6:55AM
    174 characters and counting over 13 accounts.

    120 writ certified. 73 at CP rank.
  • NBrookus
    A few issues here. The first is boosting, which may be lame but is not against ToS. The second is emp selling, which is very bad from a gameplay perspective but is still not against ToS. ZOS has said in the past that both fall under internal game politics.

    As for AP farming, "farming" with large groups is not very productive. Both EP and AD leaderboards have players with higher AP gains. You get to the top of the leaderbaord by no-lifing the game with a side helping of understanding which activities will generate you more AP. No more, no less.

    Every faction has pug groups that don't defend, take the wrong things and generally make stupid choices. It doesn't mean they are exploiting or helping anyone deliberately, it just means they are making poor choices.
  • TheFM
    Welcome to our world lol. This event has been nothing but dc and ep hand holding the entire time on pc eu.
  • jad11mumbler
    "Those who are supporting [snip] are not playing the map proficiently but allowing AD and EP factions to take our keeps and scrolls so they can take them back "

    The guy this post was about, and the groups / guild, were there tonight defending glade while getting both AD and EP factions attacking it to protect our scrolls. AD from the side, Ep from front door.
    No other group seemed to be there near the end, and we held out as long as we could with dwindling numbers. But 20 of us can't hold keeps while outnumbered so much and getting double teamed. Especially with the Cyro performance, with quite a few dc players crashing left and right.
    I'd hardly call the actions of that guild tonight "letting them have our keeps and scrolls". Especially when much of DC didn't appear to be there while pop locked and with glade being our last keep.

    Anyone here, zos included, is welcome to join our groups, guild or discord if they want to see how things actually go.
    And any member of our guild, you, zos, or even todd howard, can lead a group in the guild, however they'd like. We're a casual pug guild after all.

    We'll even be hosting a training event tomorrow where we teach players new to pvp various things. Held each week tuesdays and thursdays.
    Earlier this evening said named person was even showing newer players how to best set up siege to defend a keep.
    Edited by jad11mumbler on January 30, 2020 7:42AM
    174 characters and counting over 13 accounts.

    120 writ certified. 73 at CP rank.
  • twitch_zero
    I am sad to report this exploitation ]

    Serverus I respect you and have run with your group many times but as a member of said guild you are completely off base with this. I suggest you open lines of communication with the guild leaders and raid commanders, they are trying to wqrk with oither guilds.
  • Heimpai
    I haven't noticed, I play EP and they seem to be the only group that actually defends/pushes...Despite what you claim they have been a pain and fun to fight
  • Stridig

    What's your story?
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • technohic
    "Those who are supporting [snip] are not playing the map proficiently but allowing AD and EP factions to take our keeps and scrolls so they can take them back "

    The guy this post was about, and the groups / guild, were there tonight defending glade while getting both AD and EP factions attacking it to protect our scrolls. AD from the side, Ep from front door.
    No other group seemed to be there near the end, and we held out as long as we could with dwindling numbers. But 20 of us can't hold keeps while outnumbered so much and getting double teamed. Especially with the Cyro performance, with quite a few dc players crashing left and right.
    I'd hardly call the actions of that guild tonight "letting them have our keeps and scrolls". Especially when much of DC didn't appear to be there while pop locked and with glade being our last keep.

    Anyone here, zos included, is welcome to join our groups, guild or discord if they want to see how things actually go.
    And any member of our guild, you, zos, or even todd howard, can lead a group in the guild, however they'd like. We're a casual pug guild after all.

    We'll even be hosting a training event tomorrow where we teach players new to pvp various things. Held each week tuesdays and thursdays.
    Earlier this evening said named person was even showing newer players how to best set up siege to defend a keep.

    Yeah I saw what the OP posted in zone. I'll have you know that while those that were at glade, some of us took Rayles back and went to Warden with intention to reinforce Glade of needed after as it showed 25 DC siege at 1 point and almost had Warden but a faction stack of red showed up and the fight was lost and so was Rayles behind us. Frustration of crashes and what we were seeing with a map otherwise quiet, along with it being about 11 EST caused a lot of drop off. Hard to want to stay up late for garbage gameplay
  • Vorpan
    So you're bothered because someone has lots of ap and emp? Play more then, join groups. Them not playing the way YOU want isn't violating the TOS. Make a group of your own to defend things you want defended. Certain groups are not obligated to do things as you want.

    If you want them to defend scrolls that were taken from AD or EP, then maybe people should start putting them in an Emp keep instead of Warden, Rayles, or Glade.
  • Davadin
    I am sad to report this exploitation but there is a guild called [snip] that is hurting the Daggerfall Covenant in multiple ways. They are four groups that run on DC called [snip], [snip], [snip], and [snip]. Who is this [snip]? Well, [snip] is the one currently in the Emp spot with over 6 million AP. Those who are supporting [snip] are not playing the map proficiently but allowing AD and EP factions to take our keeps and scrolls so they can take them back and get [snip] AP so he can remain in the top Emp spot. Its not skill but politics. Their tactic is to get all of the DC in their [snip] groups so there are none left to defend home keeps. [snip] will then take them to odd places farming AP instead of getting us points for our faction. Then when we lose all of our stuff they then decide to get it all back which feeds [snip] even more AP. Because of this, DC points suffer and we end up in last place. There is no longer any integrity in getting Emp. It is being exploited and abused because of this strategy.

    My suggestions to Zos on how to fix this..

    Make the Emperor an honorable title that is based on winning. I tried to advise a democracy years back to get rid of AP farming and allow the Emp to be voted on by players but that idea was ignored and people voted against it; so my next solution will be that only the Faction in first place can qualify for Emperor. This way the losing factions have to actually play the map to achieve this goal. I am tired of seeing worthless Emp's on our throne who do not care about the Faction. If you want to be Emp then you need to care about winning.

    The next issues is the Hammer. The worst thing you could do is give a zerg Thor's hammer. What has happened here is the highest pop wins the hammer and the lowest pop loses all of their keeps. Maybe regulate the hammer. Whoever gets the hammer controls it and once that wielder is destroyed the hammer is destroyed as well. This way you do not have zergs hurting smaller pop keeps.

    Let me know your thoughts community...

    Edit for Naming and Shaming.

    EP Emperor seems to care the past few campaign.


    but yeah, the voting thing, its interesting, but not gonna work. The winning faction only can be emp? I *LOVE* that idea, but the amount of salt flooding the forum from people with smaller faction who can NEVER be Emperor will be INSANE.... lol just a fair warning.

    but thanks for the tips on DC strategy!

    PS: who wants to farm the most populated server to get Emperor? It's insane. u want a title and costume? play the smaller campaign.
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • ServerusEcru
    Greetings all,

    After some editing, we would like to remind everyone that Naming and Shaming is a violation of the rules. As stated in the rules:
    Naming-and-Shaming: We do not allow posts or threads that are created for the purpose of “naming-and-shaming” other community member(s). “Naming-and-shaming” is the act of creating a post to call out an individual or group by name, and making them the subject of public accusation, ridicule and/or shaming. Generally, naming-and-shaming involves an in-game situation and/or Terms of Service violation, which the ESO Community Team is unable to assist with. A certain amount of rivalry and competitive razzing is healthy for any game community, especially one with PVP elements, but naming-and-shaming goes well beyond that. It typically elevates to a point where the subject feels legitimately harassed. We believe that naming-and-shaming posts and threads can be abused and are very harmful to the community. We also don't feel that publicly calling out or accusing others by name on our forums is in spirit of the game or our community. If you genuinely believe someone has violated our Terms of Service, you should report them in-game via the support interface — do not bring the situation onto the official ESO community forums.
    If there may be any more questions in regards to the rules, please feel free to review them here.

    Thank you for your understanding,

    Please lock this thread. The original message of this thread has been truncated and people are leaving unnecessary comments that are either off-topic, defensive or assumption. It is no longer a constructive thread as it was intended to be. Thank you.


    "Train your opponent to make the wrong response." — The Book of Circles, By Loredas Maxims
    NA/PC/ Order of the Candle
  • idk
    Ok, with that out of the way it has been common since the beginning of time (April 2014) that guilds help other guilds cross faction to help crown an Emp. This scratch my back and I scratch yours is basically guilds making alliances to help each other out and is really it should not as surprise.

    At that there is really nothing Zos can do about it. Form your own group and battle this corruption. Take keeps along the way to break the circle they are trying to form. That is how Cyrodiil is intended to be played.

    Edit: To endure my answer is not considered baiting I removed the first sentence which was intended as clean humor due to the snips from editing the OP. The remaining part of the post is a true answer to what the OP is saying.
    Edited by idk on January 31, 2020 8:58PM
  • JumpmanLane
    "Those who are supporting [snip] are not playing the map proficiently but allowing AD and EP factions to take our keeps and scrolls so they can take them back "

    The guy this post was about, and the groups / guild, were there tonight defending glade while getting both AD and EP factions attacking it to protect our scrolls. AD from the side, Ep from front door.
    No other group seemed to be there near the end, and we held out as long as we could with dwindling numbers. But 20 of us can't hold keeps while outnumbered so much and getting double teamed. Especially with the Cyro performance, with quite a few dc players crashing left and right.
    I'd hardly call the actions of that guild tonight "letting them have our keeps and scrolls". Especially when much of DC didn't appear to be there while pop locked and with glade being our last keep.

    Anyone here, zos included, is welcome to join our groups, guild or discord if they want to see how things actually go.
    And any member of our guild, you, zos, or even todd howard, can lead a group in the guild, however they'd like. We're a casual pug guild after all.

    We'll even be hosting a training event tomorrow where we teach players new to pvp various things. Held each week tuesdays and thursdays.
    Earlier this evening said named person was even showing newer players how to best set up siege to defend a keep.

    I wish they’d do that on EP. Teach. Lol. All they do is run their mouths talking about nonsense in zone while steadily getting pushed back to the gates.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone,

    With this thread no longer having any content to discuss, we're going to go ahead and close it down. For further posts be sure to keep the Forum Rules in mind to avoid any thread derailment.

    Thank you for understanding.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.