I chose my duel weapons because I think they're cool looking and I like seeing my character carry and use them. As most of us know, about 50% of the time that we have our character carry them, all we see are a couple of fists and our backup weapon glued to the bottoms of our character's feet. I'm guessing that ESO thought this would be really, really funny and that all of us would jump with comedic pleasure. Well ... about 6 years ago ... I found it mildly amusing but that was a reeeeeaaaalllly long time ago and it's time to move on and grow with the times. It's time to NOT have our bow glued to our feet and it IS time to place the duel weapons directly in our character's hands ALL of the time.
However, if great funniness is what the goal of the game is then I've come up with a super great idea. I think we should glue our helmets to the crotch; glue the gauntlets to the ears; have a shoe sticking out of a nostril; and when the character is supposed to hold a bow, we could have two knives sticking out of the knee caps. If gluing our bow to our feet is supposed to be funny then my idea should be the comedy of the year. Why should anything be normal at all?