1) Plus additional 2.5-5k Health to everyone to create a more balanced health baseground to make up for losses below.
2) All Damage Over Time Effects Deal Increased Damage based on target's Armor and Defenses: 17k Armor + 10%, 18k Armor + 20%, 19k Armor + 30%, 20k Armor + 40%, 21k Armor = + 50%, 25k+ Armor = 100%
3) All healing recieved reduced in proportion to Armor and Defenses: 17k Armor - 5%, 18k Armor - 10%, 19k Armor -15%, 20k armor - 20%, 21k Armor - 25%, 25k Armor - 50%
4) Direct and DoT damage reduction effects only stack up to a total maximum of 15%. Aoe Damage up to 25%.
5) Block: Increases cost of blocking for each consecutive block by 2% up to maximum of 40%, Lasts 5-6 seconds, Only applies to player damage.
6) Bolt Escape, Shadow Image, Critical Charge, Focused Charge, Teleport Strike, Fiery Grip (Empowering Chains morph only), Shield Charge, Hidden Blade (Flying Blade Morph Teleport Only) all recieve 2-3 second cooldown AFTER landing.
7) Cloak (Shadowy Disgusie Morph) recieves a cooldown for the entire original duration of the ability (Can only use it once every 3 seconds).
8) Due to added cooldowns to gapclosers something needs to be done about speed as well, so everyone doesnt just run at speedcap (Idk how that could be done though - possible cap 30%)
9) One Last thing to adjust: Reduce damage further, as people would all start going glass canon, trying to get 1 shots and nothing would get fixed. Also note that would need a ton of testing. It could be as little as 5%, or even as much as 20%.
No more Minor Protection + Major Protection + Other Buffs (Like Relentless) + Major Mending + Block 0 awareness and skill required. Just pop a pot, hold block, break CC and laugh. Oh yeah and then meditate when you can't be interrupted anymore... Then Stack ult over discord -.- just NO.
No more glass canons that can just 1 shot people without any chance to react or fight back to actually measure player skill and competetiveness.
No more heal tanks, no more tank builds, no more unkillable smallscale group, make the game actually require skills, quick reflexes, timing etc. again. Just remove this riduclous, slow, ineffective, boring, distasteful, uninteresting gameplay.
I could go on and on and on and on about it.
(You're Free To Adjust The Numbers after you put it on PTS, just bloody do something already, you don't need defenses nor healing to be so bloody high, just give everyone higher HP so they dont get 1 shot and actually get to OUTPLAY, OUTMANEUVER, OUTSMART and OUTDO THEIR OPPONENT)
Also, before somebody asks, yes, I stopped playing. This is just a suggestion I wanted to make for a long time.
If anybody has even a better idea of what the actual numbers on these things could be, please feel free to quote-adjust them or give your ideas, I think this is a good start though as to where we should look.
Edited by Nyladreas on January 22, 2020 8:23PM