Relentless focus is still bugged, and is still misfiring... very frustrating and intrusive to my gameplay.
What happens is when you have full stacks of relentless focus, when you switch weapon bars and click on the ability that is in the same position as relentless focus (but on the other bar), relentless focus fires and locks you into the animation. Afterwards, arrow barrage ends up triggering afterwards automatically as well. IE. you press one button and 2 skills activate... however they both play out for the full duration and it prevents you from weaving properly... this is very disruptive to maintaining a rotation when your character is consistently stalled and the skills do not fire in the order that you press them... not to mention missing light attacks.
I posted this a while ago and mostly just got ignored/some snarky replies from people saying they were not having the issue and seemingly not believing this to be a problem. I have attached a video this time so you can see exactly what the problem is... When watching this, keep in mind that not once throughout the video do I press the relentless focus button (aside from initial activation). As you can see, this issue happens with relative consistency under the right conditions. Every time the spectral arrow fired it was after I had bar swapped and pressed the arrow barrage button. PLEASE FIX