Where is last dwemer Yagrum Bagarn?

I know he is alive and searching for his disappeared folk. Or maybe im wrong?
Edited by dorogov.alexeyeb17_ESO on January 21, 2020 11:00PM
  • ShawnLaRock
    I have a screenshot saved of the blurb that comes up saying you need to restart the game, after I killed him in orig Morrowind.

    Would LOVE to see him in ESO some day.

  • VaranisArano
    He's either:
    A. Still in his outer realm (unlikely, given his dialogue about thousands of years ago)
    B. Searching for his people
    C. Hanging out in Divayth Fyr's basement with corprus

    His quotes:
    "Hmm.... I cannot say what happened. I was not there to observe. I was in an Outer Realm at the time, and when I came back, my people were gone. I left Red Mountain, wandering Tamriel for years, searching our deserted colonies, looking for a survivor or an explanation. Then, a long, long time ago, I returned to Red Mountain, still looking for answers. Instead, I found corprus disease, and I have been here ever since. I have theories, if you are interested."

    Last Living Dwarf: "This is how I style myself. I do not know for a fact that I am the last. But in my travels thousands of years ago. I never encountered another. And since I have been here, I often ask Lord Fyr, but he says he has never heard a credible rumor of another Dwemer, on Tamriel, or in any Outer Realm."
    Edited by VaranisArano on January 21, 2020 11:12PM
  • RPGplayer13579
    Will we ever find out what happened to the Dwemer?
    My Characters.

    Mike Snow - Imperial - Templar - One-Handed and Shield - Tank - Daggerfall Covenant - Commander.
    Catelyn Rivers - Breton - Sorcerer - Destruction Staff - Daggerfall Covenant - Telvanni Magister.
    Ashara Sand - Redguard - Warden - Two-Handed/One-Handed and Shield - Daggerfall Covenant - Heroic.
    Tormund gro-Largash - Orsimer - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Daggerfall Covenant - Furious.
    Lysa Rivers - Breton - Nightblade - Bow/One-Handed and Shield - Vampire - Daggerfall Covenant - Brassy Assassin.

    Jon Karstark - Nord - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Ebonheart Pact - Drunk.
    Arya Sand - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Assassin.
    Sansa Snow - Impeial - Warden - Destruction Staff/One-Handed and Shield - Ebonheart Pect - Swashbuckler.
    Jojen Reed-Walker - Argonian - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Ebonheart Pact - Melancholy.
    Alys Karstark - Nord - Nightblade - Bow/Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Minstrel.

    Nymeria Woods - Bosmer - Nightblade - Bow - Aldmeri Dominion - Thief.
    Brandon Wings - Altmer - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Aldmeri Dominion - Scholar.
    Lyanna Flowers - Altmer - Sorcerer - Sword/Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Duchess.
    Marvolo-jo Riddle - Khajiit - Necromancer - Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Deadlands Firewalker.
    Obara Woods - Bosmer - Templar - Bow - Werewolf - Aldmeri Dominion - Cheerful.

  • dorogov.alexeyeb17_ESO
    He's either:
    A. Still in his outer realm (unlikely, given his dialogue about thousands of years ago)
    B. Searching for his people
    C. Hanging out in Divayth Fyr's basement with corprus

    His quotes:
    "Hmm.... I cannot say what happened. I was not there to observe. I was in an Outer Realm at the time, and when I came back, my people were gone. I left Red Mountain, wandering Tamriel for years, searching our deserted colonies, looking for a survivor or an explanation. Then, a long, long time ago, I returned to Red Mountain, still looking for answers. Instead, I found corprus disease, and I have been here ever since. I have theories, if you are interested."

    Last Living Dwarf: "This is how I style myself. I do not know for a fact that I am the last. But in my travels thousands of years ago. I never encountered another. And since I have been here, I often ask Lord Fyr, but he says he has never heard a credible rumor of another Dwemer, on Tamriel, or in any Outer Realm."

    I think its around B. Where can Yagrum cause corprus decease? In morrowind, but before he com there, he must be near this region in teso timeline. Maybe he is in skyrim? Cuz orcs and dwemers had an alliance against dunmers in war at mountain.
    Edited by dorogov.alexeyeb17_ESO on January 21, 2020 11:28PM
  • Starlock
    Will we ever find out what happened to the Dwemer?

    As much as I want the answer to be yes, it's better to stay no.

    A compromise would be setting an Elder Scrolls game early enough that the Dwemer could be a living race. I want that game. Badly.
    Edited by Starlock on January 21, 2020 11:46PM
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    Starlock wrote: »
    Will we ever find out what happened to the Dwemer?

    As much as I want the answer to be yes, it's better to stay no.

    A compromise would be setting an Elder Scrolls game early enough that the Dwemer could be a living race. I want that game. Badly.

    There is nothing wrong with this.

    The Dwemer were a big part of Tamrielic society once, and there is zero reason a game can't be set there.
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Sylvermynx
    Starlock wrote: »
    Will we ever find out what happened to the Dwemer?

    As much as I want the answer to be yes, it's better to stay no.

    A compromise would be setting an Elder Scrolls game early enough that the Dwemer could be a living race. I want that game. Badly.

    Makes two of us! That would be wonderful....
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Will we ever find out what happened to the Dwemer?

    As much as I want the answer to be yes, it's better to stay no.

    A compromise would be setting an Elder Scrolls game early enough that the Dwemer could be a living race. I want that game. Badly.

    Makes two of us! That would be wonderful....

    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Sylvermynx
    Oh! I missed your reply up there - sorry!
  • Starlock
    If they do set an Elder Scrolls game early in the 1st Era with the Dwemer... and then don't let us pick them as a playable race... I will throw an adult temper tantrum.
    Edited by Starlock on January 21, 2020 11:58PM
  • Sylvermynx
    Starlock wrote: »
    If they do set an Elder Scrolls game early in the 1st Era with the Dwemer... and then don't let us pick them as a playable race... I will throw an adult temper tantrum.

    With you on that one too!
  • SeaGtGruff
    I'm guessing that he is NOT at Red Mountain yet, since there's no corprus disease yet in Vvardenfell during the time of ESO.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Sylvermynx
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    I'm guessing that he is NOT at Red Mountain yet, since there's no corprus disease yet in Vvardenfell during the time of ESO.

    Yah, I think people tend to not get that ESO is very far in the past from TES single-player games for the most part.

  • Aigym_Hlervu
    We discussed that topic here in September. I think it might give the full information on that up to the moment. Feel free to share your thoughts. He might be disguised as a voice over the door, as a hooded character or even as an Orc wearing a helmet. It's not about the "Dwemer are Orcs" theory, but Yagrum has an Orcish name. Compare: Yagrum Bagarn and Ogrumbu gro-Bugarn - an Orcish warrior we met (or we will be able to meet ;)) in Valenvaryon of the 3rd Era. I'm still in search of that Dwemer, though I understand it might be useless today.
    Edited by Aigym_Hlervu on January 22, 2020 8:20AM
  • dorogov.alexeyeb17_ESO
    We discussed that topic here in September. I think it might give the full information on that up to the moment. Feel free to share your thoughts. He might be disguised as a voice over the door, as a hooded character or even as an Orc wearing a helmet. It's not about the "Dwemer are Orcs" theory, but Yagrum has an Orcish name. Compare: Yagrum Bagarn and Ogrumbu gro-Bugarn - an Orcish warrior we met (or we will be able to meet ;)) in Valenvaryon of the 3rd Era. I'm still in search of that Dwemer, though I understand it might be useless today.

    Its not a dwemer yagrum. Cuz in 3rd era morrowind you can find him in corprusarium.
  • Indoril_Nerevar
    Will we ever find out what happened to the Dwemer?

    Some of us, already have.
  • Indoril_Nerevar
    We discussed that topic here in September. I think it might give the full information on that up to the moment. Feel free to share your thoughts. He might be disguised as a voice over the door, as a hooded character or even as an Orc wearing a helmet. It's not about the "Dwemer are Orcs" theory, but Yagrum has an Orcish name. Compare: Yagrum Bagarn and Ogrumbu gro-Bugarn - an Orcish warrior we met (or we will be able to meet ;)) in Valenvaryon of the 3rd Era. I'm still in search of that Dwemer, though I understand it might be useless today.

    Its not a dwemer yagrum. Cuz in 3rd era morrowind you can find him in corprusarium.


    He changed his name.
  • Thevampirenight
    Will we ever find out what happened to the Dwemer?

    Well if you really want to look at it. The Khajiit already know the answer to that and well its obvious that its been in front of everyone's noses there really is no mystery. The Battle Of Red Mountain all the conflicting accounts are true. Every one of them. All the outcomes came true and all were written into the reality when Time was put back to together just like what happened with the Warp in the West. Like the warp in the west. That is what happened to the Dwemer. They succeeded, Failed, Got Removed, Got destroyed, Got destroyed again, get destoryed get removed again destroyed and destroyed themselves. That is what happened to the Dwemer. It was a Dragon Break caused by the Dwemer Succeeding in activating Numidium without being stopped the first time around and the reason why this would have to be the case is without it time wouldn't have been broken the way it was. This accounts with the one story where it was rampaging across Vvardenfell and this rampage is what separated it from the Main Land. Not sure where that story came from but believe I read it somewhere. Its also what led to their demise.

    You can see the line up here which would be all the major players that were involved with the Battle of Red Mountain in one form or another and the major npcs that were involved in the Warp in the West you can see the comparison how it really looks. 8 players in both and one hero/villain element for both.

    Red Event Dragonbreak
    Voryn Dagoth- Hero/Villian
    He is involved in every tale so he is that role. Hes the one that discovered the Dwemer's Plot, Hes the one that made the choices to try and stop or even help the Dwemer. He did all of that. If the Battle of Red Mountain was made into an Elder Scrolls game we would be playing him.

    The ones that effected the reality in the Dragonbreak and many of them were the reason why the Dwemer suffered their fate. But since time was so broken there was many possibilities of what happened and all of them came true. Not every timeline involved the destruction of the Dwemer but many of them did and that is what did them in at the end when time was restored.
    1.Nerevar-Chimer King
    2.Vehk- General of Nerevar/Poet
    3.Ayem- Wife of Nerevar
    4.Seht- Wizard/architect-Clockwork Mage
    5.Kagrenac- Chief Tonal Architect
    6.Dumac- Dwemer King
    7.Alandro Sul- Son of Azura
    8.Wulfharth-Avatar of Shor/Lorkhan

    Warp in the West Dragonbreak.
    The Agent- Hero/Villian Exorcises the spirit of King Lysandus, Finds the totem and finds the heart in Aetherious. Gives one of Royal Blood Control of the Totem.
    Npcs that get the Totem and were directly responsible for the Warp in the West Dragonbreak.
    1.Queen Akorith
    2.King Eadwyre
    3.Queen Barenziah
    4.King Gothryd of Daggerfall
    5.Mannimarco, the King of Worms
    6.The Underking
    7.Gortwog gro-Nagorm, King of Orcs
    8.Lady Brisienna Magnessen, Agent of the Blades
    Edited by Thevampirenight on January 23, 2020 2:13PM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
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