Assassins and Thieves DLCs were excellent.
(Except for respawns in solo dungeons, and glitches where you are spotted when there is no way they just grew a pair of eyes in the back of their head to see you! lol!)
When Morrowind came out - the whole Morag Tong bit, all through the DLC - grew annoying actually (because it was just a big tease - of what was not available)
Sure, in Elsweyr it is clearly stated that the DarkBrotherhood is a joke to the MoragTong. (Believe it was the Akavir quest)
* But dang, as far as "Assassins" go - they missed out on EXPANDING and further developing the mechanic they already had!
I enjoy ESO:
- Story (But its only so big, and is a mess now with each expansion starting a new player off in that particular zone)
- Crafting (Love it, but you have to have ESO + to really get into it... legit, the bag issue hurts this.)
* Assassins
* Thieves Guild
The last two - need to be kept relevant, and updated. (I mean, only so many Sithis rings I want from the silent Argonian! lol! Not to mention the daily rewards)
They really have something here - and it would be nice to see it further explored.
* I mean, the Thieves Guild - imagine how that would look within the expansion of Elsweyr, where every kitty is a thief! lol!
Seriously - a lot of potential!
(Make it so, #1!)