TelvanniWizard wrote: »Account wide achuevements, even without the rewards, would be great.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »I agree. It just punishes people for creating alts.
It could also be just a separate tab, so those people who really enjoy collecting achievements on all chars would be able to continue doing so.
Cirantille wrote: »Achievement points are useless
There is nothing you can do with them
Cirantille wrote: »Achievement points are useless
There is nothing you can do with them
Cirantille wrote: »Achievement points are useless
There is nothing you can do with them
for average RP or meta chaser probably, they dont care what they earned
but there is many completionists in every game who want to have everythin completed on 100% and atleas they target for this
and maybe achiev points are useless, but they are good meter to show how many achievs you got, your completion of game for you
btw same I can say about meta chasing or even lore
for what lore? we have many who dont care to much about this and they want jsut to play with others and get rewards skipping all dialoges, so for what even take care about lore in quests?
meta? you will complete every content without meta builds, sets, oft it wont be so effective but still able to complete it, so why people create meta build for when many people still are not effective becaue they need l2p before?
Cirantille wrote: »Cirantille wrote: »Achievement points are useless
There is nothing you can do with them
for average RP or meta chaser probably, they dont care what they earned
but there is many completionists in every game who want to have everythin completed on 100% and atleas they target for this
and maybe achiev points are useless, but they are good meter to show how many achievs you got, your completion of game for you
btw same I can say about meta chasing or even lore
for what lore? we have many who dont care to much about this and they want jsut to play with others and get rewards skipping all dialoges, so for what even take care about lore in quests?
meta? you will complete every content without meta builds, sets, oft it wont be so effective but still able to complete it, so why people create meta build for when many people still are not effective becaue they need l2p before?
I can understand wanting skins, titles etc
Idk how the topic came to the topic of meta
I am just saying people would feel way more relaxed and enjoy the game if they didn't worry about it
As soon as you let that "completion" thought go, you start doing what you enjoy the most
At least that was my experience
themaddaedra wrote: »It's been bothering me for a very long time now and i believe this is a discussion you can't win against forum warriors who don't even have a clue what you are talking about.
When i made posts about this in the past i got answers like yeah freaking lazy people wanting everything easy or if you want them on all chars then do them on all chars. These people don't even know what is being discussed here.
Collecting over 30k achievements on a single character (let alone collecting all of them) is a years long process. There's simply not enough time in math to do these on multiple characters.
There were people saying that they want to see achievements per character to keep their immersion or what not. Well it should be the easiest thing to do seperate tabs to check every character seperately. There's even an addon that's already doing all this: Kyoma's Global Achievements.
Imo this should be a feature and is long overdue, but do i believe it will happen? Not really.
They should make achievements account wide, except for:
Quest completion achievements (So you can keep tabs on what your character needs to complete)
Skyshard achievements (Again, so you know what to collect, addons refer to these)
Title achievements (Specific to character, alts should not be able to wear titles of what they have no completed)
Every other achievement should be account wide.
It would be great is No Death / Speed run achievements were account wide, they could then go back to a higher threshold for getting the reward at that point as it wouldn't be too painful to try to get all of that on the same character.
Old idea.what about accountshare achievements?
we have barely visible things to lorewise in this game
just look how for "balance" they broke lore not only once, like not only in balance but even in word some real TES fans ahve found many different lorebreaks in just story so for "lorewise" is just to invalid argument here
gamewise this is just great QoL for another type of players which are in literally every game, every game have things to complete and they dont need to be to get to end of the game and yet in every game you will find players who want, who need to have complated everything possible on 100%
in many mmos acheivement system is very friendly for this type of players as or you have things liek this accountshare or you have much more possibilities to play your main without getting bored of it/need to play alts to be able to do something
so why this is not in game, we cant have it?
as for the only reason why not was immerions breaking of players who maybe dont want it but they ven dont want it able to be for other players like there was many listed compromises along with option toggle of it when creating this new character for example
so at the end we got no single logic argument against it at all and yet there was always people shouting at it for no because no as they had no any real arguments
we have barely visible things to lorewise in this game
just look how for "balance" they broke lore not only once, like not only in balance but even in word some real TES fans ahve found many different lorebreaks in just story so for "lorewise" is just to invalid argument here
gamewise this is just great QoL for another type of players which are in literally every game, every game have things to complete and they dont need to be to get to end of the game and yet in every game you will find players who want, who need to have complated everything possible on 100%
in many mmos acheivement system is very friendly for this type of players as or you have things liek this accountshare or you have much more possibilities to play your main without getting bored of it/need to play alts to be able to do something
so why this is not in game, we cant have it?
as for the only reason why not was immerions breaking of players who maybe dont want it but they ven dont want it able to be for other players like there was many listed compromises along with option toggle of it when creating this new character for example
so at the end we got no single logic argument against it at all and yet there was always people shouting at it for no because no as they had no any real arguments
[Removed for baiting]
The issue boils down to this: ZoS has tied CHARACTER specific drop rates to the achievements. They would have to go through and decouple all of those and use some alternative way of tracking how to do a large number of calculations in the game. That's a big ask.
I'm an achievement point hunter. I'm in a discord specifically tailored to us who are trying to get more achievement points. My primary raid team is an achievement hunting team. We get ALL the achievements when we do a trial.
Each character is their own. Each has their own story. To have that story "completed" by another character breaks the entire principle of a story driven game, as any TES game is.
Yes, I have Kyoma's Global Achievement addon. I have a couple of achievements on an alt that I'd like on my main. Eventually I might get there. (It's gonna be a LOOOOOOOOOONG time before I get Grand Overlord, I don't really PVP much... and probably just as long to get Godslayer, gonna need some hefty power creep)
So please, stop acting like your viewpoint is the only right and viable one. Others have different opinions, and that's fine.
themaddaedra wrote: »It's been bothering me for a very long time now and i believe this is a discussion you can't win against forum warriors who don't even have a clue what you are talking about.
When i made posts about this in the past i got answers like yeah freaking lazy people wanting everything easy or if you want them on all chars then do them on all chars. These people don't even know what is being discussed here.
Collecting over 30k achievements on a single character (let alone collecting all of them) is a years long process. There's simply not enough time in math to do these on multiple characters.
There were people saying that they want to see achievements per character to keep their immersion or what not. Well it should be the easiest thing to do seperate tabs to check every character seperately. There's even an addon that's already doing all this: Kyoma's Global Achievements.
Imo this should be a feature and is long overdue, but do i believe it will happen? Not really.
Obvious answer:so why this is not in game, we cant have it?
But that is the part you choose to ignore and focus on the tiny bit before this, huh?TheShadowScout wrote: »Gamewise it gains them nothing since the powers that be make no extra profit from people playing less achievement-chasing.
IF they would ever do something in that direction, it would come exactly like they did answer all those calls for "account wide riding" and "account wide skyshards" and "account wide guilds" - by making something purchasable in the crown store. Crown riding lessons. Crown skyshard mirrorings. Crown guild mirrorings.
Yes, -exactly- like that - complete a achievement category on your main, and you would be allowed to pay good crowns to mirror it for your alts, -just- like skyshards or guild progression happened.