Its about that time! As this game deteriorates with every patch and the quality of pvp as a whole, If Eso could some how bring a pvp campaign out thus cycling through all the most iconic patch's they've had in the past thus reverting abilities and classes to their former state in those patches, for example if you had a month campaign and it cycled weekly through the most demanded patches like 1.6, one tamerial, morrowind etc
lets be real the game isnt getting better for pvper's and this idea i have not the slightest doubt it would revitalize pvp and bring back so many veterans included!
i'm pretty sure this would be relative to the wow approach in some aspects. A campaign for veterans should be considered thought!
Until something like this happens I guarantee pvp will continue you to die, However they could bring heaps of new content like new map geography/quest pvp zones in new areas rather than cyrodiil and this could possibly revitalize population. Lol that ='s too much work for devs because their lazy and dont care about pvp!