I had an idea to improve the current trader system to make it more functional and less hassle for both players and guilds.I would actually overhaul the entire guild system but for the purpose of this, ill stick to a modified version of the trade system.
I like the general concept of the current system but it becomes less functional and useable as we get more players. I would tweak the current system with the following:
*Implementing a new tier based system.
1) Tier 1: Alliance and Chapter main cities. Cost:2.5 million per week, Listing fee:5%. Requirements: 450 members or more consistently 48 hours before the weekly trader swap. 300 Member unique logins during the previous week( kept track by server), 7500 items listed on the guild trader prior to trader swap. Bonus: +20 slots per guild member at T1 traders.
2)Tier 2: Zone Capitals( excluding T1 zones). Cost:1.5 million per week, Listing fee:3.5%. Requirements:350 members or more consistently for 48 hours prior to trader swap.200 member unique logins during the previous week, 4500 items listed on trader prior to swap. Bonus: +10 slots at T2 traders.
3)Tier 3: Secondary cities ( Shimmerene, Skywatch,etc). Cost: 500k gold per week,Listing fee:2%. Requirements:200 members consistently for 48 hours prior to trader swap. 80 member unique logins for the previous week, 1750 items listed on trader prior to swap. Bonus: +5 slots at T3 traders.
4)Tier 4: Rural wayshrines. Cost:50k gold per week,Listing fee:1%. Requirements:75 members consistently for 48 hours prior to trader swap.30 unique logins for the previous week, 450 items listed on trader prior to swap. Standard 30 slots.
5) Tier 5: Wandering Trader( similar to the wandering merchant). Cost:10k gold per week, Listing fee:0.5%.Requirements:20 members consistently for 48 hours prior to swap(NOTE: 20 members is the requirement to unlock guild traders). 5 items per member max posted.
*Slot Increase:The limit on guild trade slots increased to 60. This is the number available internally. There is no longer a time limit on items internally.
*Trader Items available to the public: Items are available in order from first posted until you reach your limit based on trader tier. Items that are posted publically have the standard 30 day time limit. If an item is no longer public( due to losing trader)the timer freezes until it become public again. If you have more items listed than publically available, when a public item sells, the next item on the list becomes publically available acting as a sort of "queue" while still be available to purchase internally.
*House Cut: The entire house cut now goes to the guild and is adjustable from 0 to 7.5% in 0.1% increaments. This tax may only be changed every 72 hrs. The amount of the tax is figured at time of listing not time of sale.
*How T1-T4 traders work without having hundreds of NPCs or massive inventory load times:
- Guilds are assigned a random trader at their tier level.
- When you talk to a trader NPC, a list of guilds at that trader will come up. Select a guild to search or browse that guilds listings.
- You may also perform a search(no browse) of all guilds at all locations at this tier level. You must still physically purchase the item.
* Wandering Trader: There is a wandering trader in every zone. Every wandering trader offers the same selection. They are never near wayshrines, traders, or cities. To keep finding stuff reasonable only searches are allowed.
*Remote Shopping: If you do not have access to a zone( DLC/Chapter restriction) you may buy an item from a trader in that zone remotely for an additional 5% fee of the purchase price. This is only available when you are "content restricted".
*Top 10 search: Every week the top 10 guilds in external sales get added to a top 10 list search that is available from all guild traders. You still must travel to the guild trader to purchase items.
*Guild Officer Tools: Guild Leaders and Officers can see how many trader slots a member is using as well as how much in sales a member has had in this "trade week"
EDIT: Edited so i can write edited. No J/k, bolded some things for an easier read.
EDIT 2: If you actually read all of this but like as is then Goat cheese on rye is the pick for you!
Edited by Anotherone773 on January 16, 2020 7:25PM
POLL: Changes to the guild trader system 39 votes
This is a great idea!

2 votes
I like it but it needs some minor tweaks.
It has potentional but needs a decent amount of changes.
The concept is solid but needs major changes before i am on board
Goat cheese on rye is better than a ghost pepper in the eye!