POLL: Changes to the guild trader system

I had an idea to improve the current trader system to make it more functional and less hassle for both players and guilds.I would actually overhaul the entire guild system but for the purpose of this, ill stick to a modified version of the trade system.

I like the general concept of the current system but it becomes less functional and useable as we get more players. I would tweak the current system with the following:

*Implementing a new tier based system.

1) Tier 1: Alliance and Chapter main cities. Cost:2.5 million per week, Listing fee:5%. Requirements: 450 members or more consistently 48 hours before the weekly trader swap. 300 Member unique logins during the previous week( kept track by server), 7500 items listed on the guild trader prior to trader swap. Bonus: +20 slots per guild member at T1 traders.

2)Tier 2: Zone Capitals( excluding T1 zones). Cost:1.5 million per week, Listing fee:3.5%. Requirements:350 members or more consistently for 48 hours prior to trader swap.200 member unique logins during the previous week, 4500 items listed on trader prior to swap. Bonus: +10 slots at T2 traders.

3)Tier 3: Secondary cities ( Shimmerene, Skywatch,etc). Cost: 500k gold per week,Listing fee:2%. Requirements:200 members consistently for 48 hours prior to trader swap. 80 member unique logins for the previous week, 1750 items listed on trader prior to swap. Bonus: +5 slots at T3 traders.

4)Tier 4: Rural wayshrines. Cost:50k gold per week,Listing fee:1%. Requirements:75 members consistently for 48 hours prior to trader swap.30 unique logins for the previous week, 450 items listed on trader prior to swap. Standard 30 slots.

5) Tier 5: Wandering Trader( similar to the wandering merchant). Cost:10k gold per week, Listing fee:0.5%.Requirements:20 members consistently for 48 hours prior to swap(NOTE: 20 members is the requirement to unlock guild traders). 5 items per member max posted.

*Slot Increase:The limit on guild trade slots increased to 60. This is the number available internally. There is no longer a time limit on items internally.

*Trader Items available to the public: Items are available in order from first posted until you reach your limit based on trader tier. Items that are posted publically have the standard 30 day time limit. If an item is no longer public( due to losing trader)the timer freezes until it become public again. If you have more items listed than publically available, when a public item sells, the next item on the list becomes publically available acting as a sort of "queue" while still be available to purchase internally.

*House Cut: The entire house cut now goes to the guild and is adjustable from 0 to 7.5% in 0.1% increaments. This tax may only be changed every 72 hrs. The amount of the tax is figured at time of listing not time of sale.

*How T1-T4 traders work without having hundreds of NPCs or massive inventory load times:
- Guilds are assigned a random trader at their tier level.
- When you talk to a trader NPC, a list of guilds at that trader will come up. Select a guild to search or browse that guilds listings.
- You may also perform a search(no browse) of all guilds at all locations at this tier level. You must still physically purchase the item.

* Wandering Trader: There is a wandering trader in every zone. Every wandering trader offers the same selection. They are never near wayshrines, traders, or cities. To keep finding stuff reasonable only searches are allowed.

*Remote Shopping: If you do not have access to a zone( DLC/Chapter restriction) you may buy an item from a trader in that zone remotely for an additional 5% fee of the purchase price. This is only available when you are "content restricted".

*Top 10 search: Every week the top 10 guilds in external sales get added to a top 10 list search that is available from all guild traders. You still must travel to the guild trader to purchase items.

*Guild Officer Tools: Guild Leaders and Officers can see how many trader slots a member is using as well as how much in sales a member has had in this "trade week"

EDIT: Edited so i can write edited. No J/k, bolded some things for an easier read.
EDIT 2: If you actually read all of this but like as is then Goat cheese on rye is the pick for you!
Edited by Anotherone773 on January 16, 2020 7:25PM

POLL: Changes to the guild trader system 39 votes

This is a great idea!
Anotherone773lorxy 2 votes
I like it but it needs some minor tweaks.
XvorgOhtimbarThePhantomThorn 3 votes
It has potentional but needs a decent amount of changes.
victory.immortalb16_ESOStreegaEdziuDBZVelena 4 votes
The concept is solid but needs major changes before i am on board
Um No( i like it as is)
daryl.rasmusenb14_ESOidkkip_silverwolfCaffeinatedMayhemBluepitbull13Sanctum74XDark_One13jlboozerLadislaomikemaconjaws343cheifsoapakillerninja6Wyrd88bmnoblejohnjetauPaulsContaminate 18 votes
Goat cheese on rye is better than a ghost pepper in the eye!
DaddySkoalLadyNalcaryaRunefangChrystalWind 4 votes
NanfoodleTandorAkrasjelCharity164Lucious90altunit21snoozyLoneStar2911 8 votes
  • Anotherone773
    This is a great idea!
    I mean... dont we all think our own ideas are great?
  • AlnilamE
    That does actually sound neat. I would love to have a trader for 50k again. It's been a while.

    But you should probably give guilds a way to opt in/out of the system.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Lucious90
    I mean you could just get rid of this idea of Trade stations being their own separate thing and just make it a global auction house
    Naturegoat - Stam Warden
    Healgoat- Mag temp
    Staticgoat- Stam Sorc
  • Tandor
    The only viable way of improving the present trading system is to open it up to all players with a base system common to, and equally effective on, all platforms rather than having public trading restricted to certain guilds only with a system that can only be rendered effective for the third of the playerbase that has access to addons.
  • Xvorg
    I like it but it needs some minor tweaks.
    Lucious90 wrote: »
    I mean you could just get rid of this idea of Trade stations being their own separate thing and just make it a global auction house

    Just no. I don't want a marked ruled by a couple of guys
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • idk
    Um No( i like it as is)
    This is nothing short of price control to help poorly managed guilds get better locations. Bad idea from the start.
  • Lucious90
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Lucious90 wrote: »
    I mean you could just get rid of this idea of Trade stations being their own separate thing and just make it a global auction house

    Just no. I don't want a marked ruled by a couple of guys

    They already are, try going to the lighter traffic areas vs the heavier areas
    Naturegoat - Stam Warden
    Healgoat- Mag temp
    Staticgoat- Stam Sorc
  • reoskit
    The impact to the gold sink alone makes this concept not viable. The exorbitant prices we pay (far more than you list here) for our kiosks is one of the primary reasons our economy is so stable. Not that we enjoy being the main gold sink... just saying that the economic impact would be huge.

    With regard to the "you must have x number of goods listed to qualify" concept, I can see someone buying out a guild's wares before the flip to make them ineligible for a tier. Lots of the goods any guild has listed are ridiculously cheap, filler junk. It wouldn't take much gold to wipe out pages and pages of listings to troll a guild.

    With the tools you've provided me here, do I kick my guildies who have too few listings, thus eliminating both their existing listings *and* member count and thus putting my guild in further jeopardy of not qualifying for a specific tier? Or do I bully them into listing more? As it is right now, there's already an immense amount of work that goes into running a trade guild. This just looks like more and more checkboxes I have to be sure my guild is hitting. No thanks; that's not the kind of operation I want to run.

    What happens when you have (example) 50 guilds that qualify precisely for T3 but only have 30 T3 slots?

    It's all just too complex, OP and has far too many holes. I won't even get into the bazillions of calculations that would have to be made on the backend to sort out a flip and whether or not it could be coded properly. Yeesh.
  • Runefang
    Goat cheese on rye is better than a ghost pepper in the eye!
    What happens when there are more qualifying guilds than traders? Because that’s what happens now.
  • Recon4thCav
    Auction house.
  • LadyNalcarya
    Goat cheese on rye is better than a ghost pepper in the eye!
    I like the idea of travelling merchants. Perhaps they could host several guilds at once, too, so that smaller guilds also have a chance to get a trader.
    However, I don't think they can remove guild trader auction. It's the biggest gold sink in the game and it keeps economy from inflating. If they ever remove it, they need to replace it with something else.
    Edited by LadyNalcarya on January 16, 2020 9:54PM
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • bmnoble
    Um No( i like it as is)
    The fundamental problem with the guild trader system is there are more guilds looking to get a trader than there are traders available.

    That is why the bids get so stupidly high, having fixed amounts to get the trader will only result in a first come first serve to getting a trader due to there being far more guilds that meet a specific category than there are traders available causing more headaches for the officers that have to find one each week.

    Unless your going to have a doubling or more of guilds at each trader sharing a trader. And even then when you have the main cities filled with lets say 2 or 3 big guilds per trader are people ever going to have a reason to buy most things in the other trader category's when they have such a large selection in the big cities?

    Aside from Gear/motifs/furniture plans/furniture/style pages, most players will get everything they need in the big trading hubs.

    What they need to do is either greatly increase the number of traders that people can bid on and or increase the size limit for guilds.

    The required unique weekly logins is a good idea to prevent idiots who have created fake guilds from getting guild traders with no intention of selling anything.

    Like the Idea of guilds getting the full sales taxes, most of it will end up being spent in the trader bids regardless, so getting full taxes should take some pressure off smaller/medium guilds when raising funds for their weekly bids, bigger guilds with their bids being stupidly high in most cases it will make a smaller difference.

    The wandering trader idea, I consider really bad, people don't even like traveling to the outlaw's den traders when they can help it, having to physically hunt down the trader is a sure way not to get many customers let alone finding it to bid on the trader.

    Don't like the idea of being assigned randomly to a guild trader, it screws over customers who then have to hunt down their preferred guilds to shop in each week and a lot of people will stop bothering after awhile.

    Remote shopping, if they implement it for DLC zones they will have to implement it for all zones, people are lazy if they don't even have to move to be able to browse all the traders, they will be more willing to pay a slight mark up to get their items rather than visiting multiple zones.

    The being able to see how many slots guild members are using not necessarily a bad idea but you will get guild members who don't sell a lot of stuff in terms of quantity but still sell high value items or just donate large amounts of gold to the guild on a weekly basis.

    Some trade guilds can already be a pain about meeting sales targets, I don't want to start dealing with listing targets as well when looking to join trade guilds.

    A few of the trade guilds I am in purely to shop at them, when I go to the bank to save visiting most trade hubs unless I am looking for something specific.

    that's my 2 cents.
  • snoozy
    global auction house pls ty
    PC EU
  • victory.immortalb16_ESO
    It has potentional but needs a decent amount of changes.
    Don't like the idea of bonus slots for bigger guilds, just pushes the inequality further.

    I think we need a different system as I described elsewhere, rather than prepetuate the current system's problems.
  • Charity164
    Auction house.

    This is what we want.
    AD Breton templar healer
  • Anotherone773
    This is a great idea!
    Lucious90 wrote: »
    I mean you could just get rid of this idea of Trade stations being their own separate thing and just make it a global auction house

    No thank you. Every game i have ever played that has had an AH has had a terrible economy. Centralized trading might sound great but after a stint of cutthroating and penny wars, no traders/farmers actually farm and post stuff. You end up with newbies posting junk and joe blow trying to make 1 gold less off an item on a trader( before you figure costs) than what it would pay them to vendor. AHs are a terrible lazy way to have a trade system in a game and do not encourage trade at all. Especially when their are already other ways to generate money efficiently.
    Don't like the idea of bonus slots for bigger guilds, just pushes the inequality further.

    I think we need a different system as I described elsewhere, rather than prepetuate the current system's problems.
    You are not competing with other guilds for a trader. You meet the requirements, you get a trader at the set price. The guilds that actually try to be an active trade guild get the best slots, while more laid back casual or semi active guilds never meet the requirements because they dont put the work in for the better spots. Your ability to get a T1 trader has absolutely 100% nothing to do with any other guild in this game.

  • Nanfoodle
    Guild traders were an answer to AH and how they can make A mess of the games economy and become a tool for gold traders. Check and check Add ons have nothing to do with this. Ban them and people would data mine and post the info on a website. It's just a big mess and keeps the real gold in the hands of people that play too much or have the right friends. The current system helps nothing and is inconvenient. IMO just go back too the old standard of a central AH.
  • Anotherone773
    This is a great idea!
    bmnoble wrote: »
    See below
    That is why the bids get so stupidly high, having fixed amounts to get the trader will only result in a first come first serve to getting a trader
    Trader NPCs are not limited in how many guilds each one can have. When you bring up the trader, it will be a list of guiilds at that trader. It may be 1 or 10.
    there are traders available causing more headaches for the officers that have to find one each week.
    Yes, people shop at traders not in main cities all the time. In fact you almost always get a better deal if not in a main city. This whole question is moot because we already have these traders. But what it would stop is that guild with a lot of money and few actual sellers from being in the main towns, while guilds that actually sold stuff were in those towns.
    Unless your going to have a doubling or more of guilds at each trader sharing a trader. And even then when you have the main cities filled with lets say 2 or 3 big guilds per trader are people ever going to have a reason to buy most things in the other trader category's when they have such a large selection in the big cities?
    Thats not true at all. you can get great deals on stuff at hole in the wall traders because someone is nabbing a deal within 10 seconds of it being posted. And i know quite a few people that shop at low end traders and then sell at high end because you can charge 50% more in Mournhold than you can Vukhel's Guard Outlaw Refuge for example.
    Aside from Gear/motifs/furniture plans/furniture/style pages, most players will get everything they need in the big trading hubs.
    that puts a bandaid on a severed artery and we have enough of that. This "proposal" would eliminate the need for that actually. It would also eliminate the need for those stupid gimmicks and guild fees and other nonsense.
    Like the Idea of guilds getting the full sales taxes, most of it will end up being spent in the trader bids regardless, so getting full taxes should take some pressure off smaller/medium guilds when raising funds for their weekly bids, bigger guilds with their bids being stupidly high in most cases it will make a smaller difference.
    In this system no bidding wars. No ridiculous bids. You pay one price, the price listed for the trader. No bidding wars, no bidding on multiple traders and hoping you get a good one...or one at all and other silly nonsense because ZOS created a problem and made a good trade system dysfunctional because of their own laziness on upkeep.
    The wandering trader idea, I consider really bad, people don't even like traveling to the outlaw's den traders when they can help it, having to physically hunt down the trader is a sure way not to get many customers let alone finding it to bid on the trader.
    Its not intended to give you a lot of customers.Its for two types of guilds:
    - New trade guilds: so they can get started. Its only 10k easy to afford. Even remote traders can go for 100k or more on the more populated servers.
    - Guilds that are not trade guilds, dont want to put energy in trade but still want to give their members somewhere to toss a few items.

    The bar for the rural guilds is still pretty low. It would not be any harder to get a rural trader than it is now. And yes i would use a wandering trader( especially with having TTC) i pass and use wandering merchants ALL THE TIME because i actually do things on the maps like most normal players.
    Don't like the idea of being assigned randomly to a guild trader, it screws over customers who then have to hunt down their preferred guilds to shop in each week and a lot of people will stop bothering after awhile.

    Ive never heard of anyone who shops this way in traders. Probably because if they were that big on buying from a certain guild, they would just join the guild. Also if your shopping guild is a T1 guild then it will tell you when you do a search at a t1 trader for items it has what location that guild is at. Most( like 99%) are just looking for an item at a good price without putting a lot of effort into it.
    Remote shopping, if they implement it for DLC zones they will have to implement it for all zones, people are lazy if they don't even have to move to be able to browse all the traders, they will be more willing to pay a slight mark up to get their items rather than visiting multiple zones.
    Except it wouldnt be available for all people in all zones. That is the point. It would only be available for those who do not have paid access to a zone that requires it and the item they want to purchase is in that zone and they cannot physically get to that zone without the purchase of a DLC or Chapter. If the item is outside those zones, then they have to travel to the trader. If they have access to all zones, like i do, then they have to travel to the trader.

  • Contaminate
    Um No( i like it as is)
    Just keep it as is. The guild traders are the reason ESO has no inflation. Guild traders are also a severe deterrent from attempts at monopolizing items. Guild traders demand a moderate amount of social engagement, ESO could use more of it too. Guild traders do not prevent players from selling their items manually.

    An AH would destroy the game’s economy. The people asking for AHs are the same who applaud bots in the game just because it benefits them.
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