I agree, it's a silly passive. Imagine having to roll dodge everytime before lining up burst to get the most out of your passives.
As far as what to replace it with, I'm not entirely sure.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »I play mostly as bosmer and I disagree, new bosmer is much better then old one. I'll support change of penetration to permanent one and replacing stealth detection with lore-friendly stealth radius, but speed on roll-dodge alone makes this passive worth it.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »You all forgot what bosmer was before... stamina recovery % instead of plain one, which pays off only if ton of stamrecovery is stacked.. very small bonus to stamina... and stealth passives which are useless in PVE group content and in PVP useful only for ganking...
wild_kmacdb16_ESO wrote: »I agree, it's a silly passive. Imagine having to roll dodge everytime before lining up burst to get the most out of your passives.
As far as what to replace it with, I'm not entirely sure.
Just replace stealth detection with crit chance or crit bonus damage. Their ‘hunter eye’ let’s them know the targets weak spot.
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »Bosmer (and Argonian, who also have valid complaints) players remain bitter over this. It has not gone and will not go away. It is past time for ZOS to acknowledge their errors and correct them.
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »Bosmer (and Argonian, who also have valid complaints) players remain bitter over this. It has not gone and will not go away. It is past time for ZOS to acknowledge their errors and correct them.
Bitter forever. And almost a year later - still no sign of the supposed new stealth options that were supposed to make up for Bosmer loss (not that it would have made me happy).
wild_kmacdb16_ESO wrote: »I agree, it's a silly passive. Imagine having to roll dodge everytime before lining up burst to get the most out of your passives.
As far as what to replace it with, I'm not entirely sure.
Just replace stealth detection with crit chance or crit bonus damage. Their ‘hunter eye’ let’s them know the targets weak spot.
That would mess up the combat balance quite a bit and is a lot more effort on the Devs. The simplest solution would be to remove the detection and give back the stealth they always used to have (and rightfully so) and untangle the dodgeroll passive, making the penetration permanent at a reduced value while keeping the movement speed after dodgeroll the way it is now.
Boom, functional passive that's actually useful and meaningful as well as consistent with lore.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »I play mostly as bosmer and I disagree, new bosmer is much better then old one. I'll support change of penetration to permanent one and replacing stealth detection with lore-friendly stealth radius, but speed on roll-dodge alone makes this passive worth it.
You disagree but you type the exact changes we want... sounds like you agree.
LukosCreyden wrote: »Bosmer is still a fantastic race, one of the best imo. That stealth detect passive is really... not good, though. I get the theme, the whole "keen-eyed hunter" thing, but stealth detection? That is not very useful at all. Even in PvP, if truth be told.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »MartiniDaniels wrote: »I play mostly as bosmer and I disagree, new bosmer is much better then old one. I'll support change of penetration to permanent one and replacing stealth detection with lore-friendly stealth radius, but speed on roll-dodge alone makes this passive worth it.
You disagree but you type the exact changes we want... sounds like you agree.
I agree and like Cundu Ertur said, I always agreed about uselessness of stealth detection and that roll-dodge penetration bonus is bad for PVE and better to reduce it a bit and make permanent, like 1k passive penetration. I actually actively tried to use that roll-dodge thing together with senche's bite set (before "re-balance" of that set). I completed VMA dozens of times in SencheI used it in PVP for my high WD DK hybrid too... not very powerful build, but viable and fun.
But I disagree that bosmer became worse with racial changes.. really, before this changes bosmer was exclusively RP/hardcore choice for PVE and for PVP it was best for ganking, but let's be honest nobody likes gankers with exception of funny gank videos. Now bosmer is much more versatile for any stam role then before. Even for tanking. Permablock or not, extra speed, high stamina and stamrecovery are good.
It's called Darloc Brae, an overland set that gives any race (as they said it would) a stealth bonus of 2% IIRC. I left the discussion about Bosmers' loss of stealth around the time this set was announced as I knew that was all we were ever going to get.
1.Allow more effective options when picking a race for each role in tanking, healing, or damage dealing.
2. Equalize the overall power that each race provides by using our set bonus efficiency system, which compares the total amount of power that a bonus provides under equal terms.
3. Retain and enhance the unique feeling and gameplay patterns that each race allows.
4. Improve the sense of progression that the racial passives provide when leveling up.
5. Achieve the above goals while still obeying our rich and structured lore and storytelling.