Sets need to be reworked!

That won’t probably happen but I would like see sets to be reworked because some sets have potential and are just not used
For example I will start with scathing mage the proc is so low, to make it viable you need minimum 60% crit and its still low. In pvp you need to have like 2 damage sets with 2 crits bonus each, major prophecy all time,thief Mundus and you are still not at 60%crit if you play in impen. It’s pretty ridiculous to think that you need to respect all those condition when you can just wear new moon acolyte and lose 35 spell damage and have 100%uptime. So here is what I am suggesting: lower scathing mage cooldown by 1-2 second or increase duration by 2-3 second. Another thing would be to nerf a bit new moon acolyte that is doing better than a lot of set this patch
Edited by Maxdevil on January 16, 2020 1:07PM
"Maxdevil knows much, and tells some. Maxdevil knows many things others do not."
  • TheFM
    Agreed. Now that we have sets like new moons, fury, etc, sets like clever alchemist and many more need to be brought up to par.
  • Grianasteri
    Id generally like to see far more set diversity. We have huge numbers of sets. But generally each patch only a handful are best in slot worthy, rendering the rest largely pointless.

    That is not healthy. We need multiple "best in slot" sets, so that there is more variety in builds.
  • The_Old_Goat
    Generally speaking, when they drop a new chapter, they usually revamp some sets, let's hope they dig deep this time around.
  • snoozy
    well the reason the new sets are stronger is that they are meant as an incentive for people to play the new content, and for that, you need to buy the expansions. it's a straightforward monetization strategy. :#

    i too would like a lot of older sets to be reworked and made viable again so we can have more build diversity. but i doubt that's gonna happen bc it doesn't make them any money. :neutral:
    PC EU
  • MajBludd
    At one pt in time they said crafted sets would always be on par or better then other sets.

    How about ask for a buff to the sets you want and leave the crafted sets alone? This way newer players have access to decent sets without having to buy gear runs for millions of gold.
  • Royaji
    At the higher end ESO does not have enough build diversity to allow for multiple sets to be viable. Every patch there is one definitive way to build if you want to get the best bang for your buck. And as a result all builds operate on a very similar basic principle and stick to the same sets.
  • Stibbons
    Maybe 1/3 of set are poor or under that. Those sets needs to be buffed so we would have more diversity.

    Game also misses good healing sets. Set that effect purely on healing. They just make burst and heal over time bonus sets. Light armor. Hvy armor meta is catered enough.
  • relentless_turnip
    Maxdevil wrote: »
    That won’t probably happen but I would like see sets to be reworked because some sets have potential and are just not used
    For example I will start with scathing mage the proc is so low, to make it viable you need minimum 60% crit and its still low. In pvp you need to have like 2 damage sets with 2 crits bonus each, major prophecy all time,thief Mundus and you are still not at 60%crit if you play in impen. It’s pretty ridiculous to think that you need to respect all those condition when you can just wear new moon acolyte and lose 35 spell damage and have 100%uptime. So here is what I am suggesting: lower scathing mage cooldown by 1-2 second or increase duration by 2-3 second. Another thing would be to nerf a bit new moon acolyte that is doing better than a lot of set this patch

    I completely agree with you, but impen doesn't mitigate you crit chance. It mitigates the damage you do upon a critical strike. That is why minor force from RAT is sooo good :smiley:
    There are a lot of new sets that need reworking. This has been mentioned in the update 25 thing released by Brian Wheeler:
  • MerguezMan
    There is indeed a good margin for improvement, but...

    1) we can consider some overland sets as "training gear" by design. They are easily accessible when you level your character, but not really worth a slot once maxed out.

    2) while all crafted sets are easily accessible, keep in mind there is a trait requirement which makes them not directly accessible for new players (unless they ask for a trained crafter).

    3) last DLC sets have rather situational effects shaped like "stack X light attacks on same enemy to trigger Y effect", which can let us think the dev team is a bit afraid to create inbalance with powerful new effects.
    snoozy wrote: »
    well the reason the new sets are stronger is that they are meant as an incentive for people to play the new content, and for that, you need to buy the expansions. it's a straightforward monetization strategy. :#

    i too would like a lot of older sets to be reworked and made viable again so we can have more build diversity. but i doubt that's gonna happen bc it doesn't make them any money. :neutral:

    I don't agree sets are monetization argument:

    - You can ask someone to craft NMA for you, and won't have to pay.
    - You can wait for dungeon masks to be on sale at the Cyrodiil gold vendor, and you won't have to pay.
    - You have viable alternative options in the base game.
    Do you think it would be the case in a straight monetization strategy ?

    On U24, we had a complete overhaul of (old) jewelry sets, do you think it makes money ?
    Royaji wrote: »
    At the higher end ESO does not have enough build diversity to allow for multiple sets to be viable. Every patch there is one definitive way to build if you want to get the best bang for your buck. And as a result all builds operate on a very similar basic principle and stick to the same sets.

    Indeed, each update brings a new "meta", and most players go straight to copy-paste what youtubers advise to be "BiS".
    Though, by doing this, most players commit to those youtubers playstyle, and forget there are viable alternatives.
    IMO, the problem is not the sets, but the majority of players blindly following a few youtubers advice.

    Example: There are very few players using "Shadow of the red mountain". Because it is described like this:
    2 items: Adds 1-129 Weapon Damage
    3 items: Adds 12-1096 Maximum Stamina
    4 items: Adds 9-833 Weapon Critical
    5 items: When you deal damage with a Weapon ability, you have a 10% chance to spawn a volcano that erupts after 1 second, launching liquid hot lava at the closest enemy dealing 97-8400 Flame damage. This effect can occur once every 2 seconds
    I guess well all agree there's nothing wrong having more weapon damage, stamina, and critical.
    What if we keep the #5piece effect as is, but just change the description ?
    5 items: as long as you use a Weapon skill with dot, increase your damage per second by 2800-4200, in the form of an annoying fireball launched from the ground on your targets every 2s.
  • Maxdevil
    Royaji wrote: »
    At the higher end ESO does not have enough build diversity to allow for multiple sets to be viable. Every patch there is one definitive way to build if you want to get the best bang for your buck. And as a result all builds operate on a very similar basic principle and stick to the same sets.

    That’s pretty true with pve, but in pvp there’s so much options you don’t always need to be with a « meta » set up to be good
    It’s mostly people behind their keyboard that make the difference . But some sets are just too strong for others making the game I would say a bit unbalanced and that’s a thing that should be different as someone that really like theory crafting.
    "Maxdevil knows much, and tells some. Maxdevil knows many things others do not."
  • Royaji
    Maxdevil wrote: »

    That’s pretty true with pve, but in pvp there’s so much options you don’t always need to be with a « meta » set up to be good
    It’s mostly people behind their keyboard that make the difference . But some sets are just too strong for others making the game I would say a bit unbalanced and that’s a thing that should be different as someone that really like theory crafting.

    In some aspects, yes. But on the other hand it's PvP that completely invalidates one whole avenue of building (high crit).
  • CynicK
    That is the story of briarheart too i used to use it and his uptime was low so it was like not having a second 5 pieces bonus most of the time when it procted the healing and damage was very good but it was not often and then I changed to new moon and it was an improvement from day one, look at it that way new moon acolyte democratized spell and weapon power.

    Maybe instead of asking for the new gear of thousands of players to be nerfed because you want what you use to be better and that is the point of view of most nerf threads just ask for the proc chance to be raised a bit or with all crits because the problem is that with direct damage crits you can do 1,2 attacks per second i think if you wave and obvious the uptime with just 20% on crits is going to be low but is double than briarheart i thought it was the same, paired with mother sorrow the uptime may not be bad, around 50%, one of the big problems is that the uptime has a this effect can occur only every 6 seconds or 15 for briarheart and that makes that there is a period of downtime almost always where that 5 piece bonus counts for nothing, face it new moon is much better and i think that with it they made a lot of PVPers happy.

    In case of nerf all sales on new moon acolyte are final I do not do refunds :tongue: .
  • WreckfulAbandon
    When I look at a set like Ironblood, that to me seems like a fair tradeoff to have decent uptime on a powerful buff like Major Protection.

    BRP DW, not so much...
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
  • Maxdevil
    Lol TY ZOS I love it xd

    This set no longer considers the first tick of each Damage over Time as Direct Damage.
    This set no longer requires Critical Strikes to proc.
    Reduced the duration and cooldown to 5 seconds from 6 seconds.
    "Maxdevil knows much, and tells some. Maxdevil knows many things others do not."
  • Kadoin
    No. It's much better to add sets to make players even tankier in PvP and build super defensive + damage stam builds with little trade-off.
  • Maxdevil
    Kadoin wrote: »
    No. It's much better to add sets to make players even tankier in PvP and build super defensive + damage stam builds with little trade-off.

    What do you mean I don’t really understand you don’t want zos to rework sets?
    "Maxdevil knows much, and tells some. Maxdevil knows many things others do not."
  • CynicK
    you see, you have been heard booth briarheart and Scathing Mage got buffed in pts.
  • Maxdevil
    (Sorry if I make grammatical mistakes I am French)
    So I really like the changes zos made about sets this patch but I think there are others set that would need some love too
    I am thinking to open this topic again for others sets that are not used or weak that have potential to be good, sometimes it can be minor changes that make some sets to be use again. I will talk about hunt leader set if I’m right the set was introduce with Orsinium dlc and one Tamriel. With the name of the set I am pretty sure this set was designed for ww because warden and necromancer wasn’t there and that set was clearly mean to be play as a stam class(maybe for sorc or if you wear some pet monsters sets too tho).The set is pretty weak vs is rival essence thief, essence thief give a bit more stam but you need to pick up your ressources which is pretty easy in my opinion. Hunt leader gives a bit more hp, less stam,it is more consistent than essence thief but the thing is that essence thief is literally giving you 10% more damage almost 100% uptime if you are able to pick up a rune. It is like giving minor berserk 90% uptime, in conclusion the two set are easy to proc,have about the same rec stats, each of them have something a bit off with essence thief you need to collect your rune but with hunt leader you need to use pet as a stam class. So clearly essence thief is better because of that 10% damage bonus.

    I would like to change hunt leader, maybe add a minor buff like minor fortitude increasing your hp recovery by 10% all the time which is almost a unique buff that only templar have. Werewolf are really bad now specially pack leader morph that spawn 2 pets it would be a great way to balance sets and encourage that werewolf morph. Another reason why to put minor fortitude is that hunt leader is giving more hp than stam so it’s more natural for that set to give a hp buff. Another option would be to have more proc condition and give more ressources or maybe add minor buff like expedition for a limited time . So that’s it thank you for reading I am hopping that Zenimax will do something about it because nearly no one use this set now. constructives comments are welcome I’ll probably talk about others set that I think need a buff later on this topic
    "Maxdevil knows much, and tells some. Maxdevil knows many things others do not."
  • Magenpie
    Light Armor set with stealth abilities please!
  • idk
    With how many sets we have to choose from it seems to be a waste of time constantly reworking older sets to keep them relevant.
  • daim
    But Iceheart just got reworked!
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • Urzigurumash
    Magenpie wrote: »
    Light Armor set with stealth abilities please!

    Do you like Shadow Dancer's Raiment? Turning Stygian from Medium to Light is definitely a change that should be made in my opinion - I'm not sure it would beat out the sets typically worn by Stealth Mag, but it's a logical change to me.

    I use mostly off-meta sets, and I use many of them for different settings. One thing that always turn me off to medium armor sets is the 1 line of crit bonus. It's next to useless for me. I much prefer the typically weakest heavy armor line - 4% healing taken.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • Maxdevil
    Why are they there then lol just for decoration? It grants almost the same bonuses and the same 5th bonus but one is just better. I know that some set are better for example Julianos and nma, nma is clearly better but they have different bonuses nma give another pen but julianos have another stack of crit so someone could choose julianos if he want to go with crit build vs nma.
    idk wrote: »
    With how many sets we have to choose from it seems to be a waste of time constantly reworking older sets to keep them relevant.

    Edited by Maxdevil on March 5, 2020 8:19PM
    "Maxdevil knows much, and tells some. Maxdevil knows many things others do not."
  • Thokri
    All damage proc sets need to be reworked to make them useful.

    And there are just tons of really useless sets that need complete rework.
  • Urzigurumash
    idk wrote: »
    With how many sets we have to choose from it seems to be a waste of time constantly reworking older sets to keep them relevant.

    I disagree. I think ideally every set should be 'BIS for its particular purpose', with little overlap between sets as to the precise purpose.

    For instance, the recent change to Duneripper's Scale. It's still not great, but at least there isn't another set out there that better fills that precise purpose, whereas for years there was little reason to run that set in place of Fortified Brass, and they noted they updated it so that Grave Guardian didn't make it irrelevant. Grave Guardian, Duneripper, Fortified Brass, Armor Master - all fill a specific purpose the best.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • DreadDaedroth
    They don't care to keep sets revelant. Why else did they nerfed Veiled Heritance and Iceheart for example? They don't aim to maximize the number of sets in use.
  • Maxdevil
    Why have they buffed ashen grip then that was dead?
    They don't care to keep sets revelant. Why else did they nerfed Veiled Heritance and Iceheart for example? They don't aim to maximize the number of sets in use.

    Edited by Maxdevil on March 5, 2020 8:33PM
    "Maxdevil knows much, and tells some. Maxdevil knows many things others do not."
  • Magenpie

    Do you like Shadow Dancer's Raiment? Turning Stygian from Medium to Light is definitely a change that should be made in my opinion - I'm not sure it would beat out the sets typically worn by Stealth Mag, but it's a logical change to me.

    I use mostly off-meta sets, and I use many of them for different settings. One thing that always turn me off to medium armor sets is the 1 line of crit bonus. It's next to useless for me. I much prefer the typically weakest heavy armor line - 4% healing taken.

    To my embarrassment, I didn't even know it existed! Thank you!
  • Maxdevil
    Why have they buff scathing mage that can be farm now from a free dlc they have nothing to do about it there is no profit to be made
    Edited by Maxdevil on March 5, 2020 8:37PM
    "Maxdevil knows much, and tells some. Maxdevil knows many things others do not."
  • Urzigurumash
    Magenpie wrote: »

    To my embarrassment, I didn't even know it existed! Thank you!

    You're welcome, there's a few unique pieces of that which should be an easy farm.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
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