That won’t probably happen but I would like see sets to be reworked because some sets have potential and are just not used
For example I will start with scathing mage the proc is so low, to make it viable you need minimum 60% crit and its still low. In pvp you need to have like 2 damage sets with 2 crits bonus each, major prophecy all time,thief Mundus and you are still not at 60%crit if you play in impen. It’s pretty ridiculous to think that you need to respect all those condition when you can just wear new moon acolyte and lose 35 spell damage and have 100%uptime. So here is what I am suggesting: lower scathing mage cooldown by 1-2 second or increase duration by 2-3 second. Another thing would be to nerf a bit new moon acolyte that is doing better than a lot of set this patch
well the reason the new sets are stronger is that they are meant as an incentive for people to play the new content, and for that, you need to buy the expansions. it's a straightforward monetization strategy.
i too would like a lot of older sets to be reworked and made viable again so we can have more build diversity. but i doubt that's gonna happen bc it doesn't make them any money.
At the higher end ESO does not have enough build diversity to allow for multiple sets to be viable. Every patch there is one definitive way to build if you want to get the best bang for your buck. And as a result all builds operate on a very similar basic principle and stick to the same sets.
I guess well all agree there's nothing wrong having more weapon damage, stamina, and critical.In-game descriptions wrote:2 items: Adds 1-129 Weapon Damage
3 items: Adds 12-1096 Maximum Stamina
4 items: Adds 9-833 Weapon Critical
5 items: When you deal damage with a Weapon ability, you have a 10% chance to spawn a volcano that erupts after 1 second, launching liquid hot lava at the closest enemy dealing 97-8400 Flame damage. This effect can occur once every 2 seconds
Honest descriptions wrote:5 items: as long as you use a Weapon skill with dot, increase your damage per second by 2800-4200, in the form of an annoying fireball launched from the ground on your targets every 2s.
At the higher end ESO does not have enough build diversity to allow for multiple sets to be viable. Every patch there is one definitive way to build if you want to get the best bang for your buck. And as a result all builds operate on a very similar basic principle and stick to the same sets.
That’s pretty true with pve, but in pvp there’s so much options you don’t always need to be with a « meta » set up to be good
It’s mostly people behind their keyboard that make the difference . But some sets are just too strong for others making the game I would say a bit unbalanced and that’s a thing that should be different as someone that really like theory crafting.
No. It's much better to add sets to make players even tankier in PvP and build super defensive + damage stam builds with little trade-off.
Light Armor set with stealth abilities please!
With how many sets we have to choose from it seems to be a waste of time constantly reworking older sets to keep them relevant.
With how many sets we have to choose from it seems to be a waste of time constantly reworking older sets to keep them relevant.
DreadDaedroth wrote: »They don't care to keep sets revelant. Why else did they nerfed Veiled Heritance and Iceheart for example? They don't aim to maximize the number of sets in use.
Urzigurumash wrote: »
Do you like Shadow Dancer's Raiment? Turning Stygian from Medium to Light is definitely a change that should be made in my opinion - I'm not sure it would beat out the sets typically worn by Stealth Mag, but it's a logical change to me.
I use mostly off-meta sets, and I use many of them for different settings. One thing that always turn me off to medium armor sets is the 1 line of crit bonus. It's next to useless for me. I much prefer the typically weakest heavy armor line - 4% healing taken.
To my embarrassment, I didn't even know it existed! Thank you!