Nightblade and Templar still did not get their "class identity" update but the latest Update 25 preview says virtually nothing about it instead saying devs are moving on to fixes, sets, proc balancing? It is still happening, right? Or will NB remain a generic class with invisibility for the next few years to come?
zadrotscrolls wrote: »Nightblade and Templar still did not get their "class identity" update but the latest Update 25 preview says virtually nothing about it instead saying devs are moving on to fixes, sets, proc balancing? It is still happening, right? Or will NB remain a generic class with invisibility for the next few years to come?
Disagree. The nightblade uses many class skills. Also, stamnb and magnb have their own actual spam skill.
Nightblade and Templar still did not get their "class identity" update but the latest Update 25 preview says virtually nothing about it instead saying devs are moving on to fixes, sets, proc balancing? It is still happening, right? Or will NB remain a generic class with invisibility for the next few years to come?
Jab-jab-jab is templar class identity for years
MartiniDaniels wrote: »Please don't forget "dizzy" classes, i.e. stamDK, stamsorc and stamcro
here's a question: When it comes to ESO, what is class identity to you?
Big dream, but I would like to see them scrap the weapon line morphs as they are now, and replace them with morphs that are specific for each class. So instead of Uppercut morphing into Dizzy Swing and Wrecking Blow, it morphs into 2 different weapon abilities that are unique to each class. This way they could use the base weapon abilities, and create more class diversity off of them by class/weapon morph combos. Same with weapon ultimates, they would be class specific.
Nightblade and Templar still did not get their "class identity" update but the latest Update 25 preview says virtually nothing about it instead saying devs are moving on to fixes, sets, proc balancing? It is still happening, right? Or will NB remain a generic class with invisibility for the next few years to come?
Big dream, but I would like to see them scrap the weapon line morphs as they are now, and replace them with morphs that are specific for each class. So instead of Uppercut morphing into Dizzy Swing and Wrecking Blow, it morphs into 2 different weapon abilities that are unique to each class. This way they could use the base weapon abilities, and create more class diversity off of them by class/weapon morph combos. Same with weapon ultimates, they would be class specific.
here's a question: When it comes to ESO, what is class identity to you?