WrathOfInnos wrote: »The 4884 Spell Penetration from Light Armor is better than the 15% Weapon Damage and the extra 0.5% crit from Medium Armor. That being said, your point about higher base damage from dual wield and two handed is true.
Bloodraven187 wrote: »WrathOfInnos wrote: »The 4884 Spell Penetration from Light Armor is better than the 15% Weapon Damage and the extra 0.5% crit from Medium Armor. That being said, your point about higher base damage from dual wield and two handed is true.
The spell pen is not better if other sources, which in trial groups is likely, you already hit the soft cap. Once the 10k NPC cap for bosses is reached, any further spell penetration is a full waste. And weakness to elements and cp can cover that by themselves. You don't need it from the armor. The only time that will make an advantage is in PvP where resists will go well over 10k. Also that 4884 equates to about 7% damage reduction at the most. and, as math tells us, 7%<15%. So I will fully disagree with you.
I also did a comparison between a stam dunmer and magica dunmer. The Mag is using false gods, julianos and the apprentice stone for more spell power. The stam is using vicious ophidian, hunding's rage and warrior stone for more weapon damage, both also using the same monster set for a legit comparison (slimecraw in this case),and they have the same racials with both being dunmer. I came up 1100 spell damage short on mag compared to stam.
Which translates to being at a 25% base dps potential deficit as mag compared to stam with the numbers being 2.8k to 3.9k. that is a HUGE difference. That measly difference in damage reduction is not going to make up for that. Especialy if you hit the cap without the armor passive included.
thadjarvis wrote: »What has 10k resistance? You mean overland or solo content? AFAIK every dungeon and trial boss has 18.2k, which means that even with every debuff in the game the Light Armor passive is needed, as well as some points in Spell Erosion CP.
Also there’s no way 1100 Weapon or Spell damage is going to result in 25% DPS loss. It’s closer to half that value since Max Mag and Stam are also part of the equation.
Fights that require stand and parse include, vSS bosses, vAA bosses, vmol some bosses, vhrc some bosses, vso some bosses.
So yes, alot of trial fights require you to parse without movement.
Most mag dps in not end game groups just spam shields and heavy attack with a lightning staff.
15% more weapon damage is not 15% more overall damage
Bloodraven187 wrote: »so just looking at some numbers and realizing why magicka dps is so low compared to stam. using equivalent gear you are losing 15% spell damage overall from not having the equivalent passive in light armor that medium armor gives you, 240 base weapon damage for using a staff vs a 2-hand axe, sword or mace, and unless you are a dunmer or altmer you get no racial spell damage boosts to compensate for any of that. so overall a breton mag sorc is losing roughly 1k spell damage compared to a stam sorc. that is a lot of lost damage potential
the only way you are going to make them competitive with each other is to give light armor the same 15% boost to spell damage medium armor has and up the destro staves base damage to be the same as that of a 2-hander. In my experience spell pen is not equivalent since there are so many player based sources being applied you end up going over the soft cap and those passives are thus wasted.
whatever you do DO NOT NERF STAM DPS! the end game pve groups are already struggling to get clears as it is with primarily stam dps groups since that is the only viable way to hit the dps requirements in MOST, not all, cases.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »The 4884 Spell Penetration from Light Armor is better than the 15% Weapon Damage and the extra 0.5% crit from Medium Armor. That being said, your point about higher base damage from dual wield and two handed is true.
I think the largest contributors to the stam-mag gap are gear and sustain. Stam has objectively better sets (Lokkestiiz, Relquen, Tzogvins, Advancing, Deadly) and if mag equivalents existed it would be much closer. Even for monster sets, Maarselok is universally good, while Zaan is still situational (requires melee, and does not work at all against dragons in Sunspire). For sustain, stam skills are universally cheaper so it requires far less investment in recovery. Mag is pretty much forced to use False Gods Devotion at this point to sustain a rotation, while nobody uses Vicious Ophidian for end game content.
Bloodraven187 wrote: »so just looking at some numbers and realizing why magicka dps is so low compared to stam. using equivalent gear you are losing 15% spell damage overall from not having the equivalent passive in light armor that medium armor gives you, 240 base weapon damage for using a staff vs a 2-hand axe, sword or mace, and unless you are a dunmer or altmer you get no racial spell damage boosts to compensate for any of that. so overall a breton mag sorc is losing roughly 1k spell damage compared to a stam sorc. that is a lot of lost damage potential
the only way you are going to make them competitive with each other is to give light armor the same 15% boost to spell damage medium armor has and up the destro staves base damage to be the same as that of a 2-hander. In my experience spell pen is not equivalent since there are so many player based sources being applied you end up going over the soft cap and those passives are thus wasted.
whatever you do DO NOT NERF STAM DPS! the end game pve groups are already struggling to get clears as it is with primarily stam dps groups since that is the only viable way to hit the dps requirements in MOST, not all, cases.
. @Bloodraven187 for the sake of argument,
KillsAllElves wrote: »WrathOfInnos wrote: »The 4884 Spell Penetration from Light Armor is better than the 15% Weapon Damage and the extra 0.5% crit from Medium Armor. That being said, your point about higher base damage from dual wield and two handed is true.
I think the largest contributors to the stam-mag gap are gear and sustain. Stam has objectively better sets (Lokkestiiz, Relquen, Tzogvins, Advancing, Deadly) and if mag equivalents existed it would be much closer. Even for monster sets, Maarselok is universally good, while Zaan is still situational (requires melee, and does not work at all against dragons in Sunspire). For sustain, stam skills are universally cheaper so it requires far less investment in recovery. Mag is pretty much forced to use False Gods Devotion at this point to sustain a rotation, while nobody uses Vicious Ophidian for end game content.
I rather have spell damage than the 4884 penetration which is marginal.
electromagnets wrote: »Is everyone forgetting about the 8% extra damage from the destruction staff passive?
WrathOfInnos wrote: »KillsAllElves wrote: »WrathOfInnos wrote: »The 4884 Spell Penetration from Light Armor is better than the 15% Weapon Damage and the extra 0.5% crit from Medium Armor. That being said, your point about higher base damage from dual wield and two handed is true.
I think the largest contributors to the stam-mag gap are gear and sustain. Stam has objectively better sets (Lokkestiiz, Relquen, Tzogvins, Advancing, Deadly) and if mag equivalents existed it would be much closer. Even for monster sets, Maarselok is universally good, while Zaan is still situational (requires melee, and does not work at all against dragons in Sunspire). For sustain, stam skills are universally cheaper so it requires far less investment in recovery. Mag is pretty much forced to use False Gods Devotion at this point to sustain a rotation, while nobody uses Vicious Ophidian for end game content.
I rather have spell damage than the 4884 penetration which is marginal.
How do you figure? 4884 Spell Pen works out to 10-11% DPS. The 15% Weapon damage isn’t even multiplicative, so it’s effectively around 10-11% increase to that one stat or around 6-7% DPS.
Also there’s no way to get the necessary 5850 Spell Pen from CP’s, Erosion caps out at 5280. Without this passive mag have to use Sharpened weapons (giving up much needed crit from Precise) or the Lover Stone (giving up 19% crit damage from Shadow).
Please don’t come into a thread about Magicka DPS buffs and accidentally argue to make Magicka DPS weaker.
KillsAllElves wrote: »
In pve trials/dungeons we already have enough penetration, i want crit and damage. This is why i dont have alot have CP in spell erosion. Did a DPS test, i have more spell crit and damage my numbers were higher..
Sanguinor2 wrote: »KillsAllElves wrote: »
In pve trials/dungeons we already have enough penetration, i want crit and damage. This is why i dont have alot have CP in spell erosion. Did a DPS test, i have more spell crit and damage my numbers were higher..
You got it backwards. You dont have a lot of cp in spell Erosion because of the light armor passive not because pen from cp is weak. Stam has 60+ Points in piercing btw unlike mag with numbers like 12 or 15.
KillsAllElves wrote: »
Im well aware of that. This is why i dont worry about spell pen asmuch as crit.
Btw stam hits harder because of medium armor passives.