After building a tanky PVP sorc and still getting reamed in Battlegrounds, research led me to this post:
The thing that caught my eye was this:
"Your location to the servers can affect your ping but most importantly your CPU affects matters more. It's being overwhelmed with data backlog to process and even though it has plenty of room to handle more processes, they are linked and dependent on each other to form a queue that can only be diminished by processing speed. Ergo, in a world with 2.0+ quad cores, it's the players running single core overlocked 5.2 chips that rule PVP as you may as well be standing still and barely attacking to them"
This might explain why I can't ever even survive with 2-3 players beating down on me, even though I'm at 30K+ resists, 40k health etc. I'm on a 4 year old laptop. Am I supposed to just give up on PVP because of this? For what it's worth, I can sometimes 1v1 in IC sewers, and I can gank for days, but in face 2 face tanky builds, I'm dead before I get to push my ulti Spell Wall.w