Hi guys. Over the last few days I have been working on decorating The Ebony Flask Inn Room.
As I often prefer to do with my homes, I try to stick primarily to the architectural theme of the home, and I also am not personally a fan of building structures. That's not to say I don't respect the amazing creations of others, but my vision has always been more about simple projects.
Anyway, I would like to show you a few pictures of the home I have created. I have to say, it may be one of my favourites so far.

I thoroughly look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Have a happy decade everyone.
In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!