SO, story time.
I was trying to defend Sejanus from EP on the PC NA kaalgrontiid campaign some days ago, I was trying my best to avoid damage and roll my way around the EP zerg on top of the keep like the [snip] AD stamblade that I am, my health was going down and things were getting desperate, and then it occurred me the greatest idea ever in those 3 seconds I was about to virtually die, why not use the UNDO ultimate? You know, THAT ONE ultimate from THAT ONE skill line that I slaved for 4 days to level up, you know, THAT ONE skill line that is only available if you OWN the Summerset DLC OR if you PAY A MONTHLY FEE to unlock the area with its quests. You know, THAT ONE ULTIMATE that is an unreliable mess and that its ONLY GOOD PURPOSE of existing is the passive minor protection (temporal guard). That one ultimate. So, I prayed to RNGesus and Saint Lagius the Fair for it to work, and LO and BEHOLD it worked, and oh it worked so well, I've never felt more bliss in the game than the moment i got UNDO to work in my favor during the split second it actually worked, I felt blessed and I felt good, I thought to myself "I CAN LIVE AND ESCAPE TO FIGHT AGAIN" but then disaster came. As I activated the ultimate an enemy sorcerer casted mages wrath on me and got me to execute range, as I was bending the law of physics to return to my previous position 4 seconds ago the strike of lighting numero dos came from the skies and struck me down WHILE I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ULTIMATE'S TELEPORT and killed me. I was shock (literally in the game), I was tricked by the game, backstabbed by the game, and quite Possibly, Bamboozled, I watched in disbelief as my Hail Mary failed SPECTACULARLY, and oh it was an spectacle to behold.
Getting killed that way was bad enough and all, but what happened next will shock you. As I was checking the kill resume I didn't help but to notice that something funky was going on; everyone around me was snared, I thought to myself "maybe there's an ally templar slowing them down" but there wasn't any allies alive on top of Sejanus, only reds, and every single one of them was moving at a snail's pace, Some were shaking, some were twitching, some tried to roll and couldn't, some tried to jump off from the keep, but they never made it to the ground, they just twitched and returned to the edge of the keep. "HUH, THATS FUNKY" i thought to myself "THE WAY I DIED AND THE WAY THEY ARE STUCK IN THAT WAY, IT WOULD BE REALLY FUNNY IF SOME TEMPORAL ANOMALY MUMBO JUMBO HAPPENED BECAUSE OF ME MESSING WITH TIME ITSELF AND DYING HAH" i hah hah... hah, no that was ridiculous... that's not even a game feature, but the seconds passed, and they were still snared. "FFS" I thought to myself after I contemplated the happening for a couple seconds more before I decided to test if that was reason, if I was the reason, so I decided to respawn on a nearby Forward Camp, and whatever happened it must have affected a larger area than I thought because the camp was still fine with only 2 ally AD players walking out of it, surrounded by a couple EP players, but the moment I re-spawned time took its course one again, everyone looked at each other for a couple seconds in confusion, trying to make sense of the situation, but it didn't took long before the red zerg finally dropped from the top of Sejanus and overwhelmed us for a final time.
I had my doubts of course "maybe my internet is just [snip]" I thought, before i contacted the sorcerer that had killed me in the beginning, and asked him if everyone on Sejanus was somehow slowed down or if it was my [snip] and craptop, but he confirmed to me that everyone was in fact affected until I re-spawned. I explained to him what happened and he was as confused as I was. UNDO stopped working for me for the rest of the night after that happened.
Fast forward to today to me chasing a different sorcerer streaking away from danger, i got close to him and was about to bop him with a mighty onslaught, but thanks to the lag my weapon was never switched and I casted UNDO once again this time by accident "oh wow now you work" i exclaimed as i had tried to make it work earlier in the day, but I don't know what dark magic I conjured instead but I kept spinning in place after the ultimate went off, I couldn't move and SOMEHOW and ally player got stuck WITH ME as if he was sucked by some weird vortex of lag, the sorcerer seemed to be affected as ell as he tried to hit us but nothing was happening so he ran away. After the lag "went away" I was finally free along with my ally and proceeded to chase after the sorcerer, but the lag just kept getting worse and worse until I couldn't cast anything and I was booted out of the game. I was done with the game and proceeded to put up a ticket about the bug before closing the game.
UNDO is even more broken than before, I tried to use it, got killed while using it and caused a god damn Dragonbreak.
[Edit for minor profanity]
Edited by ZOS_Bill on January 1, 2020 10:16PM